- 85
- #1
This is a free raffle for this baby right here.

- Follow all shop and site TOS
- Please be an adult as this is a free raffle
Meet the family- RP isn't required but here are some family members and who owns them if you ever want to poke them for RP.

While both mothers are kind; Sherbert is definitely the sweeter mother making her easy for the children to approach with concerns and any issues. She often has a way of making members of the family feel at ease as she talks to them while making them a sweet treat expertly as her experience in running an ice cream shop has made her very creative and adept with ice cream treats. The children can often find her experimenting in her down time from her shop with a ready ear to listen to them and a gentle paw and tails to wrap around them as a balm no matter how old they become.

Understanding for the most part Sil grew up in a very ridged home environment and it shows. Her clan has some very backwards views liking only kitsune and disliking hybrids and other breeds of pony. Sil did not share that view and left her clan at a young age with one of her cousins. In time she began to work as an archivist in a museum as such she has a love of histories from all over the world. She wants her children to grow up loved and know they always have her and Sherbert's support. She has a habit of trying to teach others to be the change they want to see in the world.

I don't know who they are or how they will be because that will be up to one of you!
Shea Sumida - Owned by Reoakee

xxx - Owned by Lisaisfire619
Personality and name in progress. Check back later.
How to enter. Just post the from. That's it. Nice and simple.
Run time 12-19-24 EST 00:01am through December 31st midnight EST.
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