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Time Skip Mini Meta 2


Grizzled Veteran
Welcome to the second shop time skip! It is currently Year 7, Summer. This time skip will move the shop ahead one year!
How it works:
  • Reply to the prompts in order, starting with Year 7 Summer.
  • Please make a new post for each prompt reply.
  • You may enter as many characters as you'd like.
  • Depending on character actions, characters might receive reaction prompts and may be asked to make dice rolls.
  • For each character response made the player gets their name added to the list.
  • Players must reply with at least one full sentence in character to be counted as a character response. No simple one to two word responses.
  • At the end of the month a winner will be rolled from the list.
  • All characters who reply to all four prompts will receive a combat dot!
  • Year 7 - Summer
Recently, Dalvis have been showing up in both HollowOak and FallingFeather asking for help. It seems their treetop village across the Great River is under attack by ferocious beasts that roam the jungle floor. Many meetings have been called to figure out what to do - to send aid or not, and if so, what kind of aid to send. How does your character feel about all this?
  • Year 7 - Fall
While the Guild Heads, Wise Elder, Second in Command, and Village Head bicker back and forth about sending aid, some villagers have taken it upon themselves to start training for the eventual battle against the beasts of the Night Jungle. Does your character start training or do they wait for a decision to be made first?
  • Year 7 - Winter
When a few villagers were out in the woods training, they stumbled across (or fell into rather) a hole that led to a buried ruin! Inside the found several old books that had been locked away. Though the books were in terrible condition and falling apart, the Scholars Guild was able to translate some of the writings! There was a ground alter somewhere in the mountains north of HollowOak and Featherfall, where something called the Tirlia dwelled. What does your character think about this new information?
  • Year 8 - Spring
Although many wanted to help the Dalvis, many felt they weren't ready and proposed finding the ground magic before any battle against beasts happened. Since those in charge still couldn't agree, they put it to a vote. Do you vote to find the ground alter or help the Dalvis? (edited)

NatiStorm07/02/2024 7:01 AM
@Meta Open for posting! This mini meta will close July 31st!

Chaos07/02/2024 7:13 AM
plops this down starting prompt 7, summer ~ Kolju listened to the elder when it was brought to attention that the recent appearance of Dalvis seemed to be connected to a problem. Seems his new friend, Alder, her race needed some help back in their homelands. The alvia was willing to offer whatever kind of help he could. While the beasts might not be an issue for someone a bit more powerful than himself however he sure as hell wasn't going to sit back and do nothing. Wrapping his hand around the base of his staff Kolju was ready to go now if asked. (edited)

NatiStorm07/02/2024 7:38 AM
Year 7 - Summer Amali liked Alder well enough, the woman had proven herself on the expedition to find fire magic, but saving the Dalvis homeland from mad tree wrecking jungle beasts sounded absolutely terrifying. Though she wanted to send aid, there was no way she was going to cross a continent to fight some wild beasts. Nope, not her. She'd be banished before she put herself willingly in that sort of danger.
Year 7 - Fall Were they serious? Training? To fight crazy jungle beasts in a foreign land? Amali thought the other villagers had lost their minds to go about training for such an event. Could they really get strong enough to take on the beasts? Would spears, arrows, and swords be enough to fight them? If some of the villagers were determined to take on this threat, Amali decided that she would aid in their training as a sparing partner, using her magic to defend herself. She wasn't training herself for going after the beasts, no, but training to protect the village never hurt, right?
Year 7 - Winter A new alter meant new magic. Ground magic? What did that even entail? Whatever it was, Amali was sure that the village needed it; Especially if some of the village was thinking about sending aid to the Dalvis homeland. It sounded like the alter was a pretty far trek into the northern mountains but Amali was beyond excited to go find it. Good thing she had been training the last month or so, it should help her stamina on the next expedition that she was so sure would happen.
Year 8 - Spring Were they really even arguing about this? Obviously the village needed more magic before sending aid to the Dalvis. Sure, many villagers have been training for months to take on the beasts but they had no idea what they might be dealing with! It would be best to have more magic before heading south, Amali was sure of it. She cast her vote in favor of finding the magic first, for the safety of her village and not just because she wanted an adventure that didn't involve nasty wild beasts.

Chaos07/02/2024 7:56 AM
Kolju - year 7 fall While waiting for someone to give some sort of direction on what outcome 'they' wanted to do, the alvia Kolju decided to be brazen and took his own path. He didn't have strength but his magic was fairly decent, at least he thought so, and he did have a knak for ice, so maybe freezing the beasts could be an option he pondered. For now though he would train his magic to be stronger maybe he could go back to the range and practice more with those targets again, but that would mean returning to fallingfeather unless there could be a range set up here maybe he would go ask someone.
Chaos07/02/2024 8:06 AM
Kolju - year 7 winter Oh how happy was Kolju to find this news. He had actually been the one who fell in first, talk about not looking before you leap, but he was a relic hunter and ruin delver, this was his life. "New earth magic?" He mused as he helped translate the books. This was interesting. New magic could be helpful with the looming threat to the Dalvis, but it also could be a bad thing. Earth magic could damage the natural balance of the dalvis forest home if used as a way to stop the beasts, which then could possibly cause more problems than just beasts attacking. Shaking his head he wanted to help now, not after finding new magic. (edited)
Chaos07/02/2024 8:14 AM
Kolju - year 8 spring Kolju wasn't normally, unless it dealt with an important issue, out spoken nor did he try to make an argument, however this was one of those times. "I say we help our fellow races out first. The Magic isn't going anywhere but they could lose their homeland and maybe even their lives." He made his vote, he was going to fight, even if his own life was put in danger he was bound and determined to help.

NatiStorm07/02/2024 8:25 AM
@Chaos Kolju has completed all four prompts and earns a combat dot! Post where to place the dot in ⁠Prize Claiming

Luna07/02/2024 9:14 AM
Year 7 - Summer: Tailisen was starting to feel like this was becoming somewhat of a norm. Something happens, they go help, good stuff, peace for a bit, then others needing help. As much as he may grumble, Tailisen really does have a large heart and he finds he cant simply just sit around and not at least help pack provisions and supplies for all those who would dare to make that trip. And if a spot should open... well then he'd just fill that spot to go instead.
Year 7 - Fall: Oooh yea baby! Tailisen was so up for a fight! He was ready! Bring it on! ... or at least he thought he was. But as he entered into training, he soon found it took a lot more than gusto. His body ached, but he kept up with it, also training his new found alvia water magic. He needed someone other than Osha to practice on after all. She was just no fun and unfair! (edited)
Year 7 - Winter: Okay, so this was going about as he thought something like this would go. In a buried ruin filled with books and no telling what else that had been sealed off for centuries. Some nerd somewhere was going to have a blast with all this. Tailisen himself, wasn't sure what it all meant yet. He had come to help the Dalvis but now there seemed to be somethings or someones called Tirlia mentioned. Hopefully...they were a friendly sort?
Luna07/02/2024 9:22 AM
Year 8 - Spring: Snake people. Tailisen wanted to find more snake people. Alder seemed real cool and he had a ton of questions already burning in his mind. THe more that showed up, the more he just wanted to find out! "Magic can wait! These lovely scaled people? Maybe not so much." he put forth his vote, standing firm on that choice and not wavering.

Valkyrie07/02/2024 1:29 PM
Summer year 7-Satine Satine had just finished getting her new dog trained up how she needed. And was itching to get going on patrols and hunts. She heard about the call for help from the Dalvis to deal with the monsters and beasts in the forest and she wa all for helping. She wanted to experience some good action and find new things to track and hunt. She was all for it and if it helped promote a positive relationship with the Dalvis it seemed all for the better. She could only hope that the others would agree. She did also secretly hope to see the forest from the tree tops cause it sounded beautiful.

NatiStorm07/02/2024 1:42 PM
@Luna Tailisen has completed all four prompts and ears a combat dot! Post where to place the dot in ⁠Prize Claiming
@ me, Amali completed the post and ears a dot, I'll post in a second, not gonna ping myself xD

Faecadia07/02/2024 5:18 PM
Year 7 - Summer Tesni didn't know much about the Dalvis, they hadn't met one yet, but Tesni did believe in helping those in need. Did they know what these ferocious besties were? How many had been hurt in these attacks? Was there anything venomous? Poisonous? How great was the damage to their treetop village? Tesni glanced around their room at all of the herbs they had collected, at their work bench with its stuffed pouches and stoppered vials. Their mortar and pestle. Tesni might not be a doctor by any means, but Tesni knew much about the flora and fauna they foraged. The medical staff must be overwhelmed in the Dalvis village. If they were going to send aid to the Dalvis, Tesni would make sure to offer whatever herbs and poultices they could spare.
Faecadia07/02/2024 5:41 PM
Year 7 - Fall Tesni would not wait for a decision to be made, they would train as often as they could spare. They knew how to use a bow, they often took one as a precaution when foraging out in the woods. It was better to be safe than sorry after all and it certainly wouldn't hurt to learn a thing or two from someone more skilled. Tesni didn't know much about combat and knew it would be hard. Tesni would give their very best to help and knew that there were others who would not wait either. So Tesni threw themselves into training. Bring on the failure of learning, they had plently of home remedies to ease their sore body, and everyone else's. When Tesni wasn't training with the others, they would be out foraging and grinding out homemade poultices and salves; remedies for the other villagers also training. Tesni wanted to protect the life they lead, to help protect those less able.
Faecadia07/02/2024 5:54 PM
Year 7 - Winter A ground alter in a burned ruin? What was the Tirlia? The idea of ground magic was incredibly intriguing to Tesni, as someone who forages the wealth of nature's bounty. What kind of things could it do? Could it help aid them in protecting the villages? Could... it help the crops and plant life grow? Tesni thought about the old books found in the ruin and wondered if there might be any about the flora and fauna of the time the books were written. If she asked the scholars, would they allow her to peak over their shoulders to see illustrations if there were any?
Faecadia07/02/2024 6:05 PM
Year 8 - Spring Tesni was uncertain of which way to vote. On the one hand, finding the ground magic was important. It could be a total game changer in a battle against the beasts of the Night Jungle. It could be life changing, even help heal the damage done to the treetop village. Then again, there was never a guarantee that they would find it. If they did find it, what would the cost be? How many lives would be lost, both on the search for the ground magic and in the villages? Less people in the villages meant less protection for those who could not fight for themselves... but then... what if they find it swiftly? How many lives could be saved? What a terribly hard decision to make. Tesni would give in to their curiosity though. Perhaps they could join the expedition to find the ground magic.

Valkyrie07/02/2024 6:53 PM
Year 7 Fall- Satine Satine was tired of waiting, people needed help and she had plenty of ability to help. She was not going to wait on politics. She was going to get things set up and would happily take any help that others who did not want to wait could offer. She trained and worked with her dog, she walked the town and tried to get her to learn new scents and she worked new techniques and routines with her and with the others who wished to go as soon as they could, hopefully regardless of the descision of the town. She did not want to wait if innocent people needed help. She would help them, and building a good relationship with this new group would be bennificial for everyone. (edited)

Swamp Siren07/02/2024 8:39 PM
Alder Year 7 Summer When her people came for help Alder rushed to them immediately. After seeing that they were safe and taken care of, Alder started to see what she could do to help her old home. There was no plans to leave but she wanted to make sure those she left behind could continue living in their homeland. She would try her best to make it be known her people could be alies like the alvia were to HollowOak
Alder Year 7 Fall While others began to train, Alder helped set things up so they would know what they would be up against. She explained how they navigated across the tree tops, how the forest was dark, and described the different types of animals in the area. Keeping her new family safe was top of her priorities and would ensure they were prepared.
Alder year 7 winter The idea of magic excited Alder but it would be there and was not time sensitive. With her people in danger the Dalvis was wholey and entirely focused on returning to StarGLow to ensure everyone was ok and help find why the animals had changed
Swamp Siren07/02/2024 8:50 PM
Alder Year 8 spring Alder does not agree with waiting. They had water and fire. The flames could definitely be helpful. The longer they wait the more likely the Dalvis of her home were in danger. The stress kept her up pacing the floors at night.

NatiStorm07/02/2024 9:00 PM
@Faecadia Tensi has completed all four prompts and earns a Combat dot! Post where to place the dot in ⁠Prize Claiming
@Swamp Siren Alder has completed all four prompts and earns a Combat dot! Post where to place the dot in ⁠Prize Claiming

Luna07/02/2024 11:47 PM
Toby: Year 7, Summer. Toby hadn't been one for going on bigger adventures. So far he had offered help and aid where he could but mostly stayed home and tended to his goat flock (which was growing well he might add!). But he couldn't deny good people help they needed. He couldn't yet say if he was going to go physically...but well... his offer of help was there.
Luna07/03/2024 9:28 AM
Toby: Year 7, Fall Toby was true to his word. He had offered help and aid and helped set up packs and various items but when it came down to acutall fighting... well. That was probably where he started drawing the line. He did not sign up for training and instead, insisted upon waiting on a decision to be made. While some argued the training would be good for him regardless, he argued back that farm duties wouldn't get done on time if he stopped now.
Toby: Year 7, Winter. New magic! Maybe that's exactly what they need to help the Dalvis? He didn't know, he was but a simple homia. He didn't have magic or was altered like the ones who helped Osha or her sister. He was just a goat farmer, making milk and cheese for HollowOak and other villages via trade. But earth magic.... man that did sound good. Could it be used to help till the farms? Would he be able to use it to help his goats? His mind swirrled. If only he understood that stuff and could read the new found artifacts!
Toby: Year 7, Spring. Toby new the Dalvis were in danger but he was still uncertain. What if this new earth magic could really help pull the tide in battle? Maybe it was something these nightmare beasts couldn't stand up against? He really didn't know and he felt like neither did everyone else, though he understood emotions were high. Some Dalvis were already here among them and were wered for their families. Seeing their faces made Toby's heart dropped... but he just couldn't stop thinking that maybe new magic would really be an aid to everyone.

NatiStorm07/03/2024 4:31 PM
@Luna Toby has completed all four prompts and earns a Combat dot! Post where to place the dot in ⁠Prize Claiming

Luna07/07/2024 7:32 PM
Elvia: Year 7 - Summer Eliva hadn't had many interactions with the Dalvis herself, at least not personally. But she wasn't exactly blind to the fact that of the ones that had come over thus far, they had been kind enough to others, even making close relationships with some other homia. So in her mind, that was enough that she'd sign up and lend her aid to help them should the time call for it. (edited)
Elvia, Year 7 - Fall: Elvia wasted no time in signing up for training. If she didn't end up helping the Dalvis, she'd at least have training under her belt for other circumstances. Never could be too prepared, or at least that's what she liked to tell herself. She got together with Aulric and the pair of htem began working on their weaknesses while also honing their strengths.
Elvia, Year 7 - Winter: While Elvia hadn't been the one to fall into the hole, she had come to help those who had and learned of the magic inside. She, along with Aulric, took fascination to it, wondering how all that might be useful. As someone who loved the land and living off it, earth magic just seemed intriguing. She was hopeful to learn more.
Elvia Year 7 - Spring: As much as earth magic called to her, Elvia felt like the Dalvis needed attention first. While she was certian earth magic wasn't going anywhere, there was a big chance the Dalvis could. She wouldn't want anyone feeling leike their family and people were close to dying out, so she stuck her vote on sticking to helping them and stopping whatever was attacking.

DBPyrat07/08/2024 6:56 PM
Year 7-Summer While it was surprising at first to see more Dalvis in town, Gunnar was ready to welcome them, as Alder had proven to be a stalwart ally. As word spread of the attacks on their village, Gunnar supported sending aid to help shore up their defenses and even fight if necessary.
DBPyrat07/08/2024 7:04 PM
Yesr 7-Fall While he never doubted the bravery of his neighbors, after the events of the last expedition Gunnar worried a bit about their combat readiness. In preparation for the possibility of battles to come he makes some time to exercise with members of the hunters guild to make sure he could carry his weight should it come to a fight.
DBPyrat07/08/2024 7:13 PM
Year 7-Winter Home. The first thought that came to Gunnar's mind when the northern mountains were mentioned. He was too young to have any true memories of IceMist village, but the thought of returning to his homeland quickened his heart. Add to that the promise of another temple of magic, ground magic if the scholars were to be believed, thrilled him more. The fire magic he had obtained had aided his metalwork greatly, what could be accomplished by directly manipulating the earth?
Year 8-Spring While the needs of the Dalvis were not to be taken lightly there was no doubt in Gunnar's mind. The chance to return to the land his ancestors called home, his mountains, and the magic they contained was too much for him to resist. Gunnar votes to travel North

NatiStorm07/08/2024 7:23 PM
@Luna Elvia has completed all four prompts and earns a Combat dot! Post where to place the dot in ⁠Prize Claiming
@DBPyrat Gunnar has completed all four prompts and earns a Combat dot! Post where to place the dot in ⁠Prize Claiming

Revel07/09/2024 3:41 PM
Year 7 - Summer - Osha Osha had been happy to see more Dalvis coming to the fillage, however, she was less than pleased about the reasons. She wanted to help the Dalvis, she knew what it was like to not feel like you belonged anywhere, Hollow Oak was her home but she was also displaced, she came from somewhere, unable to return due to memory loss. She felt for the Dalvis and made it known that it would be an idea to sent scounts perhaps, to judge the level of danger.
Year 7 - Fall - Osha Osha wasn't about to slack off now, she trained herself, trying to master her newer fire magic, to balance it alongside her natural water magic. Even if she wasn't needed to fight the beasts, perhaps the next adventure to find other Elamels would require more fighting, in which case, she needed to be sharp.
Year 7 - Winter - Osha Osha was very excited about books, while they weren't too much use to her (most people wouldn't lend her any because she got them wet) She loved to read, or be read to and the translations on the crumbling relics were exciting, another Altar!! Another Elamel, she tried to pester the scholars for more information but got nothing more than anyone else got.
Revel07/09/2024 3:49 PM
Year 8 - Spring - Osha Osha was torn, she wanted to help the Dalvis, but to her, it was more important to find the Altar, restore the Elamels and bring hope and peace to the world ... she was charged with finding them after all... She hadn't talked much to her sister about it since freeing the fire elamel either, but she hoped she'd agree, the Altar was more important.

NatiStorm07/16/2024 5:01 PM
@Revel Osha has completed all four prompts and earns a Combat dot! Post where to place the dot in ⁠Prize Claiming
NatiStorm08/03/2024 7:17 PM
@Meta @everyone This Mini Meta RP Event will close tomorrow at 8pm EST! Get those last minute posts in to earn a combat dot for your characters and have your name entered into the familiar raffle!
NatiStorm08/05/2024 1:49 AM
This is now closed! (edited)
AvraeAPP08/09/2024 9:25 AM
@NatiStorm First pick: 1d38 (14) Total: 14
NatiStorm08/09/2024 9:27 AM
First pick goes to Fae. New List: Chaos 02.-05. Nati 06.-08. Chaos 09.-12. Luna 13.-14. Kisa 15.-18. Siren 19.-26. Luna 27.-30. Pyrat 31.-34. Rev (edited)
AvraeAPP08/09/2024 9:28 AM
@NatiStorm Second pick: 1d34 (20) Total: 20
NatiStorm08/09/2024 9:29 AM
First pick goes to Fae. Second pick goes to Luna
AvraeAPP08/09/2024 9:30 AM
@NatiStorm Third pick: 1d22 (2) Total: 2
NatiStorm08/09/2024 9:31 AM
First pick goes to Fae. Second pick goes to Luna. Third pick goes to Nati. New List: 01.-04. Chaos 05.-06. Kisa 07.-10. Siren 11.-14. Pyrat 15.-18. Rev (edited)
AvraeAPP08/09/2024 9:32 AM
@NatiStorm Forth pick: 1d18 (1) Total: 1
NatiStorm08/09/2024 9:33 AM
First pick goes to Fae. Second pick goes to Luna. Third pick goes to Nati. Fourth pick goes to Chaos. New List: 01.-02. Kisa 03.-06. Siren 07.-10. Pyrat 11.-14. Rev (edited)
AvraeAPP08/09/2024 9:33 AM
@NatiStorm Final pick: 1d14 (14) Total: 14
NatiStorm08/09/2024 9:37 AM
@Faecadia You get first pick! @Luna You get second pick! @NatiStorm I get third pick! @Chaos You get fourth pick! @Revel You get the final familiar!
Faecadia08/09/2024 12:57 PM
Well I wasn't expecting that lol can I has 3?
NatiStorm08/09/2024 1:00 PM
#3 the doggo goes to Fae! @Luna It's your pick now!
Luna08/09/2024 1:01 PM
2 please!! I need that wingie beardie
NatiStorm08/09/2024 1:03 PM
#3 the doggo goes to Fae! #2 the beadie goes to Luna! I will claim #4 the boar! @Chaos Your pick between the sloth and the silver fox!
Chaos08/09/2024 1:05 PM
Picks up the fox
NatiStorm08/09/2024 1:05 PM
@Revel The sloth is yours!
Revel08/09/2024 1:06 PM