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▷ Claims and Power Approvals

Alanna the Pirate Queen

Long-Term Resident
**I do like the 6th power, added it below**

Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Toxic Waste

  1. Radioactive: Spending too much time (min 2+hrs a day for 3+days, the more concentrated the time, the less it takes to feel ill) around this alicorn can make beings sick and unwell. Wildlife that lives close or around them can also be affected. Moving away from the alicorn will reverse the effects over the same amount of time that the being spent around the Alicorn (i.e. if a being got sick over 2 days, then it would take 2 days to feel better)
  2. Drippy: He constantly oozes a toxic sludge, but he can keep it from dripping off his body with active concentration. When weak, sick, or asleep, however, he will ooze uncontrollably. This sludge is highly unhealthy to come in contact with and can cause skin and eye irritation and possibly death if ingested. Without active containment, the amount they would drop would be the equivalent of 1gal/day.
  3. Radiate: Can irradiate objects so they glow. Object cannot be bigger than the alicorn and an equivalent mass (i.e. many small objects that are combined no bigger than the alicorn) can be irradiated only once a day. Note: this is dangerous and the items are now radioactive and will make anyone around it sick. Can also undo this, per Absorb power below.
  4. Absorb: Alicorn can attract garbage, sludge, or radioactive waste from a 50m radius to itself and absorb and contain it to a maximum mass equivalent to 5x his mass . If over-polluted (i.e. attempting to absorb more than the aforementioned mass), they will begin oozing uncontrollably and will have to find a safe place to dispose of the remnants (i.e. a desolate canyon or a magically created containment unit). Once he reaches to >1x his mass, he will begin to feel ill and sluggish himself. If he does not find a place to dump the extra, he can wait for his Half-Life power to work through the waste, and he will slowly recover over the time it takes for the waste to break down through that power's restrictions (see Half-Life).
  5. Ooze: The Alicorn does have the ability to purposefully ooze toxic sludge (the active version of the passive "Drippy" from above) and leave it behind in their wake in order to pollute an area purposefully. This power is replenished through "Absorb" and they can only "ooze" an equivalent mass as they absorbed.
  6. Half-Life: when this alicorn has absorbed at least his mass in waste through his Absorb action, his Radioactive power is enhanced, causing it to affect creatures twice as quickly (or harshly). Doing this effectively eats the waste absorbed, disappearing at such a rate that half of it is gone every week. This means the closer he is to 'empty,' the slower it disappears. Once he has half of his mass or less of waste stored, the Radioactive power returns to normal.



Grizzled Veteran
Moon Healing Awakening!

Pony: Reve

  1. Soothing Touch: Any pony that comes into physical contact with Reve will experience relief from what ails them, to an extent (i.e. if one has pain of say, an 8 on a scale of 1 to 10, he can lessen that pain to around a 3 or 4). Physical pain is much easier to soothe than emotional or mental trauma. Periods of contact longer than 2 hours will leave him feeling fatigued, sometimes dangerously so. The only time this power does not work is when he is asleep or otherwise incapacitated.
  2. Comfort Zone: When a pony is in obvious distress, Reve can surround them in an aura of comfort. The pony will perceive this as anything bring them the most comfort (ie. the smell of their mother's/spouse's favourite fragrance or the feel of their favourite blanket wrapped around their shoulders, etc..). This power will only last as long as Reve keeps the pony in question within his field of vision, though the farther he moves away from them, the less distinct the affects are. After around three hours, the affects will fade significantly until they can no longer be felt; this is when the extent of this power has been used up and he must rest. He can only do this once, maybe twice, every three days. It's very draining to ease someone else's pain.
  3. As a note; using either power will leave Reve weak, disoriented and in severe cases, quite sick.



Long-Term Resident
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Paranoia
Pony: Maniae

  1. Somebody's Watching Me: The ability to make ponies within a 50 foot radius feel as if someone is there, watching them — just behind them, or out of the corner of their eye. They're not alone, at least that's what they think. Power lasts for up to an hour.
  2. Shifting Thoughts: The power to make someone in their vicinity (within 20 feet) question the things said to them. Lasts for up to half an hour.



Long-Term Resident
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Heartbreak
Pony: Discord

  1. Sight: The ability to see the history of someone's heartbreak(s) through their memory. Discord must be touching the target (to any degree - even a wing feather resting on another's back is enough) for this to work. When the connection is broken, the visions stop. Can only effect one pony at a time. When Discord accesses this ability, they feel the heartbreak in question, intensely, for up to 30 seconds.
  2. Heartache:: The ability to force a pony to relive a heartbreak as vividly as it first happened — playing through in the target pony's mind. Target must be within a 10 foot radius. Can only be used after Sight has been used on the same target.
  3. Conflict: An aura that creates feelings of strife between romantically involved ponies within a 10 foot radius. This leads to feelings of heartbreak as they start to believe their loved ones have done them wrong.



Long-Term Resident
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Clarity
Pony: Kirlyam

  1. I See You: When touching a target pony, Kirlyam is able to access whatever it is they are thinking about. This power is reserved for when Kirlyam needs to understand someone, to better serve them. The whole process takes about 30 seconds from the point of initial connection. At first, Kirlyam with have total clarity on the situation, but that clarity will fade over the course of the following 7 days until she returns to stasis on the situation.
  2. They See You: The ability to reveal the objective truth in a situation. Oddly enough, Kirlyam's hair is needed for this - each individual who she is targeting to impart her wisdom upon must be holding at least a few strands of Kirlyam's hair (yes, while it's still on her head). After roughly 1 minute of concerted effort from Kirlyam, she is able to transmit an objective-lens-truth to participants.

I'm so sorry idk how much of this is stepping bounds pls halp me - I have one more Alicorn on the way and then I'm done bc I take years to get them certed ;;


Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Communication
Pony: here we go

  1. Many Voices: Much like the changelings do this Alicorn has the ability to make a large hive mind. The difference is the ponies added to it do not need to be part of a hive to have her add them into her collective of voices or eject them. While she can have a large number of ponies in the hive mind she dislikes hearing the voices and will often eject most other ponies as she will always hear the voices of those thinking hard enough.
  2. Thousand Words: It's said that a single look can convey much more than words alone. This power allows the Alicorn the ability to quite literally hear whatever one pony is trying to convey with just a look, be it because they cannot or do not want to speak.
  3. Distance Means Nothing: The alicorn if they can see a pony's face in their mind can reach out and communicate with a pony one and one. This is exhausting and can only be done one and one for a few hours as the pony must focus on keeping the repentant face in mind
  4. Silence is golden: Strips the communication of group pf ponies (up to five) for a day. They cannot speak and their writing looks like scribbles to those who try to read it. Texted messages get delayed or lost.
  5. Communication boosted: This power allows the alicorn to boost one method of communication for a day for up to five ponies. this will help send out texts, or allow the other pony to be heard in a crowd etc..
  6. I could use some staff help for this last one as I am drawing a blank.



Pick Me!
Username: Sesshiyasha
Pony: Corruption
Suggested Powers: 1) Corruption - This corrupts a pony's mind. If the mind is already corrupted it fixes the corruption and reverses it. There is a risk that it could corrupt further. She will only do this under extreme circumstances.

2) Remove Poison - Once per day she can remove a poison or corruptive effect from another pony. The further along the poison is the more of a toll it takes on her.

3) Poison transfer - She can transfer the poison into or out of a pony or pet and if its into another then it would start the process over again. This would be for mass poisonings so she could still assist them once her ability to remove the poison recharges. This will drain her at a slower rate and can be used up to five times a day.

4) Overloaded Corruption - Once during the year her powers go wild. She is stronger then before and has more power than she can contain. This corrupts either a breeding or the creation of a pony. This could be something minor or something major. It is almost as if anything she touches becomes corrupted. Sometimes for the better... sometimes for worse... This could be something as simple as coming into contact with a pregnant mare.

5) remove Corruption - Once per week she can Purify an area of any corrupting influences. Whether this be a poisoned spring or something else. This will leave her very weak for the first couple days.

6) Added Corruption - She can choose to add corruption to a place, such as making it so it absorbs light. Makes it spooky or otherwise corrupted. This could be plants or anything non-pony/pet. This ability would also be a weekly recharge as it would be the opposite of Remove Corruption. For where there is Removal you can Add.

Domain: Corruption (Ok'd by Nym! We chatted over discord I am 200% OK with her being a Lore Alicorn.)

Response on Gaia from Vari -

Okay, since it's a lore pony I'm going to be slightly rougher with you. ;B hehe There will probably be more questions later, like, tiny specifics (time ranges or distances or w/e) but I wanted to get the big stuff outta the way first.

Corruption: What is meant by "corruption" - what happens to them? I'm assuming it's permanent, so I need to know exactly how much damage can be done here, does she have control over how far corrupted something can be, is it random, what's the maximum amount of damage that can be done. Also, what is the reasoning for her being able to remove corruption, as that seems to me like the opposite (like it would fall under the Alicorn of Purification)?

Remove poison: Same as the question with corruption, *why* can she remove when she isn't the alicorn of purification, she's the corruptor. You do mention a toll on her, I could possibly see her being able to -drain- poison, but it would take it into herself and do the same damage as it would to the target.

Poison transfer: You say into/out of, but I assume that means that it has to go into a target, it can't just disappear, yes? This fits with what I just suggested above re: 'draining' poison.

Overloaded corruption: Since she is a lore pony and I assume this deals with the source of October corruption, I think this would be better as a large *aura* instead of on touch... you know, so she isn't going around poking everybody purposefully corrupting them (to explain IC why so much corruption happens, then).

Remove corruption: why is she purifying 8U

Added corruption: This seems to fit the sphere, weekly recharge is good. How large an area can she corrupt at once?

I WILL ADD MY RESPONSES TO THIS SHORTLY, Just wanted it transfered for the moment! <3
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Grizzled Veteran
Moon Healing Awakening!

Pony: Pumpkin Praline

  1. Prize winning gourd - can influence growing gourds to grow into giant, vibrant, delicious fruits. 20 ft radius. effected by the amount of time she spends with them.
  2. Expert carver - She has an eye for finding the 'statue within the gourd' and can carve and construct amazing things out of them.
  3. Pumpkin Spice and everything nice - can summon perfectly prepared pumpkin treats be it a dozen cupcakes, a cake, or a pair of pies.
  4. Everlast - she can bless gourds to keep them from wilting, spoiling, or rotting away for up to a year.



Grizzled Veteran
Moon Healing Awakening!

Pony: Candle Whick

  1. Flamebody This pony can’t feel the heat of fire and emanates warmth at all times.
  2. Smell of decay Whick can smell decay far sooner then when it starts to show. He can’t do anything about it but it makes picking fruit to put in a pie very useful.
  3. Flamespeak: As a flame meets it’s peak and starts to die He can hear it. It’s a soft whine telling him the fire is on it’s way down. (fires made or put out by alicorns do not make this sound only natural fires do)
  4. Rotten Taste: Whick is immune to getting sick if he eats rotten food.
  5. Fast Composter: If he naps in a compost heaps it decays a little fast. Not nearly as fast as his father the alicorn of deacy though. He would have to sleep for a night to notice a change where as you can watch it happen with Sepsis. This only works on food items not other types of things like fabrics or anything like that. Cardboard/paper slightly but getting it wet would be faster then what his power affects it.


One Little Jay

Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Hunting or "The Hunt"

  1. Birds Eye, when given the high ground is able to see small objects at great detail, making prey easier to spot.
  2. Speed burst, When in active pursuit of prey he is able to release a large burst of speed.
  3. Detail Oriented, able to pick up on even cold trails, and is familiar with different types of tracks.
  4. Silent steps, allows him to approach prey stealthily
  5. All vision, the amount of light doesnt effect his vision.(Day or night he is able to hunt for tracks)
  6. Heighten senses, all of his senses a refined to helping him find and obtain his prey.



Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Trees
Pony: this one

  1. Bark Armor: Is able to grow bark on his body to act as armor. Front legs is just an extension of his mutation but can also grow it on his back legs, his torso, and head (greaves, chest-plate, and helmet basically)
  2. Tree Knowledge: Is able to look at a tree and know what type of tree it is, how old it is, any sort of medicinal properties it may have, if anything is living in it currently, or other facts of the tree.
  3. Tree Health: After spending some time with one tree, anywhere between 10 to 30 minutes, can determine how healthy the tree is and if it has any diseases or parasites and how to treat them. Can't actually heal the tree but would know of home method treatments or if they need someone specialized in healing magic.
  4. Tree Grafting: Is able to graft different types of trees together and get it to continue to grow
  5. Tree Shaping: Is able to change how a tree is growing to shape it into a certain form or to move branches to help hide things in the tree tops. (Basically this )
  6. Tree Camouflage: Is able to perfectly hide and blend in with a tree so others can't spot it. Usually done up in the tree branches as it's easier to hide.


bitsie spider

Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: the Morose
Pony: Morrigan

  1. Raining on Your Parade: With this power, any pony within a 15-20 foot radius of Morrigan that is feeling down or any feeling of the sort, will end up with a little black rain cloud overhead. It's purely an illusionary magic, complete with flashes of lightening and rumbles of thunder to accentuate their inner most feelings
  2. A Melancholy Melody: With this power, anypony that Morrigan comes in contact within a 10 foot radius of that comes off as dismal or depressing, will suddenly start hearing melancholy music. Sometimes if can change the tide for them and help their mood improve. Other times it only deepens the mood they are already in. It just depends on that pony and what they truly want to feel
  3. Waxing Poetic: With this power, anypony who talks to Morrigan that is wishing to open up and say how they feel inside, will find the words to do so. It comes off as a calming and welcoming feeling, encouraging those who wish to genuinely say what's on their heart and mind, to feel comfortable in doing so


Jackariah Beckett

Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Apothecary (if that is too broad or could be better worded let me know)
Pony: Here


  1. Sweet Treat: Is able to make any medicine easy to take. It gives it a pleasant taste in easy to take doses.


Ignore for now, I don't know how to delete
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Grizzled Veteran
Moon Healing Awakening!

Pony: Queen Venmity

  1. Silver Tongue - When speaking with Queen Venmity, ponies find themselves to be much more impressionable. This ability allows the queen to sway ponies' opinions/actions in his favor. He cannot control them, but it is more like the ponies talking to him feel an underlying urge to please him. Comparable feeling to having a toddler tugging on your shirt trying to gain your attention during a conversation. (The lower his energy, the weaker this effect.)
  2. Thorn-Colored Glasses - This power allows Queen Venmity to haze over things that don't quite add up in ponies' eyes and shifts their focus. Ponies in his presence during the use of this power are suddenly captivated by Venmity's looks and charm, their negative emotions and feelings towards him now foggy and pushed to the back of their mind. This effect doesn't last long, five minutes at maximum, but gives him just enough time to smooth things over or get out of dodge before things turn sour.
  3. Fight For Me - Changelings, specifically within his own hive, gain a boost of confidence and energy lasting anywhere from 1-2 hours. It is strongest when first cast, with the effects dwindling over time. This is helpful for any possible battles or rows that the queen manages to get himself in.
  4. [Not Power] Using any of the above drain Queen Venmity at different levels, with the lower on the list being more taxing. Often after using one of them, He will return to his chambers to rest. Attempting two of these without rest inbetween will result in a loss of consciousness.

@polliwoggi (am new to this whole power thing.. are there limits or parameters to certain things? help welcomed ;w; )


Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Birthdays
Pony: Genoa

  1. It's Your Birthday!: A simple sensing power that allows Genoa to know when a pony's birthday is. It only works when said pony's birthday is within 30 days. The closer it is, the better it is for her to sense it. She describes it as a tingle through her body that tells her it's party time!
  2. Insta-Party: Pretty much just what it says. Genoa can use her magic to create an instant party! Complete with streamers and party hats; the whole nine yards! Well, minus the cake. That's usually where her brother Vinny takes over. This takes a lot out of her though. She can only use this power once every two months (60 days) and can only decorate a medium to large venue (think like, decently sized convention centers).
  3. Birthday Wish: Another power Genoa can only use continually as long as the wish isn't too big. Even though ponies don't speak their wishes aloud, she hears them and has the ability to subtly urge them to make that wish happen. Think of it as an extra little push to make your wishes come true.

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Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Comfort
Pony: Devereaux

  1. A Friend in Need: They can see discomfort on ponies as an aura. It'll look different depending on the type and severity with color(s) being the biggest tell. Discomfort can be physical or emotional and has many varieties based on the nature it was born. They couldn't tell you the exact details of what caused it but they'd have a darned good guess.
  2. I'll Be There For You: Ponies within a 20' radius feel mildly comforted. Not 100% so, more like 25%. This vanishes as soon as they're out of range.
  3. The Vault: If a pony's discomfort is born from the burden of harboring a secret, they can voluntarily share it with them without fear of it getting spread around. Magic prevents them from sharing another's secret in any way, shape, or form.
  4. Shoulder the Burden: With permission they can transfer discomfort from another pony onto themself. The pony will still retain their memories of how they reached that point but will essentially get to hit the reset button on the accumulated effects.
  5. Shake It Off: This works in tandem with previous power. They'll spend some time (or a lot of time in a severe case) meditating until when they've reached the right point can shake all the discomfort off. They have to actually shake though, just like a wet Inu. It looks pretty silly.
  6. Hope This Helps: Ability to enchant small objects with a comforting quality that covers a 5' radius. This enchantment only activates when the object is being held so depending on how often that is it could last just one year or many years.

I'm dying to finally get this poor bab certed so even if only one of these powers work can we put it through? And will work on whatever doesn't make the cut after. Hopefully at least one works... -fingers crossed-
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Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!
Domain desired: Chivalry
Pony: Basket

  1. 1) Unshaken Courage: Gives a boost of courage to others nearby, to themselves or directed at an individual.

    2) Defensive Peace: Conjur a shield to protect allies or themself

    3)Revived Bravery: Gives a boost of energy to allies nearby during a battle or trying time. Will not work if the alicorn themselves are completely wiped and lack hope for the situation.

    4) Trust in Me: Those nearby tend to act kinder and be more polite to one another. Good deeds, even as simple as someone opening a door or using their manners, are more likely to happen. Others who act on these courteous feelings are rewarded with internal warmth, happiness and peace of mind.

    5) Readiness to Help: Conjur small items for an ally in need. This would include food, blankets, medicines, & small bags of bits. Will not work if the alicorn has doubts about the ally's truthfulness surrounding a situation.