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▷ Claims and Power Approvals


late to the party
Staff member
Purification, Poison, awakened approved.

Forgetfulness approved.

Bark Armor - How tough is it, how long does it take to grow, if it's destroyed can he immediately grow it back or is there a cooldown.

Tree Grafting - Can it be any kind of trees, even kinds that normally wouldn't graft? Like grafting a eucalyptus to a lemon tree! (Is fine if so just needs the clarification for documenting.)

The rest seems fine!

Hope approved. Awakened approved.

Those sound good to me. :Ia Can you repost as a full form again? I love their powers, it's such a cute theme. XD

Wild cats approved!

@Alanna the Pirate Queen
Toxic Waste approved!

Awakened approved!

Birthdays approved, but note that Insta-Party could definitely be used more often! If you ever feel like updating it, feel free, and if you want suggestions on more powers I have a couple!

Paranoia approved, but noting I have some ideas if you ever want to discuss additional powers for them.

Heartbreak cannot directly change ponies' actions or thoughts without consent, only influence or intesify or soften their feelings, so they can't really ... force ponies to start to believe something new. However, you could re-envision it to, say, bringing up any doubts or silly little fears they may have had about that pony in particular, intensifying anything that might lead to a feeling of heartbreak? So if someone has 0 doubts it would not affect them, but if someone had a passing thought their partner might have cheated on them, it would balloon and become intense and heart-wrenching?

Clarity I think is fine, although again, I could definitely think of some more powers and out of the box concepts for her if you're interested.

Many Voices - I take a bit of an issue with just on the note that it wouldn't really be a hive mind as much as it would be a collective, for communication; the difference being that hive minds tend to think together, work for a common goal, be directed or be 'one' in some way, none of which really fits for communication as a concept. The ability itself is fine in the "creating a net of ponies that communicate with each other over long distances" way, though you need to specify some upper limit of ponies and how far away they can be before they lose reception.

Silence is Golden - This is a reversal power and cannot be allowed; it would be appropriate for an alicorn of illiteracy, mutes, etc. However, I think a twist on this which would work could be something like "Communication Breakdown" - wherein instead of removing their ability to communicate at all, she forces the group to, for a brief time, communicate in different languages for instance. They would still be able to communicate through universal symbols - for instance, pantomiming - but they would all speak and understand different languages and dialects than usual. Basically a switch to flip their standard method of communication, throwing a wrench into things but not *removing* the ability to communicate at all.

Communication Boosted - Does this just make it more efficient? Like shouting louder and more clearly, getting further cell range, etc? o vo

Final power concept - The reverse of my suggested Communication Breakdown, allowing a small number of ponies around her to communicate freely regardless of disability, language barrier, etc? Restricted to a small number of ponies (2-5?) and only for a set time period, but essentially a gifted version of Thousand Words.

--Candle Whick
Please make a note that Flamebody does not protect from *being burnt* even if he can't feel the flame. That would be too strong of an ability for an awakened.

Rotten Taste may also be slightly too powerful for an awakened? I think it would be fine for slightly spoiled food (aka just curdled, but not fully ROTTEN milk, or fruit that has brown spots and a bit of mold but isn't a total black, festering pile). This is because the implication would be that he's essentially totally immune to both fungi and bacteria if he can eat totally rotten food which is a bit much in terms of awakened powers.

Just a note, please don't just transfer until you're ready. I will 100% not ever ever ever look back further than my last post unless I need reference to a quote, so if you do edit into that post I won't see it. Just post when you're ready. XD

@One Little Jay
For Birds' Eye, Speed Burst, and Heighten Senses, I need some indicator of how far above a normal pony's abilities these raise his. Also, Heighten Senses would probably cover Birds' Eye, honestly? Since it would heighten his eyesight? Unless it's specifically an EXTRA bonus on top of it only when he's up high looking for prey.

For All Vision, I don't know if that one makes sense. Hunters that hunt in the night either have enhanced vision (which is covered by Heighten Senses), or don't rely on sight at all (like bats). In DnD terms, I can understand why he might have Low Light Vision, but not Darkvision. XD And he already has a power that would heighten his lowlight vision anyway, so ... And Detail Oriented would help with tracking in lightless environs through touch or scent or such.

For an alternate power suggestion, perhaps a quick/efficient kill power? Allowing him to know exactly how/when to strike to take down his prey most efficiently and with the least amount of damage to the corpse.

@bitsie spider
For the Morose, I'm not sure that Waxing Poetic works since welcoming and calming is not really ... related to anything morose? It could work if it's -only- dealing with dark feelings, and without the calming and welcoming - perhaps more of a sorrowful NEED to just get it off their chest and wallow in those feelings a while? It could certainly make them feel better after but that wouldn't be a direct effect of the power, either.

Awakened generally need to be much weaker than alicorns, though I think yours seem fine for him. They're fairly weak and balanced.

For Thorn-Colored Glasses, I need to know how many ponies this can affect at one time and how many it can affect maximum per day.

For Fight For Me, I need to know how often he can cast the ability and how often he can do it per day.

In addition, remove the not power - we don't count "they're tired after" or "this drains them" type things in balancing because it often just would never come up in RP. You're welcome to have him DO that, but it's not something to note here!

You're always welcome to change up powers later on anyway. x'D Since I do have a few things we need to work on, I can tell you that you can strip those out, repost the form without them, and poke me on Discord - I'll approve the *workable* ones as is and we can figure out the details of the others going forward.

The Vault will not work - their power doesn't have anything to do with secrets so there's no real reason they'd be bound like that? It could be their -choice- not to share secrets, and they could make ponies feel comforted sharing that burden, though.

Shoulder the Burden - how often can they do this?

Hope This Helps - how often can they do this?

Unshaken courage: How often can they do this or is it just an aura effect, and if so how far away does it affect?

Defensive peace: How often can they conjure it, how long does it last, is it a worn shield or a magical, floaty one?

Trust in me: how far away, assuming it's an aura / constant effect?

Readiness to help: Bags of bits probably wouldn't work since bits are heavily regulated by area, but the others would be fine. How often can this be done?


Awakened - Gilt Mech | Reve | Pumpkin Praline

Alicorns - Purification | Poison | Forgetfulness | Hope | Wild Cats | Toxic Waste | Paranoia | Clarity | Birthdays


Grizzled Veteran
Bark Armor - How tough is it, how long does it take to grow, if it's destroyed can he immediately grow it back or is there a cooldown.

Tree Grafting - Can it be any kind of trees, even kinds that normally wouldn't graft? Like grafting a eucalyptus to a lemon tree! (Is fine if so just needs the clarification for documenting.)

The rest seems fine!
Bark Armor - Wouldn't be as tough as any metal armor but possibly as tough or slightly tougher than leather armor. It would take up to a week to grow a complete set of armor at it's maximum toughness. He can make weaker, smaller pieces quicker (a day or two). If it's destroyed it will take a week, two weeks max (as in if the entire piece of bark armor was destroyed vs just part of it) before it'll start to grow again.

Tree Grafting - It can be any tree!


Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Adventure
Pony: SC purchase

  1. Join Me Friend: Able to gain allies to form a group or party for adventure, targets must be willing and effects only last 24 hours. Can not be used in quick succession on the same pony, must wait 48 hours after the effect has ended.

    Effects up to 2 friendly ponies or 1 not friendly pony per day. (ie, 1 unwilling pony vs 2 willing)

  2. It's only a Scratch: Able to convince a fellow pony that a wound isn't as bad as it seems to continue the journey. The effect of the convincing only lasts 4 hours and can be used multiple times on the target until a destination for a quick rest is located and the party stops. Has a chance to fail the DC increases every time the target fails (user rolls a d20 anything below 10 is a fail and so on).
    (note, does not heal, and does not take the pain away only makes them believe the journey is worth the pain to continue on)

  3. Arrow to the knee: Able to talk for hours about the adventures the user has gone on themselves, annoys adults, fascinates foals. The user can exaggerate the story to make it seem more than it was.
    Those in range can let the power take hold or ignore it entirely to negate the effect of compelled listening.

  4. Noble Call: The user gives a pep talk to a large group of ponies in an attempt to send them on an adventure for a pony, place, or thing. Can be resisted, does not effect foals or the elderly. Those caught in the power feel compelled to go an adventure and complete it. Can be broken by ignoring the compulsion.

    It can be attempted once a day, to a group of 10 or less ponies (depends on willingness of target)

  5. Destination: Allows targets to be able to know the destination of their journey to; an item, location, or pony, at the start of the adventure, not able to see or pin point on a map, but a sense of "This is the way, I can feel it"

    It can be given to a individual pony once a month (Rl time is once an rp with the individual), and the effects diminish the the further into the month cooldown. (ie. "they know it like they know their hoof "for a week (rp time not rl time) then it gets to the "I'm sure it's this way" as another week passes it goes to "I think I remember it being is way" and finally "I'm so lost I can't remember if it was this way or that way")

Reposting full form @polliwoggi


Grizzled Veteran
Awakened generally need to be much weaker than alicorns, though I think yours seem fine for him. They're fairly weak and balanced.

For Thorn-Colored Glasses, I need to know how many ponies this can affect at one time and how many it can affect maximum per day.

For Fight For Me, I need to know how often he can cast the ability and how often he can do it per day.

In addition, remove the not power - we don't count "they're tired after" or "this drains them" type things in balancing because it often just would never come up in RP. You're welcome to have him DO that, but it's not something to note here!
Thorn-Colored Glasses can affect 10 ponies maximum at one time, and at its full capacity can only be used twice a day. So, 20 ponies per day can be affected by this power. (This can also be spread out over the day. 3 ponies here, 7 ponies there, etc. But cannot exceed 20 in one day.)

Fight For Me has a cooldown time of 5 hours and again, can only be used twice per day.



Unshaken courage: How often can they do this or is it just an aura effect, and if so how far away does it affect?

Defensive peace: How often can they conjure it, how long does it last, is it a worn shield or a magical, floaty one?

Trust in me: how far away, assuming it's an aura / constant effect?

Readiness to help: Bags of bits probably wouldn't work since bits are heavily regulated by area, but the others would be fine. How often can this be done?
Unshaken courage: it would be an aura effect for a larger group of ponies (thinking 'rallying the troops') with a 50-100ft range. It can also be redirected to a small group of ponies up to a maximum of 5. This can be used max 3 times / week.

Defensive peace: A magical floatie shield that lasts for max 3hrs. It can be conjured max 2 times/week and leaves the alicorn quite drained.

Trust in me: This is a constant/aura effect, effecting a maximum of 10 ponies in a 50ft raidus.

Readiness to help: I'll remove bags of bits :) - this can be done once a day

bitsie spider

Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: the Morose
Pony: Morrigan

  1. Raining on Your Parade: With this power, any pony within a 15-20 foot radius of Morrigan that is feeling down or any feeling of the sort, will end up with a little black rain cloud overhead. It's purely an illusionary magic, complete with flashes of lightening and rumbles of thunder to accentuate their inner most feelings
  2. A Melancholy Melody: With this power, anypony that Morrigan comes in contact within a 10 foot radius of that comes off as dismal or depressing, will suddenly start hearing melancholy music. Sometimes if can change the tide for them and help their mood improve. Other times it only deepens the mood they are already in. It just depends on that pony and what they truly want to feel
  3. Waxing Poetic: With this power, anypony who talks to Morrigan that is wishing to open up and say how they feel inside, will find the words to do so. The deep seated need to get these things off their chest allows them to truly confront those feelings. The outcome of how they feel depends on the pony confessing their feelings, and how they want to go forward from there



Stew Aficionado

Previous approval of Mischief Domain, has been certed

Domain approval after purchasing Alicorn of Moon through RLC

sorry it took so long. I am honestly confused as hell by this whole two different thread things and across sites now x.x I got really flustered so it took me some time and I kept putting it off. I hope that these are what you were looking for in regards to my Mischief and Moon Alicorns. The Mischief Alicorn has already been certed, I'm not sure why I put his powers back up here to be triple checked.


Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Fruit
Pony: SC Claim

  1. Fruit growth:
    As simple as it sounds user can grow up to 5 fruit 3x the normal size or 1 fruit 6x the normal size. For example a group of cherries would go from quarter size to palm size and just 1 would be the size of a small seedless watermelon, they would taste the same just size changes. Plants grown from oversized seeds from these fruits produce normal fruit.

    The user must be able to see the fruit and be within range to touch. It can only be performed 2x a day.
  2. Tasty Mystery:
    The ability to change the taste of a fruit. Apples taste like lemons and Lemons taste like apples kinda scenario. Sour fruit made sweet or the reverse. Just a simple taste swap.

    Fruit must be touched, can not be used on the same fruit twice, nor with "The Great Fruit Swap" can be performed on 50 fruit per week.
  3. The Great Fruit Swap:
    Remember those weird images of apples with the inside of an orange? Well it's not Photoshop here. User can swap the inside look of fruits to any other fruit. They taste the same just have a different texture and look.

    Fruit must be touched, can not be used on the same fruit twice, nor with "Tasty Mystery" can be performed on 50 fruit per week.
  4. Fruit preservation:
    Natural passive ability fruit just stays fresh longer extending the life of a fruit from roughly 2 weeks to 6 weeks. Fruit that had been in range of the alicorn and leaves it's presence just breaks down and rots normally.

    The effect is completely passive, the user can control the range if they concentrate, but it's an innate ability that effects 10 feet, with concentration it reaches 15 feet.



Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Treasure
Pony: Lady Abaddon

  1. X Marks The Spot - Abaddon can conjure up a map for ponies at will. Each map comes labeled with a current location, a dotted path, and an 'X' where she believe's the pony's treasure awaits them. The 'X' could be located across treacherous waters on an uncharted island, or simply a few feet away at the local sandwich shop. Whatever she feels is the 'treasure' that they are looking for, that's where it shall lead them.

  2. Hidden Treasure - Abaddon has a sixth sense for precious objects, whether they be gems, gold, or something ancient. If it has a particular worth to her, she can sense it's location. This maxes out at 100 yards away in radius, and takes increasing amounts of focus depending on it's distance. She cannot sense ponies.

  3. It'll Cost Ya - When cast, ponies around Abaddon become compelled to give their items to her. Specifically, any items they have that she desires. Their own desires/thoughts become hazy and she is often able to convince them that the objects actually belong to her. This power can affect 30 ponies at one time, making it useful for 'borrowing' from large groups. Ponies with stronger wills take longer to convince. The effect fades once you are out of her range of 50ft.

  4. Quick Scrutiny - Abaddon has the ability to tell whether something is genuine or not if she touches it. IE: A gold-plated coin vs. an actual full gold coin.

  5. Make It A Double - Casting this allows Abaddon to duplicate an item of her choice. This cannot be used on the same object more than once, nor can it be used on the duplicated version of the object. This ability also cannot be used more than thrice within the span of an hour, making the cooldown time approximately 20 minutes.



🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
The powers that be have deemed this domain to be off limits and will be added to the restricted guide momentarily. Sorry!

Also, for future reference, you cannot claim more than one domain at at a time.

Moon Claiming Power!

Domain desired: Time

I understand it is my responsibility to renew this claim if I don't acquire the alicorn within 60 days!

Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Nightmares
Pony: RLC Lady nightmare alicorn of nightmares. (have not received art yet)

  1. Fear Feast: can consume a ponies fears, this allows her to later induce nightmares based on their fears, affect wears off when > pony awakes/confronts fears/dawn comes
  2. Night terror: Induces a nightmare when near a sleeping pony, the affects are doubled if the pony has hammed any innocent ponies/pets . affect wears off when > pony awakes/confronts fears/dawn comes
  3. Nightmare wail: With a horrible scream much like the mythological creature -banshee, this scream causes the pony within 60 feet radios to have nightmares if asleep or Daymares if awake. theses effect wears off when > pony awakes/confronts fears/dawn comes
  4. Night Mirror: this allows lay to observe nightmares of a sleeping pony threw a mirror or/reflective surfaces.
  5. Dream Eater: she will devour nightmares. this removes a nightmare from target pony weather she caused the nightmare or not.
  6. Night of terror : This can only be activated on 31st of October or Friday the 13th nightmares will manifest themselves for the night outside the dream world much like sleep paralysis or shadow like figures, they are harmless as they can not touch the pony targeted due to not being real, but hallucinations/only things the targeted pony can see theses effect wears off when > pony awakes/confronts fears/dawn comes

    ( Important note: if Night of terror is reality braking I will replace with the fallowing >>> Nightmare aura : caues ponys within a 20 feet radious when active to feel intence fear or paranoia escapeing radious dispells effect within a few moments let me know and I'll replace it! )



Long-Term Resident
Moon Claiming Power!

Domain desired: Shepherd

I understand it is my responsibility to renew this claim if I don't acquire the alicorn within 60 days!


Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Shepherd
Pony: Ignus Fatuus

  1. Safeguard: A shield of protection the Alicorn places around a single pony or a small group, protecting against melee type damages; i.e. Stabbing and Bludgeoning. It has a varying effect on magical attacks.
  2. Oversee: The Alicorn can observe a target through a reflective surface, a mirror, water, magical window. This power may also activate when the Alicorn sleeps – i.e. while dreaming. The target is usually unaware of the Alicorn watching over them unless the alicorn projects their image to a reflective surface near their target.
  3. Illuminate: The Alicorn can illuminate a path to a location for another pony – a path to safety, a path home, or a path to the Alicorn from the Target. When the path illuminates, a small handful of Will'o'the'wisps appear, beckoning the target along the path.
  4. Vanguard: Lead – The Alicorn can project an image of themselves at the head of a group; a flock, a herd, a pack, and can create a suggestive impulse, like a pheromone, to lure the group to follow.
  5. Counsel: The Alicorn feels the cries of the lost; whether it's lost minds, lost hearts, or lost souls. The alicorn can speak to those feeling indecisive or desperate when they are at their lowest point, or in their sleep. The Alicorn can encourage them, and give them insight to inner purpose or self discovery.
  6. Locate: The Alicorn has a penchant to find the Shepherd's “Lost Sheep”, sending out Wisps to look for something missing, and scrying with a crystal tied to a piece of the missing pony's belongings, the Alicorn may be able to guide them home with an illuminated path, or Astral Project to the pony, and find a way to travel back with them.



Stew Aficionado
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Theft
Pony: Dastardly Dubloon

  1. Thieves' Tools - Can transform any solid object (ex. fork, branch, bar of soap) into a lock pick. Cannot transform object back to its original form.
  2. Sleight of Hoof - Poof! Your fancy necklace is gone, just like magic! Only, it is magic. With this power, Dubloon can teleport objects onto herself (or into her pockets, if she's wearing them) so long as she's touched the item in question.
  3. Ooh, Shiny! - Can appraise and determine the material worth of an object if she touches it. Ex. - She touches a bejeweled goblet and knows that it's worth X amount of bits.
  4. Light on Her Hooves - For up to ten minutes, Dubloon can summon silence around her, causing her to make no sound as she moves. (This power has a recharge span of two days.)
  5. Blending In - For up to five minutes, Dubloon can use this power to make herself look like your average pony. Why, she's just another face in the crowd, she doesn't have the prized jewel of such and such in her pocket, noooo, not at all. (This power has a recharge span of one day.)



Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Comfort
Pony: Devereaux

  1. A Friend in Need: They can see discomfort on ponies as an aura. It'll look different depending on the type and severity with color(s) being the biggest tell. Discomfort can be physical or emotional and has many varieties based on the nature it was born. They couldn't tell you the exact details of what caused it but they'd have a darned good guess.
  2. I'll Be There For You: Ponies within a 20' radius feel mildly comforted. Not 100% so, more like 25%. This vanishes as soon as they're out of range.
  3. Shake It Off: They'll spend some time (or a lot of time in a severe case) meditating until when they've reached the right point can shake all their discomfort off. They have to actually shake though, just like a wet Inu. It looks pretty silly.



Long-Term Resident
Paranoia approved, but noting I have some ideas if you ever want to discuss additional powers for them.

Heartbreak cannot directly change ponies' actions or thoughts without consent, only influence or intesify or soften their feelings, so they can't really ... force ponies to start to believe something new. However, you could re-envision it to, say, bringing up any doubts or silly little fears they may have had about that pony in particular, intensifying anything that might lead to a feeling of heartbreak? So if someone has 0 doubts it would not affect them, but if someone had a passing thought their partner might have cheated on them, it would balloon and become intense and heart-wrenching?

Clarity I think is fine, although again, I could definitely think of some more powers and out of the box concepts for her if you're interested.
Re: Paranoia: I would love any ideas for additional powers! I haven't the brain for this, so anything is super helpful.

Re: Heartbreak: Edited "Heartache" and "Conflict" - would these be better? If not, I would love suggestions!

1. Sight: The ability to see the history of someone's heartbreak(s) through their memory. Discord must be touching the target (to any degree - even a wing feather resting on another's back is enough) for this to work. When the connection is broken, the visions stop. Can only effect one pony at a time. When Discord accesses this ability, they feel the heartbreak in question, intensely, for up to 30 seconds.
2. Heartache: The ability to influence a pony to focus on even the small things that can lead to feelings of heartache. If said pony has any lingering doubts of feelings of mistrust, Discord has the ability to amplify those thoughts so that the recipient feels them more intensely. Discord must be physically connected (read: touching) a pony for this to take effect.
3. Conflict: An aura that highlights any feelings of strife between romantically involved ponies within a 10 foot radius. This leads to feelings of heartbreak as they start to believe their loved ones have done them wrong in some way.

Re: Clarity: Would also love suggestions for her! I want to (at Bello's suggestion, who owns Clairty's future mate - Hallucinations) incorporate some kind of power(s) that can counteract some of the effects of Hallucinations' powers. Perhaps some kind of power that... when she is in the presence of other ponies, there is an aura of clarity that can impact them? Hallucinations often isn't seen as he tends to live in the periphery, so something that would make him more visible and apparent would be neat. Additionally, possibly a counteraction to hallucinations? Temporary reprieve for ponies experiencing this. Halp pls >w>

@polliwoggi <333