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  1. Lunar Fea

    ✦ Starfall ✦ Hiring & Mad Scientist Mix Ups Open!

    oops forgot about this lawl. went to set up new bird feeder~
  2. Lunar Fea

    ✦ Starfall ✦ Hiring & Mad Scientist Mix Ups Open!

    lol apparently it doesn't like roar anymore either~
  3. Lunar Fea

    ✦ Starfall ✦ Hiring & Mad Scientist Mix Ups Open!

    roar must be the way to go maybe?
  4. Lunar Fea

    ✦ Starfall ✦ Hiring & Mad Scientist Mix Ups Open!

    it did not like a rawr only a roar
  5. Lunar Fea

    ✦ Starfall ✦ Hiring & Mad Scientist Mix Ups Open!

    lets go 17 lets go~
  6. Lunar Fea

    ✦ Starfall ✦ Hiring & Mad Scientist Mix Ups Open!

    ooh them low rolls~