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▷ Claims and Power Approvals


Stew Aficionado
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Moon
Pony: Moon Shine

  1. Lunaportation: The ability to teleport via moonlight, merging with the moonlight and appearing anywhere else from the same moonlight, i.e. wherever the moon shines down upon. They can do this up to five times in one night. However, they need to know a place exists in order to be able to transport themselves there in this fashion. Meaning, they can't go there unless it is a known place. Cities and towns fall under this, as do landmarks and homes of ponies they know. They would need to know the exact lunar cycle and when moon light will touch these areas as well.
  2. Reflection: Their pelt reflects light from most, if not all, sources. It isn't something they can really control, other than by putting clothes on
  3. Gravitational Pull: The Alicorn has their own special field of gravity. Anything that gets within five feet of them will immediately find itself get a little lighter, though this is something the Alicorn can control. They have the ability to decrease gravity further around them, widening the area. Anything in this radius is affected and finds it easier to jump higher, with a longer time coming back down (I don't know how to word it, but like, if you were walking on the moon of course). If anything gets displaced during this time, it will also find itself floating slightly, before eventually making its way back down to the ground. This radius extends from the air around the Alicorn up to two hundred feet around them, though the larger an area they wish to decrease gravity in, the shorter the time they can do this for. So it can last anywhere from all the time (being within about five feet from the Alicorn) to about an hour (at it's largest radius).


Doing the one final repost with everything we've talked about owo


Grizzled Veteran

Okay let's see.

Gamer radar - what does this. Actually do. Do they just know someone enjoys games? What level of "gamer" does someone need to be? What about soccer moms that play bejeweled, does that count? Or do you need a certain amount of neckbeard to qualify? How much detail do they actually get into their gaming insight? How far away does it work? x'D

Just one thing - Wifi passwords are not -objects- >:Y lmao. Mmm. What's the upper limit on size, how many can they manifest per day. That kind of thing.

Suggestions: first off, based on your current power list I'm going to have to mod override and say that you're looking for the alicorn of video gamers. Gamers as a whole would encompass a full range of gamers - domains are literal, not societal / metaphorical / small thematic. That means tabletop gamers, casino gamers, gambling 'gamers' - like horse racing, boxing, etc, traditional games, etc... anything playing a game would fall under gamers with how domains are handled in shop.

At your particular concept though, let's see.

I'd suggest a gaming aura, to make anyone within a certain radius better at whatever kind of video game they're playing - make an fps have better reflexes, a strategy player smarter, etc, but only in reference to whatever kind of game they're playing at that time. So they'd be more strategic, but still dumb as a brick if you asked them about calculus etc.

Don't Touch That Bottle (heheh) - another aura power, allowing ponies to ignore uh, bodily functions of all kinds (bathroom, hunger, etc) while in the THROES OF GAMING. Name is just dumb neckbeardy joke ignore me. l o l

High Score - Capable of knowing the best ways to get the most points in any game they play? Or possibly just understanding the best strats immediately - make them a good guild leader too, eh. Again, only for vidya.
Gamer Radar- It's weak af as far as abilities, more just it follows his own current gaming desires so he can find "bros" to talk to about certain games. He could pick up a scent in maybe a small bar setting but its not meant for long range. XDD

Just One Thing- Size range is at most a PC monitor and he needs a nap afterwards? He's meant to be about as powerful as a corn chip in a strong breeze so I mean... he'd be *wiped* if he did anything more than like 6 bottles of soda and maybe 2 large bags of Cheetos in a day, spaced out into 2-3 hour intervals. So a bottle of soda every 2 hours' strength, that's a good ratio right? XD

Also yes to all the things you suggested, those are fantastic. >8D
Maybe for lulz, for Hold The Bottle [lel] he swaps necessities with the pony in question. So while the gamer doesn't have to go, maybe the alicorn feels all the strain so eventually he WILL cave and tell them they gotta go. XD

I am not opposed to switching out to Video Gamer either. 8Ua


Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Thunderstorms
Pony: Raiden

  1. Awareness: A sense of when a thunderstorm is approaching
  2. Storm Flight: Allows them to make 2 thunderstorms a day that last 30 minutes each.
  3. Friction: A constant effect that allows them not to get hurt by Lightning from any natural thunderstorm.
  4. Shimmer- The shimmer of its feathers that protect itself from any harm from the lightning in manifested thunderstorms.



Stew Aficionado
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Grapes
Pony: Charming Blossom

  1. Growth - Quite simply, the ability to speed up the growth cycle of grapes. It takes a whole year for a grapevine to be fully grown, and can take up to three years before producing grapes. From there, it can take anywhere from 40 to 60 days for the grapes to grow. During this stage, the alicorn can use this ability to decrease the time it will take for the grapes to grow and ripen. If they visit once a week for a whole month, the grapes will be fully ripe at the end of that 30 days, instead of needing 40 - 60 days. It is a ten foot radius aura that the alicorn needs to activate and hold as they walk.
  2. Plenty - Another aura based ability that must be activated, it can only be used once just before grapes start to show on the specific vine. This increases a grape vines haul by half, making the fruit more plentiful for that harvest.
  3. Alter - Touch based, this ability allows the alicorn to alter something about the grapes. It can either be the taste (increasing or decreasing sour/sweet) or adjusting the firmness of grapes. This comes in handy for their job. It can be used only once on a barrel of grapes, meaning, the barrel can only have it's firmness OR taste altered. Once the grapes have been altered, there's no going back.
  4. Seeds - Also needing to be used before grapes start to bloom on a vine, the grapes can be altered to grow either with or without seeds.
  5. Seasonal - Every pony knows summer is the best season for grapes to be grown. But the alicorn of grapes can say otherwise. They can grow grapes well into the dead of winter simply by visiting the grapes once a week outside of summer, walking up and down the rows with this aura based ability to make sure that they don't wither up.



🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
ghghU [Sorry but this domain is being denied!
Void (which abyss has been ruled to be synonymous with) is on the locked list!
Moon Claiming Power!

Domain desired: Abyss

I understand it is my responsibility to renew this claim if I don't acquire the alicorn within 60 days!



Grizzled Veteran
Moon Claiming Power!
Domain desired: Occult

I understand it is my responsibility to renew this claim if I don't acquire the alicorn within 60 days!

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Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Video Gamers
Pony: xXx

  1. Gamer Radar- Just a literal internal radar for gamers. Capable of sniffing what gaming platform they do as well! Something about the scent of sweaty plastic.... It's weak af as far as abilities, more just it follows his own current gaming desires so he can find "bros" to talk to about certain games. He could pick up a scent in maybe a small bar setting but its not meant for long range.
  2. Just One Thing- Able to manifest small objects to aid gamers while they play. Headphones, batteries, snacks, drinks, wifi passwords. Size range is at most a PC monitor and he needs a nap afterwards. He's meant to be about as powerful as a corn chip in a strong breeze so I mean... he'd be *wiped* if he did anything more than like 6 bottles of soda and maybe 2 large bags of Cheetos in a day, spaced out into 2-3 hour intervals. So a bottle of soda every 2 hours' strength, that's a good ratio right?
  3. Don't Touch That Bottle - An aura power, allowing ponies to ignore bodily functions of all kinds (bathroom, hunger, etc) while in the THROES OF GAMING. He swaps necessities with the pony in question, so while the gamer doesn't have to go, the alicorn feels all the strain so eventually he WILL cave and tell them they gotta go.
  4. High Score - Capable of knowing the best ways to get the most points in any game they play? Or possibly just understanding the best strats immediately.

@polliwoggi feel free to poke at my flaws again cuz I just... altered based on what was mentioned. XD


Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Clowns
Pony: Poppycock

  1. Giddy Up: Ponies within a 20 ft radius of Poppycock feel a bit more cheerful than usual, as Poppycock has an aura that is said to bring back that childlike wonder. This effect only lasts for as long as you stay within that radius, and is not guaranteed to make a pony 100% happy. Willing subjects are much more likely to have a stronger effect, while unwilling ponies have been shown to have little to no effect, depending on their mood.

  2. It's A Giraffe: This ability allows Poppycock to twist and shape balloons of all sorts in half the time a regular pony would be able to. You name it, they can make it- and fast- balloon animals, balloon hats, balloon houses... Bigger projects (ie: pony-sized or more) take up a lot of energy and Poppycock needs at least a few days/weeks to recharge inbetween, depending on how large the project is.

  3. Mane Of Holding: Poppycock can use their mane as a sort of storage space. This is limited to only their own mane, and can hold a maximum of 5 items at a time. Any item bigger than a foot in size or heavier than a bowling ball will not work, as well as any living creatures or plants. This space is typically used to store funny objects, like comically large combs or rubber chickens.

  4. Honkhonk!: Whenever a pony squeezes Poppycock's nose, a new cartoonish sound effect will play. The sounds are always short, quick noises, like the sound of a bike horn or a dog's bark.



Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Myths
Pony: Abyss Tether

  1. Astral Form - The user can only affect themself with this, and it can last for an hour. Astral form allows them to have an out of body experience, which they can use to look at different events around them without detection. While in the astral form, they cannot be seen/heard/felt/tasted/touched, as they aren't quite there.
  2. Hazy Shroud (This can be turned on and off) - This Alicorn is shrouded in a special aura. Whenever another pony tries to look directly upon them, the aura will make it hard for the other pony to see them. The Alicorn will look hazy and out of focus. The longer a pony tries to look and decipher, the worse it gets. This can lead to horrible migraines and temporary hallucinations, that can last up to (insert a small amount of time here) after they stop looking at the Alicorn. These hallucinations can vary, but often times, the pony ends up feeling as if they just looked upon a spirit or some other supernatural thing.
  3. Regen - Can Heal/Regen slightly faster than the average pony. Only small cuts, Medium wounds, or abrasions, nothing more, and only to themself. Anything large or life threatening, he can't heal at all.
  4. Trash Compactor - Can pop out a small portal to the abyss that lasts 2-3 mins, if only to throw small pieces of trash and paperwork he's not happy with. Has a 30min to 1 hour cool down, depending how much he throws in there. Nothing living can go through the portal.
  5. Fortune False - Able to tell the future, but if he tries to tell others about it, no one believes him.

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