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Kitsusagi Realms

The Breeds

Kitsusagi Staff

Grizzled Veteran
Mule Account
In the posts below, you will find information on each of the different Breeds of Kitsusagi. As more Breeds are discovered, they will be added to this thread.

How big ARE Kitsusagi, anyway?
When on all fours, most Kitsu range in height from 1.5ft up to 3ft at the shoulder. The average height tends to be around 1.9ft to 2.5ft. Some breeds tend to be taller or shorter than others, but exceptions can, of course, happen.

-measurements on chart based on standing with an erect neck-

Of Politics and Policies.
Since the separation of the worlds time has gone forward. To that end each of the races has filled the gap in power in their own ways. While there is no one good way to have a government each race has done the best when what they know. Below are the breeds and how they interact with one another.

Note Please note that the prominent figures are listed here to help give you an idea for world play. Your Kistu may not be attached to the families unless approved by Seimei as some family members will be given away in special events.

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Kitsusagi Staff

Grizzled Veteran
Mule Account

Earthborn Kitsusagi are the most common breed, typically having long upright ears, and short to mid-fluffy fur. They are clever and resourceful, having spread out into many different areas in the Realms. They are also the most adaptive Kitsu, able to live comfortably in just about any sort of environment. Earthborn run the complete gamut from good-natured to dark and evil, depending on personality and sometimes culture. Earthborn can be fascinated by the other breeds, or sometimes jealous and bigoted. It all depends on the individual Kitsu. Earthborn Kitsusagi do not have any special traits on their own, though some are born with Natural Abilities that can give them traits similar to the other breeds.​
Life Span: 100 years​
Diet: Omnivorous; favoring meat slightly​
Magic: no specific magic favored elementally​
Weakness: No specific weakness​

Culture: Very close knit and kind Earthborn kitsu have a curious and adventurous spirit. They are very willing to go on adventures and capable of going to a variety of places where other may struggle. Their values may vary greatly based on where they are born and raised.​
Government: Earthborn have adopted the small town politics roles with mayor who are elected who meet once a year to help solve problems and keep things nice and calm with the laws and news etc.. If a problem arises before then between two towns the two mayors will meet one another to try and work something out before the big yearly meeting. Each town likely has freedom to choose their mayor how they want. So some might be voted on and some might be inherited or even other ways which does not always make those towns a kind place while others feel almost like family.​
Prominent Figures: Some of the more prominent mayors in Athas are Trieline, Krane, Olivine, Blacklite, and Aveal.​
History: Earthborn live and travel in all walks of live. They can be looked down on or ignored at times because they don't have specialized powers but their tenacity and bravery should not be overlooked. They are strong willed and when the realms broke they quickly adapted to the situation and continued to live their lives to the fullest.​
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Kitsusagi Staff

Grizzled Veteran
Mule Account

Angelic Kitsusagi are characterized by their wings and the halo that floats above their heads at all times. All Angelic Kitsusagi have the ability to fly, and can 'hide' their halo from view at will. Angelics are usually good-hearted and will help any who ask them, though many are also very suspicious of Nightmares, due to the opposite nature of their breeds. These Kitsu are most at home in open spaces where they can easily see the sky, and fly away from danger if need-be.​
Life Span: 100-150 years​
Diet: Omnivorous; favoring fish and vegetables​
Magic: Favor light and healing magic​
Weakness: Darkness and Enclosed spaces​
Culture: Open loving and caring Angelics are often considered creatures of high faith. Perhaps a bit too much at times. They care deeply for family and friends willing to go to extraordinary lengths for those they love.​
Government: Much like the Earthborn kitsu there is a group who meet on a yearly bases from the small towns to discuss issues and solve problems. They have called themselves Lords or Ladies and are inherited families who take pride in helping serve and take of their community as they have for generations since the breaking of the realms. Some tend to be more aggressive while some tend to be more passive it all depends on the kitsu who has been born to that generation and how they view issues.​
Prominent Figures: the bloodlines who have been around for a long time, these are Brightwing, Skysong, Cloudwatch, Flightstream, Faelight​
History: Angelics are often seen as as opposed to nightmares due to their natures. When the gods disappeared and the realms broke the angelic never lost their faith and continue to pray to the gods hoping their prayers might be picked up and carried to the gods so they might once again return​

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Kitsusagi Staff

Grizzled Veteran
Mule Account

Nightmare Kitsusagi are typically found in darker areas, or underground, as most have some sensitivity to light. They typically have some type of horns, as well as scarf-like growths on their shoulders. Nightmares tend to be on the darker, more 'evil' side for the most part. They are suspicious of other breeds and much prefer to keep to their own kind, though they can get along fairly well with Earthborn. Most Nightmares outright hate Angelics, due to the opposite nature of their breeds.​
Life Span: 100-150 years​
Diet: Omnivorous; favoring meat.​
Magic: Favor Dark and life harming magics​
Weakness: Light and heights​
Culture: Independence and power are considered good things while weakness is cowardliness and relying to much on others. Nightmares have families but the closeness of a loving family can often be a foreign concepts. There can be trusted family if they are strong but the weak will be abandoned and left behind.​
Government: Hold true to the traditions of the past. They hold a King and Queen. Both are different jobs and can be held regardless of gender. The King leads the military and bolster strength and power of their troops. The queen is to manage defense as well as supply lines. Once every five years they hold contests to place the strongest Kitsu in the roles of King, Queen, as well as those of the top generals. None of the contests will take place in the same year. The contest of the king will be held then the next year the contest of the Queen and next year half the general spots ect.. so the race is never left at a disadvantage of a new court at one time with no experience should they be attacked.​
Prominent Figures: Families known for their skill and prowess keeping their rightful power. Shiverblight, Mavarice, Perishhope, Blightsong, and Westeril​
Families that have lost their power and seek to regain it, Daymare, Wraithpaw, Nei'ver, and Vicemind.​
History: With the breaking of realms and gods leaving the land the nightmares have fallen into some some chaos before clawing their way out. They will stand proud and strong and will get rid of any other breed that gets in their way. They have a long history of being hated and misunderstood by other breeds and even fighting among themselves for power. Earthborn seem fairly alright to them but Angelics should steer clear of nightmares​
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Kitsusagi Staff

Grizzled Veteran
Mule Account

Tundra Kitsusagi were discovered through their use of an ancient magical gate connecting their frost covered home to the Guardian Grove. Their thick coat is their stand-out feature. Protecting them from the elements and keeping them toasty warm. This also limits them from venturing too far into hot regions.​
Life Span: 100 years​
Diet: Omnivorous; favoring fatty rich foods​
Magic: Favor cold and ice magic high aptitude for magic of all kinds​
Weakness: hot places​
Culture: Reliant on their close knit families to survive the bitter cold the Tundras value family over others and tend to be wary of outsiders. They have gotten to be proficient with magic having to learn to cast and use magic in cold and dangerous weather making magic users well received in their communities. Power is nice but versatility and survival is far better​
Government: With life of cold so dangerous the Tundra have opted to have their leader be the one with the strongest of magics to protect the towns as well as make enchantments that help keep heat in homes help prevent food from spoiling ect... Contests of skills are held and the winners hold the position of Town Speaker and the most skilled of them in 5 town radius becomes Great Mage who leads the towns speakers in a territories. The most Skilled of the Great mages becomes the Arch Mage of all Tundra.​
Prominent Figures: Some families are just known for their magical prowess and skill often and in up government a few of them are Aurasight, Chillbane, Snowwalkers, Frozenhearts and Flurry​
History: The breaking of the realms left the Tundra alone for a long time. they focused on survival and tend to be wary of strangers but once accepted into the community are welcome with open paws.​
Reference Sheets
Animal Variants (see Earthborn)​
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Kitsusagi Staff

Grizzled Veteran
Mule Account

Fauna Kitsusagi were discovered on the other side of a portal to Torreland their ears are long and soft. Their hearing is very acute and their nature tends to be very docile and kind. There have been cases where kits may be known to trip over their own ears when learning to walk or run. Fauna of Torrland have close ties to Kirin.​
Life Span: 100 years​
Diet: Omnivorous, favoring vegetables​
Magic: Favor earth magic​
Weakness: Water and overly cold environments​
Culture: Kind and open the fauna often have large families to help on their farms. they might seem a little air headed at times but the fauna are hard workers and very tenacious once their mind is set on something. They have lived so long with the Kirin and no others they admire the Kirin and are highly curious about other cultures of kitsu​
Government: The council of Kirin an the mayors of the Fauna are so intertwined the two systems must be looked at together. The council of the Kirin is often 70% Kirin and 30% Fauna. Both groups put forth representatives to form the council. representatives on the side of the Fauna are put forth by the elected mayors of the towns to join in and bring the 'small' town matters to the rest of the Kirin council. Often times other Kirin are sent as they are so well respected in their communities. In the the event of a tie there are those of old noble Kirin linage dating back to the purging of the tainted ones who may be consulted to break the tie.​
Prominent Figures: Of the Noble Kirin not of the council there is House Reflection, House Stillwater, and House Broken Horn.​
Of the council you will often find a member of House Tempest and Brighthope though who it is in the families will change out often.​
Some notable fauna families are Oakcrest, HIlldale, Longstride, Hillhop, Underhill and Goldengrain.​
History: When the realms broke the fauna with their trusting nature were attacked by tainted ones who were in their realm the Kirin came to their rescue and drove the tainted ones away. They don't remember what the tainted ones look like but according to the Kirin they seem to have been nightmares.​
Reference Sheets
Animal Variants (see Earthborn)​
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Kitsusagi Staff

Grizzled Veteran
Mule Account
Kirin Kitsusagi were met along with the Fauna of Torreland. They are easily identifiable by their single horn in their head. There are a number who have slender tails while some have fluffy ones. Many Kirin have scales across their backs which helps to deflect some attacks but may be pried off if pulled the wrong way causing pain to the Kirin​
Life Span: 100-150 years​
Diet: Omnivorous; favoring fish and vegetables​
Magic: Favor water and healing magics​
Weakness: Dirtied and polluted areas​
Culture: Duty is honor and it must be done. Kirin can seem cool and distant as the lake at their mountain home. They love deeply and wholly but tend to be leery of strangers to their realm. They can be a bit patronizing at times even to the fauna they protect but they strive to be good examples of honor and dignity.​
Government: The council of Kirin an the mayors of the Fauna are so intertwined the two systems must be looked at together. The council of the Kirin is often 70% Kirin and 30% Fauna. Both groups put forth representatives to form the council. representatives on the side of the Fauna are put forth by the elected mayors of the towns to join in and bring the 'small' town matters to the rest of the Kirin council. Often times other Kirin are sent as they are so well respected in their communities. In the the event of a tie there are those of old noble Kirin linage dating back to the purging of the tainted ones who may be consulted to break the tie.​
Prominent Figures: Of the Noble Kirin not of the council there is House Reflection, House Stillwater, and House Broken Horn.​
Of the council you will often find a member of House Tempest and Brighthope though who it is in the families will change out often.​
History: When the realms broke the fauna with their trusting nature were attacked by tainted ones who were nightmares seeking to make the now cut off realm their own. The kirin did not pray for the gods instead took their horns and pointed them at the enemy and protected the land as was their duty. They continued to do so even in times of peace and were shocked when the realm became connected once more. Kirin are leery toward nightmares and protective of Fauna​

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Kitsusagi Staff

Grizzled Veteran
Mule Account

Tenku Kitsusagi are often hailed to be close to the gods. Tenku are considered to be wise and sage-like by many other breeds. They tend to live apart from other breeds preferring to feel the freedom of the skies to the solidity of the earth. They do find themselves to be close to angelics and kirin admiring their sense of faith and duty if they find it a bit stiffing at times. Seeing Tenku live in an area is considered good luck as it is said the gods will watch the land closely where Tenku reside. This might not always bee a good thing if it happens to be a destructive god but most others tend to forget that and only think of the good gods.​

Life Span: 150 years​
Diet: Omnivorous; heavily favoring fish and fruit​
Magic: Prefer Elemental magic and light magics​
Weakness: quick to anger as well as to forgive so can be unpredictable​
Culture: Coming and going as they please they tend to live apart from other races as their nature being unpredictable so to prevent issues they stay distant from others. This has lead to them being viewed as sage or even somewhat hermit like based on their normal mood. They are closest to angelic and kirin breeds and dislike nightmare and trick.​
Government: Being mostly nomadic and solitary based on their whims it is hard to place a specific government for the Tenku. When a Tenku comes into another domain they tend to ask to share a meal with one another and should the meal go well the traveling Tenku will stay in the lands for a while. Should the meal go coldly or feel wrong to them they will leave. They treat other Tenku as family and will often be willing to stop and talk to other breeds but don’t always confer with the ‘owner’ of the land to be in charge instead favoring who ever they like to speak with.​
Prominent Figures: Some of the more prominent traveling families. Cloudtouched. Stormrider, Astley. Atlaswalker.​
History: Before the realms broke the Tenku had a feeling of a ‘wrongness’ coming. This feeling they took seriously as they knew not all good things would last and so they pulled themselves apart from the world where they could going into seclusion and hiding. The breaking was far worse then they thought and those who remained assumed they would experience the fading and turn to nothingness without the gods. For a time they accepted this fate. But with the realms reconnecting once more they have felt a budding of old familiar magic’s and ‘rightness’ with the world and thus they have chosen to return.​
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Kitsusagi Staff

Grizzled Veteran
Mule Account

This infernal species is known for it’s sharp wit and beguiling grace. Pity they are so hard to find as they often shapeshift to hide themselves. They are often seen at the center of gathering though seem to prefer not to be the spot light themselves instead letting their ‘close’ friends run the show while they support from the shadows in ways they prefer. Their dexterous paws allow them to build excellent traps which is an area they excel in. It is hardly surprising they have been know to have dark and twisted senses of humors for who these traps might be intended for. They also make a habit of trying to talk other Kitsu into favoring their tactics and desires. Often pointing out how a nightmare might gain power from their advice or how duty may be better achieved through ‘different’ tactics to Kirin.​
Life Span: 150 years​
Diet: Omnivorous; heavily favoring red meat and fruit​
Magic: Prefer Elemental magic and dark magics​
Weakness: situations they can not manipulate tend to make them irrationally violent.​
Culture: Sly and with a dark humor any from the Trick breed will say that another is in charge should things go wrong and if it is someone they have peeped for the position that pawn will truly believe they are in charge. The species works with half spoken truths and amusing promises. If you can promise them something amusing enough they might even help just to see what will happen. Meeting between individuals who manage their own territories is common enough and each area is lead by a family who has a leader that is often at the side of the ‘land’ owner in an area whispering whatever the will of the trick family desires to make the family’s aspirations come true. They are slow to trust outsiders using their shapeshifting powers to keep themselves hidden form sight often giving them difficult tasks before accepting them as members of their family and revealing their true natures​
Government: Much like an underground crime syndicate it can be hard to tell who is in charge. Families who ‘manage’ certain areas will speak with one another and allow meetings with outsiders but to get close to those in power often involves completely impossible tasks before becoming family yourself in order to move up in their world.​
Prominent Figures: Some of the more prominent families that have been whispered about Veilwords, Shiverwhisper, Slykiss, trapliege.​
History: Before the realms broke the Trick, much like the Tenku, had an inkling something was wrong to consolidate themselves they began to horde items of magic to find a way to syphon the magic and prevent themselves from fading due to this they have a great understanding of mechanics and traps they have made to defend themselves. Seeing how time has passed and they have not faded they now seek to reach out carve out a place in the newly rejoined realms once more.​
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Kitsusagi Staff

Grizzled Veteran
Mule Account

Imperial Kitsusagi are known for their power and tenacity and wisdom; like Kirin and Angelics they are celestial though it matters not to them what they are called. They have come back to the land and will be staying as it is their land and they will not part with it again. They find themselves often at odds with any infernal breed of kitsusagi as they have a power that often rivals them though favoring light over shadow. Favoring elemental magics of air and lightning they can be found in a number of different locations in the world that have a deep saturated magic to them. For all of their wisdom they horde their treasures and will fight anyone who tries to take them away.​
Life Span: 150-200 years​
Diet: Omnivorous; favoring foods elevated to an art​
Magic: Favor Elemental magics Air and Lightning​
Weakness: No specific weakness​
Culture: They are strong and value strong companions. They travel where they feel they must as they know their duty is not to one area to all the realms. Interestingly enough the stories about imperials hording treasure is true. They do like to horde shiny things claiming that it helps them when meditating by looking into a reflective surface. Though other races might say they are just greedy.​
Government: They hold a government much as you would think of with their regal nature. They have a king who listens to his council and helps to rule their lands. They welcome outsiders but will keep a close eye on them. They are somewhat greedy in that they horde things they find value in and have as such created a number of smaller guilds that elevate different things into a fine art. Food, dancing, treasure, jewelry. No imperial wants to be outdone or outshone. They will come together to face a common enemy and to listen to the one they have made king but many of them are very stubborn.​
Prominent Figures: King Firelight​
Some of the more prominent Counselors Goldscale, Wisewhisker, Litheshadow, Stormdancer, Torentcall and Glaczier​
History: The realms breaking was certainly an issue but the Imperials knew they would be fine. They had their kingdom and more then that they had the arts. They decided that even if they were to fade they would leave their mark in the works they left behind. Something that was theirs and no one else. When the fade did not come the focus on the arts helped them deal with the world and maintain their sense of self and community.​
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Kitsusagi Staff

Grizzled Veteran
Mule Account

Mer Kitsusagi live in a Realm mostly dominated by water. Though they may, at one point, have been similar to Normal Kitsu, the breed has since changed and adapted to fit their world. They typically have no fur at all, instead having warm, slick skin with some small scaling in areas; and various fins to help them move through the water.​
There are two forms of Mer Kitsu - aquatics, and semi-aquatics. It's very easy to tell the difference, as the fully aquatics have only the two front legs, with a large tail replacing the back legs. Semi-aquatic Kitsu still have a tail to help them swim but it is not quite as large as the fully aquatic’s. There are many different adaptations that Mer have taken on, depending on specific locations within their Realm.​
Mer Kitsu of both forms must take care to keep their skin wet. The Semi-aquatics can allow their skin to completely dry out for a short time, but going too long without getting wet again can cause painful dryness and other issues.​
Life Span: 100-150 years​
Diet: Omnivorous; heavily favoring fish, fruit, and various underwater plants (though some breed adaptations lean much more toward carnivorous, or vegetarian diets)​
Magic: Prefer Water, Wind, or Nature Magic​
Weakness: Very dry, hot areas; being away from water for too long​

Culture: Mer tend to gather in groups based around location and breed adaptations. Each group will have their own Territory, some fully underwater, some including islands, or air-domes. Each Territory is highly loyal to itself, and it is rare for a Mer to move from one Territory into another. Mostly, the Territories are self-sufficient and do not interact, except for trading some rare types of items, or food-stuffs. Because of this, Traders are highly respected and there are various penalties for attacking them - as they are really the only Mer that travel between Territories on a regular basis.​
Government: As each Territory is self-sufficient, each one also tends to have its own version of government. For example, the more aggressive, carnivorous adapted Mer have a system very close to that of the Nightmares, with one pair of Kitsu ruling the Territory (though gender does not matter here), and other government figures being chosen around strength and trials by combat. Other Territories choose leaders based on beauty, popular vote, or have hereditary leadership - it all depends upon location and the traditions of that specific Territory.​
Prominent Figures:​
Families that are known for their elegance and beauty: Gisltensea, Stormtide, Depthlight, Lumineseastone, Seaglass​
Figures and families known for their wise and witty minds: Rippletide, Wiseocean, Riverrush, Shoelsoul, Fozendepths. Voidwave, Undertow​
History: Due to the nature of their Realm, the Mer were a bit less involved in the War than many other breeds. Mostly, the semi-aquatics were the ones that participated, with the aquatic Mer closing themselves off and hiding under the waves. Most Mer at this point blame the other breeds almost entirely for the War, though there were Mer who supported one side or the other very strongly back then. The breaking of the Realms also didn’t affect the Mer as much, though it did make them wary of forming close bonds with other breeds. Though it isn’t known for certain, it is suspected that this was the time period when the Territories formed, and most of the contact between various locations in the Realm was cut off.​
Reference Sheets
Mer Options​