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✦ Hiring Thread ✦


Mule Account

Please DM Jelly or Raven via Discord for the hiring lines!

Perks and Expectations:
Full Time Colorist
  • Full time colorists are required to offer customs or breedings at least once every two months. As a guideline; customs should produce a minimum of four pets, and breedings should produce a minimum of one breeding.
  • Full time colorists are not only rewarded in staff credit, but may make, commission a colorist, trade with a colorist, or trade with a colorist of another shop up to six free pets per year. These freebie pets may not be claimed unless you have fulfilled your required customs and breedings every two months.

Part Time Colorist
  • Part time colorists are required to offer customs or breedings at least once every four months. As a guideline; customs should produce a minimum of two pets, and breedings should produce a minimum of one breeding.
  • Part time colorists are not only rewarded in staff credit, but may make, commission a colorist, trade with a colorist, or trade with a colorist of another shop up to four free pets per year. These freebies may not be claimed unless you have fulfilled your required customs and breedings every three months.

Guest Colorist
  • Guest colorists are required to offer customs or breedings at least once every six months. As a guideline; customs should produce a minimum of two pets, and breedings should produce a minimum of one breeding.
  • Guest colorists are not only rewarded in staff credit, but may make, commission a colorist, trade with a colorist, or trade with a colorist of another shop up to two free pets per year. These freebies may not be claimed unless you have fulfilled your required customs and breedings every six months.
Important Note: We have some expectations for staff, primarily communication and work being completed within a timely manner (2 months from date work is taken on). Keep this in mind when deciding on the position you wish to apply for. We are very understanding (irl happens, it's all good!) and are more than willing to work with you and help you out if you need it! All we ask for is communication between staff members and the customers the work is owed to!

What We're Looking for:
  • Edit colorists of every level
  • Unedit colorists
  • Companion colorists
  • 2 coloring samples and 1 breeding sample minimum, but you can add as many samples as you like!
  • No shading - but you may add highlights to hair and jewelry if you wish. It's not required.
  • Colored lines are optional unless specified by the customer!
  • Any edits are totally fine - go nuts! We may have various options on the lines for body edits and several breeds coming out, but we wanna see what you got!
Notes and Rules:
  • You may keep 1 of your samples if you're hired on, the rest should be gamed off or used for the shop in some way.
  • You may use pets that you own as inspiration for your samples, but you may not directly copy someone else's pet.
  • All pets must go through approval, within reason!
  • Use of AI inspiration is strictly prohibited. We'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but please don't feed the machine.

Preferred Name:
Preferred Pronouns:
Applying for:[/b] Full/Part/Guest Colorist
Do you use Discord?:[/b] (you need to download and use Discord if hired, as we primarily work on Discord when doing meetings)
[b]Unedit or Edit Colorist:

Previous Shop Experience:
Samples:[/b] (Of previous work if applicable)

[b]Application Samples:[/b] (Use links please. Must include at least 2 samples and 1 breeding sample minimum)
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Preferred Name: Shi/Aeryn
Preferred Pronouns: They/He
Applying for: Full or Part
Availability: M-F 9a-9p (CST), Sat-Sun After 8p CST until June, then same hours apply.
Timezone: CST
Do you use Discord?: Yep.
Unedit or Edit Colorist: Edit

Previous Shop Experience:
Kitsusagi, My Little Pony, Echoes of Pern, and there have been at least two others that I don't even remember any more due to how long ago.

|| || ||


|| || ||

Current Art:

|| || || ||

Application Samples:


Unedited || Mid-Edit || Heavy Armor

Breeding Pairs

Parent 1 x Parent 2

Parent 1 x Parent 2

Breeding results:

Child 1 || Child 2

Child 1

((App is finished!))
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Grizzled Veteran
Preferred Name: Chex, Cheza, Chaos Monger, etc.
Preferred Pronouns: Any is fine!
Applying for: Guest Colorist [We ALL know I'm too sporadic for more lel]
Availability: Usually 24/7
Timezone: EST
Do you use Discord?: Yep 8D
Unedit or Edit Colorist: Pssssh, Edited bby ;D

Previous Shop Experience: Dungeons & Dice [Anything else I might've been in might be too old to use for refs. >>;]
Samples: Tried to find the ones where the edits are entirely mine...
I think the cats' ears/tail are the only thing not my work? [And the bases/arm/leg poses]

Application Samples: DONE!

Parent 1-

Parent 2 + Child-

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New Arrival
Username: Rain (Roserain on Gaia)
Preferred Name: Rain
Preferred Pronouns: They/them
Applying for: Any
(I'll likely do 20 kids in one month, and then fall away for a month or two. Then come back and do it again. I'm kind of a sprinter? Your full time requirements don't sound unreasonable, but there might be a month I have to skip due to RL issues)
Availability: Please note you should be able to reach me for quick messages most any time. But for my undivided attention, such as to run an event:
Mon/Wed/Fri - after 7pm
Tues - Completely booked
Thurs/Sat/Sun - Free all day
Timezone: CST
Do you use Discord?: More than I should
Unedit or Edit Colorist: Comfortable with edits

Previous Shop Experience: Nightmare Academy (rebranded Asphodel Gardens), Silver Lining, Tales of Watership Down (owned and ran), Wei Kun Lang, Nezumi, iZunes, Paws n Claws, The Coloring Box, Bats in the Belfry, Warriors, and many, many others that I guest colored at from time to time.
Additional Examples can be found HERE
Tried to gather from the last 15+ years from several different shops xD

My personal favorites:

Application Samples:



Grizzled Veteran
Preferred Name: Lux/Luxy/anything except 'late for dinner'
Preferred Pronouns: she/her/they
Applying for: Part-time, possibly Full-time if health allows
Availability: M-F after 6pm + Sat/Sun all day, health permitting
Timezone: CST / Oklahoma
Do you use Discord?: Yee
Unedit or Edit Colorist: Edit

Previous Shop Experience: Created a few fox shops like Coffee House, colored for & then owned iZunes, colored for TRHQ, current creator/owner of Bats in the Belfry and colorist at Everchange

Application Samples: (Use links please. Must include at least 2 samples and 1 breeding sample minimum)
Edited Sample #1 -Tiny Beans shop conversion of mine~
Edited Sample #3~

Edited Sample #1.2 -Twin to above!
Edited Sample #2

Edited Kit of Twin & #2

technically a completed app, but will continue to add to when spoons are available XD
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Grizzled Veteran
Preferred Name: Reo, Ren (i don't mind i respond to most names)
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her
Applying for: Guest Colorist
Availability: M-F after 6pm + Sat/Sun depending on child care and work
Timezone: EST
Do you use Discord?: Very much so. i'm connected on my phone all the time
Unedit or Edit Colorist: i may be able to do small edits but primarily unedited

Previous Shop Experience: Kitsusagi (I am lore staff in current shop but they let me color as well to help out for events), Modifox (on gaia and currently part of that shop as i color there from time to time) Drifts- closed i used to run it but can not run a shop alone it became to much.
Samples: Link to current Kitsusagi list of pets i've done but here are some of the previous line pets I've colored.

Application Samples: (Use links please. Must include at least 2 samples and 1 breeding sample minimum)

sample one
sample two
sample three

Breeding sample between sample two and three

child one
child two

Finished required but may attempt a few more later
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Grizzled Veteran
Username: Rano713
Preferred Name: Rano
Preferred Pronouns: she/her
Applying for:
Part or Guest Colorist
Availability: Afternoons, evenings and weekends
Timezone: CST
Do you use Discord?:
Unedit or Edit Colorist: edit please <3

Previous Shop Experience: 😓 none, this would be my first c:

Application Samples:

Whatever floats your stoat
Harlequin themed pet here (HARLEQUIN THEME WARNING)
Harlequin themed pet twin here (HARLEQUIN THEME WARNING)
Light edit catto

Breeding Sample:
Parent 1 x Parent 2
Kiddo 1, Kiddo 2, Kiddo 3
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Grizzled Veteran
Username: StarshineAngel
Preferred Name: Starshine
Preferred Pronouns: She/her
Applying for:
Part or guest
Availability: Evenings and weekends
Timezone: MST
Do you use Discord?:
yes I do
Unedit or Edit Colorist: Unedit

Previous Shop Experience:

Application Samples:

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Grizzled Veteran
Preferred Name: Mew/Mewy
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her
Applying for: Part time/Guest
Availability: Evenings, various weekends
Timezone: EST
Do you use Discord?: Yes
Unedit or Edit Colorist: Edit

Previous Shop Experience: The Lucky Noodle, Nightmare Academy
Samples: [xxx] [xxx] [xxx] [xxx] [xxx]

Application Samples:
[Parent 1] x [Parent 2]
[Child 1] [Child 2]

[Minor gore warning]

[Unedit Parent] x [Edit Parent]
[Child 1] [Child 2]
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Username: Umbrefox
Preferred Name: Umbre
Preferred Pronouns:
Applying for: Part-time/guest
Availability: Fairly flexible (Currently busy on Wednesdays)
Timezone: PST
Do you use Discord?: yes
Unedit or Edit Colorist: Edit

Previous Shop Experience:
(Of previous work if applicable)

Application Samples:
Sample 1 (Keeping, he's an OC I've had for 15 years):

Sample 2:

Sample 3:

Parent 1:

Parent 2:
Kit 1:

Kit 2:

Kit 3: