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[CYOA] The Second Floor

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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 74 74
Oh! Yet another new friend! Jinx grinned and gave them a pat that felt very sticky and decided to check on the Party Room.


signed an NDA
Staff member
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 64 64
Proxy for prog

We're confronting!


signed an NDA
Staff member
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 78 78
Armed now with three fairies and a cupcake possestry on his head, Jaxx felt like a zoo keeper. He decided to investigate the ferris wheel!


Grizzled Veteran

The Party Room is everything you hoped it would be... you think?
The floor is made up of giant foam tiles in primary colors, with a tiny ferris wheel for smaller foals in the middle of the room, surrounded by tiny tables and chairs meant for little colts and fillies.
To the left wall, however, there does seem to be a prize counter, with an assortment of toys on display covered in a nice layer of dust.
Seems like you can check out either the ferris wheel up close, or maybe look behind the prize counter and see what's over there?
Where will you go?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran
@Bittersweet Contradiction

You've been back to this room a few times, but at least you don't seem to be pursued...
You do, however, get a new friend upon your return, though.

It's good to have someone er... watch you back?
[Hold the link for the end of the game, this isn't your official link just yet!]

That main stage right in front of you at the back of the room is the only thing you haven't really checked out yet, isn't it? And it has doors on either side of it...
[Roll 1d100 with your post!]​


Grizzled Veteran
[Puppet rolled a 45~]

YOU DID IT! The figure makes a made lunge for you, and you swerve out of the way just in time, and the pony collapses on the floor.
And moans. You blink a few times, and they sit up to look you in the eyes, "Relax, it's just a game, you don't have to run THAT badly..."
Oh. Huh. You help them to their feet, dust off some dirt, and make a face when realization hits.
This whole thing was an elaborate experiment, and as the pony in front of you hands you a 30% off coupon for their next haunted attraction, and you can't help but feel a little suckered into it.
Eh, at least they still promised to pay you for the night...

CONGRATS! You've bested the scare actor and they will follow you home, a completely normal thing for strangers to do! Yippee!
You can head over to the 'Game Over' thread and make a post there for a chance at ponies from other floors & a freebie companion.​


Grizzled Veteran

The ferris wheel is showing its age, with a few of the little mascot riders tilted or just no longer connected to the ride itself, and it send a little ping of despair through your heart to think it had been abandoned down here, though you're not quite sure why.
The center of the ride is mirrors, just as most tend to be, but you swear you saw something over your shoulder in the grimy reflection in one... maybe it was a trick of the light?
There doesn't seem to be anything else here, however, so maybe the next best option is to check out the toy counter?
[Roll 1d100 with your post!]​
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 11 11
Zion is pleased to realize they have managed to explore most of the area already. So of course they are going to the main stage, determined to check out everything before it's too late.


signed an NDA
Staff member
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 32 32
Onto the toy counter Jaxx went, followed by their crew of little friends.​


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 25 25
Finding a pony shapes object behind the curtain was not in her thoughts when she moved the curtain aside. The glare made her snort, but when it moved?

Esme did not run, no she merely made a tactical retreat.


Grizzled Veteran
@Bittersweet Contradiction

The main stage, being the focal point for the establishment, is little more than a semicircle of wood with a few lights around the trim; definitely a sign the building is significantly older than the one upstairs.
Despite that, the curtains haven't fallen into the same state of aging as the rest of the place, and the red velvet texture looks almost brand new.
It seems you've made a new friend just at the edge of the stage....?

Just more for the party, I suppose...
[Hold the link for the end of the game, this isn't your official link just yet!]

The stage itself, however, is pitted and marked from years of use and left in a significant state of disrepair.
Getting this close, however, you do notice a little light trickling from behind the curtain.
Maybe if you pulled it aside there might be something of interest?
But then those doors on the left and right side of the stage, upon closer inspection, have faded lettering on them.
The left seems to say "Party Room", while the door to the right side seems to say "Maintenance".

Which direction will you go?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran

Upon approaching the toy counter, the tinkling of a music box catches your attention, and you're instantly drawn to the melodic tune.
You inch closer, and it suddenly stops, but a shadow is cast over both you and the box.
You turn around quickly, and find out why...

Well, someone else seems to have been drawn to the music.
[Hold the link for the end of the game, this isn't your official link just yet!]

It doesn't seem there's much else over here to look at, however.
Maybe we should go check out that other door, Maintenance was it? Or maybe you want to take another look at the Main Hall?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran

The ferris wheel is showing its age, with a few of the little mascot riders tilted or just no longer connected to the ride itself, and it send a little ping of despair through your heart to think it had been abandoned down here, though you're not quite sure why.
The center of the ride is mirrors, just as most tend to be, but you swear you saw something over your shoulder in the grimy reflection in one... maybe it was a trick of the light?
Nope, nope that is... that is something!

At least they're friendly...
[Hold the link for the end of the game, this isn't your official link just yet!]

There doesn't seem to be anything else here, however, so maybe the next best option is to check out the toy counter?
[Roll 1d100 with your post!]​


Grizzled Veteran

And a retreat it is! Though it seems the other pony hasn't even budged, making no effort to follow you. Odd...

The Party Room is everything you hoped it would be... and who is this?

Ah, well guess they're joining you.
[Hold the link for the end of the game, this isn't your official link just yet!]

The floor is made up of giant foam tiles in primary colors, with a tiny ferris wheel for smaller foals in the middle of the room, surrounded by tiny tables and chairs meant for little colts and fillies.
To the left wall, however, there does seem to be a prize counter, with an assortment of toys on display covered in a nice layer of dust.
Seems like you can check out either the ferris wheel up close, or maybe look behind the prize counter and see what's over there?
Where will you go?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


signed an NDA
Staff member
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 58 58

Another cupcake friend! Jaxx hadn't expected to end up with a million friends by the end of this, but, well, here they were. They'd have to rehome a few if they wanted to keep Nain sane.

The party room was strangely, well, boring. No parties to be found! Determined for adventure (and maybe a scare, if he was honest), Jaxx pushed forward to the maintenance room.


Grizzled Veteran
@Bittersweet Contradiction

The door to the Maintenance Room was oddly stuck, and you had to shoulder it with a significant amount of force to get it open. With a creak, the sight before you really give more of an illusion of a staff lounge than an actual room for maintenance, with lockers along the back wall and a couples of shelving units to the left wall.
Oh, and a companion seems to be here too. Oh joy.

So just.... add that to the bunch, then...
[Hold the link for the end of the game, this isn't your official link just yet!]

You can hear skittering noises to you right, and the vent in the wall seems to have a strange glow emitting from it, and as fast as you can blink, you wear something passes by the light.
Should you check out the vent? Or maybe you'd rather root through those lockers?
What will you choose?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran

The door to the Maintenance Room was oddly stuck, and you had to shoulder it with a significant amount of force to get it open. With a creak, the sight before you really give more of an illusion of a staff lounge than an actual room for maintenance, with lockers along the back wall and a couples of shelving units to the left wall.

You can hear skittering noises to you right, and the vent in the wall seems to have a strange glow emitting from it, and as fast as you can blink, you wear something passes by the light.
Should you check out the vent? Or maybe you'd rather root through those lockers?
What will you choose?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​
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