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[CYOA] The Second Floor

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Grizzled Veteran
Esme stares at the growing pile of companions, shakes her head and starts looking behind the prize counter


Grizzled Veteran

The vent is a bit hard to see thru, so you make swift use of your dexterity to pry off the cover.
Aaand the light is gone... but not the noises.
You can hear something getting further and further away from you.
Well, the vent IS wide enough to crawl through, if you're tempted?
Or maybe you'd rather go back to the main hall and try something else?
What will you do?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran

Upon approaching the toy counter, the tinkling of a music box catches your attention, and you're instantly drawn to the melodic tune.
You inch closer, and it suddenly stops, but a shadow is cast over both you and the box.
You turn around quickly, only to find nothing there.
Doesn't stop you from getting a few goosebumps though.
Aside from that, there's doesn't seem to be much else you can look at here...
Did you want to check the ferris wheel? Or maybe run off into the Maintenance Room and look around there?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 100 100
🎲d2 2 2
Esme is going to take her bunch to the ferris wheel.


Grizzled Veteran

Ah yes, crawling thru a dusty vent, everyone's favorite past time.
You inch forward carefully, every creak a cause to a pause and make sure you're not going to go falling anywhere, and a rather abrupt turn once in a while making you wonder just how much longer this goes on for... until you see it. Another vent, a little light trickling through.
You squirm a little faster, push the vent cover off, and...
It's a very small room, small colorful tables and chairs encircling small round tables.
Drawing in crayon cover the walls, but that's not what you should really be focusing on when....

It seems you've stumbled upon a little pony, and boy are they giving you a very blank, threatening stare.
Will you confront them? Or do you think running back thru the vent will save you?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran

The ferris wheel is showing its age, with a few of the little mascot riders tilted or just no longer connected to the ride itself, and it send a little ping of despair through your heart to think it had been abandoned down here, though you're not quite sure why.
The center of the ride is mirrors, just as most tend to be, but you swear you saw something over your shoulder in the grimy reflection in one... maybe it was a trick of the light?
No that's... yeah where did they come from??

They seem kind of soft... in a murder-y way.
Do you confront them? Or would you rather make a run for the Maintenance Room?
[Roll 1d100 with your post!]​


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 87 87
Esme is certainly cramped with all the companions surrounding her. Trying to take a break she spots the blue bunny.

She's going to confront the blue bunny


Grizzled Veteran
@ArtificialJellyfish @Tigeria
[Vanny rolled a 6~]
[Toy Bonnie rolled a 76~]

YOU DID IT! The figure makes a made lunge for you, and you swerve out of the way just in time, and the pony collapses on the floor.
And moans. You blink a few times, and they sit up to look you in the eyes, "Relax, it's just a game, you don't have to run THAT badly..."
Oh. Huh. You help them to their feet, dust off some dirt, and make a face when realization hits.
This whole thing was an elaborate experiment, and as the pony in front of you hands you a 30% off coupon for their next haunted attraction, and you can't help but feel a little suckered into it.
Eh, at least they still promised to pay you for the night...

CONGRATS! You've bested the scare actor and they will follow you home, a completely normal thing for strangers to do! Yippee!
You can head over to the 'Game Over' thread and make a post there for a chance at ponies from other floors & a freebie companion.​
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