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- Hit Points (HP) - Every pet starts with 10HP and for every point they spend in HP they get an additional 5HP points.
- Strength (Str) - The measure of your pets brawn and endurance. Gives them a bonus to Strength based tasks.
- Dexterity (Dex) - This displays your pets agility and grace. Gives them a bonus to Dexterity based tasks.
- Intelligence (Int) - An indicator of your pets wit and quick-thinking. Gives them a bonus to Intellect based tasks.
- Luck (Luk) - Sometimes you just get lucky, some pets just seem to get lucky a lot more then others.
- You gain a 'lucky feature'- allows you to re-roll a die once per point you have in lucky, per event/RP.
Beyond that you have 2 points to pick whatever you like your pet to specialize in.
Stats are maxed out at 3 points, as displayed below: