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Time Skip - Year 1 - Outcasts

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Grizzled Veteran
Welcome to the first shop time skip! It's not just the people of HollowOak that are having a time skip, oh no, Outcasts get one too! How it works:
  • Reply to the starting prompt to begin the year for a character.
  • You may enter as many characters as you'd like.
  • After replying to starting prompt, roll 1d100 for a mental check and 1d20 for a health check.
  • Depending on roll results, characters will receive various reaction prompts and may be asked to make more dice rolls.
  • Prompts will be given as players post, not at set times.
  • For each character response made the player gets their name added to the list.
  • Players must reply with at least one sentence to be counted as a character response.
  • At the end of the week a winner will be rolled from that week's list.
  • Make all rolls in this channel
Year 1 - Starting Prompt
Life in the wilds can be hard, especially without proper housing and protection. After a mighty spring storm wrecked a good portion of the Outcasts various shelters and disabled many of Charvi's traps, a black bear got into the food storage! Does your character:
  • Stand on the side of fighting for this "home"? It's taken time and effort to build this place up, no storm or bear is going to scare us off! Give a sentence or few to explain.
  • Stand on the side of letting the others decide? It doesn't matter where we stay as long as it's dry and warm. Give a sentence or few to explain.
  • Stand on the side of leaving in search of a new settlement? This place is trashed anyway, time to start over somewhere else. Give a sentence or few to explain.
  • Other. Give a sentence or few to explain.
robbedragon01/09/2024 1:41 PM
Pakhet is a loner and she has survived just fine on her own for this long. She's built a nice existence in this area and she doesn't plan to give an inch for anyone. Let the threats come, she'll take on anyone or anything that disrupts her hunting grounds.
Swamp Siren01/11/2024 9:31 PM
Charvi would stick around. So far he's had all the freedom he needed. He's not going to have it stolen from him.
Swamp Siren01/11/2024 9:33 PM
Naja is fearless. She wouldn't let anything get in her way. That's why she wS insisting they could find a new place.
Luna01/11/2024 10:43 PM
Saanvi would stand with the town. They worked so hard to build this up, she wont let anyone bring it down. Not while Saanvi was still drawing breath.

NatiStorm01/15/2024 6:06 PM
@robbedragon Pakhet keeps her wits about her and didn't let any storm or bear get in her way of survival. Pakhet remained in good health during the spring.
@Swamp Siren Charvi had a struggled more than usual after the storm due to losing many supplies for his traps. He didn't let it outwardly show though. Charvi remained in good health during the spring.
@Swamp Siren Naja grew increasingly irritated with the stubbornness of the others to stay but managed not to let it show. Naja remained in great health during the spring.
@Luna Saanvi did not handle the hardships of the spring well and it showed. Saanvi caught a nasty cold that took over a week to get rid off.

Ngl, I totally forgot the Outcasts. ^^; My bad y'all. I'll roll for the familiar out of the posts given. We'll keep going with year 1 but all posts from here out will count towards the year 2 prize.
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