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Tell Me A Story - Closed


Mule Account

Starts: July 21st
Ends: August 8th, 7pm CST

This Koshin is a fan of collecting: stars, bugs, friends, even stories. But they haven’t heard any new and fun stories lately!

Do you have any fun stories to share?​


Mule Account
  • Follow all shop and BS ToS.
  • No whining, guilt tripping, etc.
  • Anyone can enter (except Nym, Wish and Jelly).
  • Proxying is okay.
  • You may enter only ONE story.
  • You may edit your form up to the end date, but any edit must be in red font.
  • If you have any questions, ping ArtificialJellyfish in the Discord!
How to enter:
  • Tell this Koshin a story!
  • A story can be a fairytale, fun, silly, scary, even sad! It can be something that happened to you or a story you liked growing up! It can even be about a movie you like.
  • However, a story must be told in YOUR WORDS. Don’t just copy and paste something!
  • A story can be 2 sentences minimum up to 3 paragraphs. If it’s longer, that’s fine! Just have fun ^w^
  • This Koshin will decide which story they like best at the end and go home with the winner!
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Mule Account

[LEFT][size=14][b][color=#93E9BE]So, Here’s the Story…[/color][/b][/size]



So, Here’s the Story…

Entry: Stories, stories. That makes me think of a Korean fairy tale, The Story bag. I first heard this as an adult interested in fairy tales of other cultures.

Once upon a time there was a young boy, from a very rich family, who loved stories. Every new person he'd meet he'd get to tell him a story and he'd store it in a bag to keep and tied it tight so none could escape. He packed it with so many stories it looked ready to burst. That story-loving young boy eventually grew into a story-loving young man and slowly forgot about his bag of stories.

The day before the story-loving man's wedding a long time faithful servant of the family heard whispering from the long forgotten story bag hanging on the story-loving man's wall. The stories were plotting revenge against the story-loving man for not letting them be shared with the world and hoarding them. They listed all the ways they planned to kill the young man.

The old servant decided to join the marriage procession to protect his master from the stories' vengeance. Protecting him from all the obstacles the stories had mentioned including poisonous berries and tainted drinking water. Eventually they reached the bride's house and the wedding fortunately wasn't interrupted by the stories' schemes but one obstacle was left.

The old servant forced his way into the room his master while he and his new wife were preparing for their first night. They were obviously furious like WTH man, until the old servant flipped their mattress to reveal a mass of writhing snakes that the stories has transformed into in order to kill the story-loving man. The old servant defeated all the snakes then explained the situation to his master. These snakes were actually the stories he had collected as a child who had sworn vengeance against him for trapping them instead of letting them be free.

And that's why it is important to share stories with others. (because apparently stories get homicidal if you don't share them)


Grizzled Veteran
So, Here’s the Story…

Username: Reoakee

Entry: Mmmm… Lets see now. Once upon a time there was a star. It was a small star so far from the eyes of others that no one ever wished upon it. It tried to shine brighter but it couldn’t compete with its closer cousins. It tried to wiggle higher so it could be see over it’s cousins but exhausted itself and realized it had moved a bit but it was so tired it couldn’t hold itself in the sky. Faint and dim it fell to the world below.

Once it felt to the world below it was picked up by a child who took the star home and played with it. The star was so weak it knew it could never grant any wish on it and it seemed the child didn’t know it was a star to be wished on. Instead the child played with the star and the star lived with the child. The pair quickly became friends. Still the star wanted to grant a wish one day but over time realized it would never be able to rise to the sky as it couldn’t seem to muster the energy to return to the sky. The child had over time become an adult and saw the star on the edge of tears only to be overcome with small glittering tears. They poked the weeping star and asked what was wrong. The star told their dear friend they wished to grant a wish but had never been able to do so and lost its energy and fallen from the sky and would never be able to return as far as it could see. Their friend scooped up the star and held them close and lovingly tapped the star saying they had granted a wish. As a child they had been lonely and wanted a friend who would be there for them. The star seemed surprised as they had thought it had been the kindness of the child who brought them home and played with them never realizing the child had such a wish. The person confessed they had never made the wish aloud but only in their heart as they had been too shy to voice it. Still the person thanked the star for granting their wish long ago. Strangely the star felt lighter and realized with this new lightness they might be able to return to the skies.

Still they did not leave as their friend was here in this world below the stars. Perhaps they would watch over their friend’s family and make other friends. Then when they felt the desire they would return to the skies but they had much they wanted to experience in the world below the stars first.

Sometimes you can help grant another’s wish without realizing it and gain something you never knew you needed in the process.


Grizzled Veteran
So, Here’s the Story…
Username: kovak

Entry: tale as old as time. song as old as rhyme. beauty and the beast.


Grizzled Veteran
So, Here’s the Story…
Username: Rano713

Once upon a time, before starballs were common and koshin roamed far and wide, there was a Collector. They were an ancient being known to collect anything and everything that caught their attention, but they especially loved rare things. Starballs, the condensed wishes of koshin and new life all in one, were one of it's favorite things. Koshin had to be careful when they made their wishes lest The Collector steal their orbs away.

One day The Collector found a lone starball all on its own, no koshin in sight. Gleefully, it scooped the orb up to carry it back to its' collection when it suddenly popped. Wide purple eyes gazed up from their arms, cream fur glistening with a multitude of multicolored tails. Now instead of a unique starball to add, it was left with a mischievous kit.

Normally The Collector would have simply left the lone kit where they had found it, for it was not a fan of living creatures as part of its' collection, but just this once it was compelled. Thus they returned to their collection and proudly added the lone kit as a part of it.

Now if you know anything of baby koshin you'll know that they can get into anything and everything and so it was that the kit did. Knocking things over left and right, getting into precarious situations, it kept The Collector on its' toes but it found a great source of joy caring for the koshin.

One day, when the kit had grown into an adult, they stumbled upon all the rest of the starballs that The Collector had hidden away. Delighted with the colorful orbs, they had played and pushed until POOF, another one popped into a kit. Then another. Then another. By the time The Collector had cleaned everything else up and discovered the original kit's new toys it was too late. New kits of all sorts and all different colors were roaming about making just as much of a mess as the first had.

Its' collection had been ruined by a part of it. Angry by the betrayal it scattered all the kits across all the stars to be found, with the original being sent the farthest of all. And once everyone was gone and everything else was back to its pristine state once more it found that the joy it had once gotten from collecting starballs was gone. No more could it admire the colors and tassels, no more could it wonder at their contents. It was left longing for the days when it's lone kit had been around.

A long time passed before The Collector decided to make a choice. It found a starball that reminded it of the first and just as it had scattered its original collection of them, it sent the orb as far as it could to land where their first kit could watch over it. It watched the watcher and delighted in their delight.

With The Collector now scattering starballs instead of collecting them koshin pairs were no longer cautious about their wishes. Lone koshin longing for a new kit could sometimes receive one. Triads grew more common. Koshin started to fill the skies and make new and more interesting realms.

And The Collector went on collecting and scattering and watching and learning.


Grizzled Veteran
conGratulations Rano!
@Rano713 You get to take this bean home!

@Umbrefox @Reoakee @kovak
As for you three, you win some companions as a consolation prize! DM me on Discord with one of your pets that would like a friend, a color palette or just say CC!

You can choose from the Goldfish or the Jellyfish Companions!