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- #21

Name: Celestia
Birthday: 17/11/2020
Gender: Female - Pansexual
Breed: Unicorn
Stage: Adult
Season: Spring
Mate: Obsidian Quartz - Agreement
Colourist: Ghastly Demise Code: 070c
Personality: Cheerful
Occupation: Herbal Medicine
Background: In a small village on slippery mountains a mother unicorn was giving birth to a young female foal, this mother had called her Celestia. When Celestia was born a waft of witches hazel filled the room, it was also told that when her scent first came about a patch of witches hazel magically grew outside the house. Celestia's parents had been working as herbal medicine professors at Runesigil when they first met, when they got married they decided to open up a practition to help on their home on slippery mountains. slippery mountains was a great place to find medicinal herbs such as crying gems, crying gems are rare and elusive and they come in various colours, the gems surprisingly leak water and they can be used to make potent potions.
what can i say about Celestia.....growing up she was clumsy hooved but her love for her parents and the work they did to make their village thrive and for her home on slippery mountains was greater than anything you could imagine., so when it was time for Celestia to go to Runesigil to pick her profession she obviously followed in her parents hooves and picked herbal medicine, she attended all science and herbal classes so she was ell versed in nedicine and followed her parents around their home practition.
Celestia always had her muzzle in a book whether it was science, plants or medicine trying to learn as much as she possibly could, you could even see her reading books about magical lore to try to find more information about the magic of herbs.
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