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You Took A Wrong Turn...? [CLOSED!]


Grizzled Veteran

Edited Flightless w/ Mouse, Kangaroo & Beaver Morphs by ChexaRain || Unedited Earth w/ Otter, Hedgehog & Skunk Morphs by ChexaRain


Something seems to be stinking around the city, and your nose has drawn you to- eugh?!
Well, you're here now, so maybe you can explain to me what these two are up to... or if they're even friends.
Winner will be chosen from the entries-

Oh? that's not all you say?!
Why no, you must TEAM UP for them! Muahahaha~

Everybody gets 1 partner, decide who gets what BEFORE you enter, and only 1 person needs to post the form!

Starts: July 26th at 8:30 PM EST
Ends: August 9th at 8:30 PM EST

Entry Form:

[COLOR=rgb(176, 138, 113)][SIZE=24px]User 1 & User 2 Grime Up Good![/size][/color]
[b]User 1:[/b] Skunk or Rat
[b]User 2:[/b] Skunk or Rat
[b]Entry:[/b] What are they like? How are they together? Why are they in this dark alley at the same time? YOU TELL ME!


Grizzled Veteran
Bluedemonwolf & Nym Grime Up Good!
User 1: Skunk
User 2: Rat
Entry: Enemies to lovers, these two were always cast as bitter rivals since young due to their parents being lifelong rivals. One owned a pizza parlor and the other owned a burger joint. Thanks to the close locations of the restaurants that their parents chose, their parents often competed against each other and told their kids how horrible the other family and restaurant was. They constantly tried to pull business from the other, sometimes working and sometimes backfiring on them.

It wasn't until they met in the shared alley taking out some trash that these two actually met each other. They both tossed some snide remarks, following in their parents footsteps out of habit rather than any real animosity, and ended up cracking up laughing over how ridiculous it was. This was the start of their ritual of taking out the trash for a secret meetup to toss snarky and snide comments to each other.

Things began to change when another restaurant in town opened up and began to pull business from them both. They began to work together to help keep each of their restaurants open, with no sabotage against the new place, and it managed to work. They became protective of each other whenever others made snide comments about the other or when confronted by the owner of the third restaurant. Their relationship has been slowly changing in a way that neither realizes it has or is sure of the direction it is changing leaving them a little nervous around each other.

Jackariah Beckett

Grizzled Veteran
Jackariah Beckett & Bittersweet Contradictions Grime Up Good!
User 1: Jackariah Beckett (rat: Chuyia)
User 2: Bittersweet Contradiction (skunk: Briar)
Briar is a very territorial creature, having to always fend for herself. She's a street rat for lack of a better phrase, finding shelter outdoors. Part of this is her absolute refusal to accept anything from anyone. She's civil enough with the other homeless that have set up around her "territory" but everyone has learned to avoid actively entering her claimed spot without calling out to let her know they're around.

Chuyia is used to a moderately cushy life. She's been living in the local boarding house since she moved into town 2 months ago. Unfortunately due to a misunderstanding, she's now living on the street. But that's okay! Right...? Now that she thought of it, that place was always a little stuffy. And the menu never seemed to change. She's always been more of a carefree lifestyle, she just needs to get her feet under her as she learns the way of living on the streets. Again, it shouldn't be that hard.... right? She's never turned down a gift before and she's not about to turn down what life's thrown at her this time.

The night Briar and Chuyia met was over cheeseburgers. It had been Briar's favorite food place since she found it months ago, and everyone knew it was hers for first dibs. Well, everyone but freshly on the street Chuyia. Chuyia had been having a rough time of it since getting kicked out of the boardinghouse. Trying to find shelter was one thing, but good fresh food? So far she hadn't been able to find even a stale pretzel in the past few days, let alone enough to fill her belly. That is, until she found the dumpster behind the local burger joint. And it was right next to a huge park too! Chuyia had jumped in and started scarfing down a double cheeseburger, thanking her lucky stars.

Unfortunately for her, she was about to come across a hungry Briar in the next few moments. The moment they locked eyes they knew it would be a problem and they were each ready to fight for the bounty this dumpster gave. In fact, it took them the better half of four hours arguing to come to an agreement. Chuyia could gorge herself on the meats, and Briar would get first dibs on the veggies and fruits while they shared the yummy appetizers. That wouldn't stop them from playfully arguing for the rest of their friendship though.

Miscellaneous, a few little interactions:
~ Briar's nickname for Chuyia is Chewy. She always seems to be snacking in their shared dumpster when she isn't showing her the ropes of living on the street. Chuyia doesn't have a nickname for Briar, but that's because sometimes she chuckles to herself mentally about how she's a thorn in her paw.

~ When Chuyia and Briar first made eye contact they were just about to take bites of their meals. Unfortunately what followed was Chuyia hissing and Briar arching her back as she puffed out her tail. They had both come to savor the fresh food the dumpster yielded that day, and neither were keen to share it's bounty ((Like the animated zoom in of doki doki spots and eyes widen, thinking you are about to see heart pupils and then a sudden background color change and Chuyia is hissing and Brair's tail is poofing))

~ The first night Briar tries to teach Chuyia how to find a comfy and safe spot to sleep in the park:
Briar - Shows chuyia a lovely sleeping spot in the park
Chuyia - Wow thanks so much! This is perfect
Briar - No, this is mine, now you know what to look for, go find your own
Chuiya - But you showed it to me D: that means it's mine!

~ Briar hadn't been used to Chuyia's tail the first night they met. And with the tensions still a little high, every time she saw it poke out from the mound they sat on in the dumpster she'd yell out "Worm!!" Luckily after every time she'd also hand Chuyia a tatter tot as an apology. It miffed Chewy a little, but she also loved the tatter tots. Had she maybe flicked her tail a few more times on "accident" after the third time? She wouldn't tell.
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Grizzled Veteran
Joshuality & Zakiax Grime Up Good!
Josh: Rat
Zak: Skunk
(Unnamed as of rn, we'll be calling them simply Rat and Skunk.)
Ah, the rat and the skunk, a tale as old as time. These two, though seemingly inseparable, were once strangers just like anyone else.

Rat was the first critter to grace the alley with his presence. After escaping an underground product testing ring where he had spent most of his life, Rat found himself in a whole new world. Lost and wary of onlookers, he became a sort of local street urchin, hiding away in alleys and refusing any who pay him too much attention for fear of being hurt again. He lived off of what he could scrounge up and liked it that way. He's not pure by any means- there have been times he's had to fight to survive, and he's rough around the edges.

Skunk appeared a little later, having been dumped and abandoned by their adoptees. Left to fend for themself, Skunk also found themselves drawn to the alleyway. The two critters butted heads at first- untrusting, cold, and detached as Skunk was. Admittedly, it took quite a few nights before they even spoke to one another, but once they did, the two didn't stop. It began with sharing resources and then they got to talking. Turns out when you spend a lot of your time alone, finding somepony from a similar walk of life to talk to is like a breath of fresh air. After being bounced around from home to home their whole life, Skunk was glad to finally have a space for themself that felt safe. Rat didn't mind the company, either, as much as he may deny it. Thus, the rat and the skunk became lifelong friends- or, perhaps, something more...