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▷ Claims and Power Approvals


Grizzled Veteran
You still can only have 1 claim at a time, so please pick 1 domain for claiming!
fixed it, was posting approvals for myths, on the powers.
removed occult due to it being linked with magic and not allowed.
and claimed the Tabletop RPG one i'm saving up on now.
Sorry for any inconveniance


Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Communication
Pony: Plink

  1. Many Voices: Creating a collective net of ponies that communicate with each other over long distances mentally. She can have up to 20 ponies in a collective in a mile range for a brief three hours. However if she limits the number to 5 she can reach further such as between towns a few times a day. While she can have a large number of ponies in the hive mind she dislikes hearing the voices and will often eject most other ponies as she will always hear the voices of those thinking hard enough. This is mentally taxing on her and will leave her with a migraine as though she was in a large overcrowded stadium. Ponies can of course ignore her attempt to network them together. (Goal was like in an emergency she could create a network in a radius to get things organized even if they are strangers which was why i was thinking more like a hive mind vs a collective. compared to distance means nothing was one on one communication as long as she knew the other pony so she could group order an evacuation then reach out to another alicorn she knows and tell them evacuation underway with the other power)
  2. Babble: Confuses and mixes up the communication of group pf ponies (up to five) for a day. They would still be able to communicate through universal symbols - for instance, pantomiming (not technology such as texts that end up delayed but they can share images that make sense just not words) - but they would all speak and understand different languages and dialects than usual.
  3. Thousand Words: It's said that a single look can convey much more than words alone. This power allows the Alicorn the ability to quite literally hear whatever one pony is trying to convey with just a look, be it because they cannot or do not want to speak.
  4. Distance Means Nothing: The alicorn if they can see a pony's face in their mind can reach out and communicate with a pony one and one. This is exhausting and can only be done one and one for a few hours as the pony must focus on keeping the repentant face in mind
  5. Communication boosted: This power allows the alicorn to boost one method of communication for a day for up to five ponies. this will help send out texts, or allow the other pony to be heard in a crowd etc.. Yes this just boosts the efficiency of the five ponies communication. They find it easier to find the right words, the speech is a little easier for others to understand. Think of it like a communication buff it won't give you new communication or teach you something new but buffs the skill you have. +5 on your perform, diplomacy etc...
  6. Universal communication: allows a small number of ponies around her to communicate freely regardless of disability, language barrier. This can be applied to 5 ponies for 3 hours and does not need the alicorn of communication to focus on them unlike many voices as the five ponies are not linked to her in any way. She much prefers this ability as it isn't as taxing or vexing to her.

original submission here and crit here (yep changed alicorn due to swap but still an uncerted alicorn due to no domain claimed.


Grizzled Veteran
Moon Healing Awakening!

Pony: Candle Whick

  1. Flamebody This pony can’t feel the heat of fire and emanates warmth at all times. This doesn't stop him from being burned but he doesn't feel it.
  2. Smell of decay Whick can smell decay far sooner then when it starts to show. He can’t do anything about it but it makes picking fruit to put in a pie very useful.
  3. Flamespeak: As a flame meets it’s peak and starts to die He can hear it. It’s a soft whine telling him the fire is on it’s way down. (fires made or put out by alicorns do not make this sound only natural fires do)
  4. Rotten Taste: Whick is immune to getting sick if he eats mostly rotten food.
  5. Fast Composter: If he naps in a compost heaps it decays a little fast. Not nearly as fast as his father the alicorn of deacy though. He would have to sleep for a night to notice a change where as you can watch it happen with Sepsis. This only works on food items not other types of things like fabrics or anything like that. Cardboard/paper slightly but getting it wet would be faster then what his power affects it.


original post here. crit here as for rotten taste I'd like to keep it mostly rotten food rather then slightly. his father is the alicorn of decay and I'd like for him to be able to eat a meal with his dad and not end up vomiting ill from it since one he grew up on that kind of food. and two he isn't immune to bacteria. he can still get bacterial infections and virus. he could still get fungi irritation on his skin like ringworm. it's just his stomach and only his stomach that is strong as steel you know like that crazy college friend who could eat 3 week old pizza and be fine with the fuzzies on it. while the rest of you look at it and get queasy.

Alanna the Pirate Queen

Long-Term Resident
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Snow

  1. Snow Globe: Make a localized snow-storm for a set period of time. Specifically, clouds appear overhead and begin sprinkling snow, the area affected is directly proportional to the length/heaviness of the storm. The maximum physical volume of snow that falls in a period of time is the same, but being spread across different areas means it seems like more or less snow (i.e. if I dump 1 gal of snow in a sq. meter of space, it will seem like more snow than if I sprinkle it over 10sq. meter. of space). Spreading the snow further takes more energy, so the further the snow, the shorter amount of time the snow can fall. The maximum area would be 400m radius, with the clouds able to snow for max 1hr and it would be a light sprinkling of snow. Maximum time would be 6 hours over a 50m radius, and it can result in a 3-4ft of snow. Any maximum exertion (be it make area or max time/volume) is a once-a-day deal. Max exertion means he cannot do anything else that day. Minimum exertion, i.e. a small snow of <1in over a 10m radius is something he can do max 3 times a day, and once he has reached his max, he cannot do anything else that day.
  2. Snow-Walking: blessing others to be able to walk across snow with ease for a set period of time. Max 1 day, max 5 ponies/day. Max exertion means he cannot do anything else that day.
  3. Winter Coat: able to bless ponies with snow-colors to be able to blend in with snow for a set period of time. Max 1 day, max 5ponies/day. Max exertion means he cannot do anything else that day.
  4. Olaf the Snowman: Able to make semi-sentient snow-ponies for a short period of time. Size, number, and time all affect the extent of this power. One large snow-ogre can be sustained for a period of 2hrs, the equivalent of 6 small snow ponies. One small snow pony can be alive for a day. They have no individual thought, but are able to follow general directives. A small snow pony made to play would be able to bounce about play games as directed. A snow-ogre could be directed to carry something heavy. Max exertion (1 large or 6 small for 2 hrs, or 1 singular snow pony for a full day) means he cannot do anything else that day.
  5. Winter's Hush: If he is actively in a snowy environment, he exudes an aura of peacefulness that affects a 10m radius. Like how everything gets really quiet and peaceful right after a snowstorm. Only works if he is actively in snow, either from a natural storm or during his "Snow Globe". This is a physical dampening of sound, as snow is actually a sound dampener, not an imposed felt-emotion. The amount of snow does not matter; this power amplifies the sound dampening properties of the existing snow. If he has used his max snow-globe power, he cannot do this. This can only be used with natural snowstorms OR with minimum exertion during the "Snow Globe" power. If used in conjunction with Snow Globe, he can do nothing else for the day.
  6. Cold Sholder: While he himself is not cold to the touch, standing near him (3m radius) you feel slightly colder and unless the weather is extraordinarily warm, wherever he walks, Auror leave behind snowy footsteps


A 400m radius circle has an area of 502,654 sq meters, which is ~5410522.63 sq ft, which is 124 acres, which is in turn only about 20% of a square mile, and all of this I'm saying primarily so we can visualize how big that area is. x'D Since maximum area is only a light sprinkling of snow, I think that's fair, but we need some more info on the finer restrictions.

- when it's more localized, is it a harder snow? does it become an actual snowstorm?
- how often can it be activated (assume I'm talking about 'using the maximum energy', regardless of if it's a small, heavy storm or a large snowflurry)

snow walking
how many ponies per day?

winter coat
how many ponies can they bless per day?

how often can it be used

winter's hush
for clarification, is peacefulness just the quiet effect? :3 since snow has no actual emotional effect or w/e but I know exactly what you mean about the quiet / calm in terms of sound etc

cold shoulder is fine!


Venus Help-Me Chain!
Pony: Andro Ehno

So like, I know I want his domain to be protection, but I literally can't seem to come up with anything besides the obvious. Help?
  1. Force Shield: similar to a force field, this shield can be used to protect other ponies at the drop of a hat. This shield can only be used on one side of the pony (in front of them for example). It can be used up to 3 times a day and can be expanded to shield up to 10 ponies. However, the bigger the shield and the more often it's used, the worse the effect on Andro Ehno. Using the largest shield three times in a day would cause Andro to need to rejuvenate for a day before he could use it again
  2. I was also thinking something like Violet from The Incredibles force field bubble that could only be used once every week and could be as big as needed but absolutely destroys Andro Ehno, but I don't know how to go about that without it being too similar to the power above.

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Station Visitor
[Fungus growth - How quickly does the fungus grow (compared to a normal mushroom!)? This affects whether or not it can be wholly unlimited.]

I want this to be instantly, but this is ability doesn't effect the other ability. This is just for normal or small size fungus.

[Giant Mushrooms - "I'm going to set this at max an acre diameter, which is about five times largest than the largest known redwood tree on earth with the recoup time being six months instead of a year. You can divide up the rest of the time as you see fit. o uo/"]

i am 100 percent down with that!!! I also want to add that when this ability is used the fungus that is created using this ability can't create spores.

[Fungus Spores - Just for reference, spores don't pollinate. They just germinate directly! They're basically ... mushroom eggs. How does this work, do the spores within a certain range just ... come to them when willed? From wherever they're available? So it'd be faster in a mushroom patch etc?]

They would have to be max 25ft away for the a fungus to be collected. They just attract to the alicorn unwilling, so basically they have no control of it . For example the alicorn is walking and they come across fungus it gathers the spores just walking by. It would collect alot more and would help if the alicorn was near a mushroom patch. The fungus do have to be fully grown for spores to be able to be collected.

[Spore Spray - Do they produce the spores themselves or do they have to gather them from an outside source? Do the spores do anything in particular or is it just like natural mushroom spores? How far away do the spores get sprayed?]

This ability goes along with fungus spores as long as the spore are on the alicorn they are able to use this ability. If they didn't have any spore this ability would not work. The spore come out like a dust cloud. The can grow on whoever the dust cloud of spore hits. The spore can be removed and the grown fungus can be removed from the target. The spore and fungus is not dangerous, just a inconvenient. The ability is mostly used for a cover and a quick get away.



Grizzled Veteran
Moon Claiming Power!

Domain desired: Tabletop RPGs (Reclaiming)

I understand it is my responsibility to renew this claim if I don't acquire the alicorn within 60 days!



Station Visitor
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Plants
Pony: link

Powers: plants
  1. Poison immunity: this ability allows this alicorn to be immune to any plant based poisons. The toxins run through her blood so the are unable to harm her.
    Weaknesses: Any poison that is not plant based will still harm her. (This ability is unlimited because the toxins run though her blood the whole time)
  2. Connection to the Green: able to communicate with plants and use the plants to locate anyone/anything.

    Weaknesses: If this pony trys to use the plants to locate someone/something she will become weaker the longer she uses it. Its also cant be longer then a football field (you can make it longer if you like ). The communicate for plants is unlimited but they have to be right in front of her. Just like if she was talking to another pony.

    Note: if you think it necessary I am ok with splitting this ability. Not sure if it would be considered two ability
  3. Plant Control: this ability allows this alicorn to control all plants. She can make them grow. She can make them die. She can make them do whatever she wants.
    Weaknesses: if there are no plants around she can do anything. The bigger the plants and the longer she does it the weaker she get. For example if she try to control plants for a full hour she is going to faint and be out for a few hours.
    (Note: i Basically took this ability from poison ivy ,dc comic)

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Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Flight
Pony: Swift

  1. Up and Away - Helps give that boost of wind to lift a winged pony off the ground, to help them with their flying.
  2. Steady - Whipc up a steady breese to help any winged ponies keep their balance in mid flight.
  3. Soft Landing - If a pony is in trouble, Swift can move some clouds and dense them up enough to catch the falling pony to a safe and soft landing.



Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Auroras
Pony: Here~

  1. Sky Lights - Ability to make an aurora appear at will, doesn't last long and is very weak during the day.



Stew Aficionado
Moon Claiming Power!

Domain desired: Oceans

I understand it is my responsibility to renew this claim if I don't acquire the alicorn within 60 days!

(I saw that my claim time limit expired, so hopefully this counts as a renewal?)



Stew Aficionado
Moon Healing Awakening!

Pony: Cotton Candie

  1. Cue the Spotlight - Can be used once a day - he can create a beam of light that centers on him, like a stage spotlight. Doesn't work in brightly lit or sunny areas. The color of the light is based on his mood (blue for sad, red for irritated, yellow for happy, etc.)
  2. Sparkle Strut - When he walks, glitter falls from his paws. Lasts up to 10 minutes, has a 4hr recharge.
  3. Anti-Aging Cream - He ages like any other pony, but he's slower to show his age (wrinkles, grey hairs, etc.) The backpain is eternal, however.
  4. Luscious Locks - Regardless of the treatment or products applied to their fur, it's always tangle-free and soft.
