- 606
- #1

Please DM Jelly or Raven via Discord for the hiring lines!
What We're Looking for:
- Edit colorists of every level
- Unedit colorists
- Companion colorists
- All colorists levels are expected to complete a custom or breeding taken on within 2 months of accepting the the custom or breeding. However, life happens and if you are unable to finish in that time period please let the staff know and reach out to the person you are making the custom or breeding for. Ideally, one more month to finish is what we'd like to strive for. But, if you are still having issues, please pass on your work to another colorist who is available. We just don't want customers waiting excessive periods of time for their customs or breedings.
- Enjoy your time, and treat each other with respect. We're all adults, if you have a disagreement please take a moment to talk out the issue instead of a sudden snap reaction. Misunderstandings happen, and if you need help, please reach out to staff.
- Make either 4 pets or 1 Breeding every 2 months.
- Make either 2 pets or 1 breeding every 4 months.
- Make either 2 pets or 1 breeding every 6 months.
- You keep all Basilisk Stew credits earned from customs or breedings.
- You earn staff credit for purchasing your own Koshin or Companion from each pet completed for anyone other than yourself.
- You may claim any Companion for free, once per month, up to 8 Companions a year. You can either color the Companion yourself, or see if another colorist is available to color it for you.
- Earn 1 free Koshin every 2 months, if you have completed either 4 pets or 1 breeding in that 2 month period.
- Earn 1 free Koshin every 4 months, if you have completed either 2 pets or 1 breeding in that 4 month period.
- Earn 1 free Koshin every 6 months, if you have completed either 2 pets or 1 breeding in that 6 month period.
- 2 coloring samples and 1 breeding sample minimum, but you can add as many samples as you like!
- No shading needed - but you may add highlights to hair and jewelry if you wish. It's not required.
- Colored lines are optional unless specified by the customer!
- Any edits are totally fine - go nuts! We may have various options on the lines for body edits and several breeds coming out, but we wanna see what you got!
- You may keep 1 of your samples if you're hired on, the rest should be gamed off or used for the shop in some way.
- You may use pets that you own as inspiration for your samples, but you may not directly copy someone else's pet.
- All pets must go through approval, within reason! This is usually a very quick process, noting if there's any visible color spills or missing color in places. Typically, it's a very quick fix and the pet is off to be dropped.
- Use of AI inspiration is strictly prohibited. We'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but please don't feed the machine.
Preferred Name:
Preferred Pronouns:
Applying for:[/b] Full/Part/Guest Colorist
Do you use Discord?:[/b] (you need to download and use Discord if hired, as we primarily work on Discord when doing meetings)
[b]Unedit or Edit Colorist:
Previous Shop Experience:
Samples:[/b] (Of previous work if applicable)
[b]Application Samples:[/b] (Use links please. Must include at least 2 samples and 1 breeding sample minimum)
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