Inspired by Lemon Meringue Milkshakes
Caramella may not have hooves like most milk cows, but she's just as much of one as anyone else is. It's even a bit of local gossip, wondering where the other half of her lineage stems from, since she's a hybrid and not a full flightless pony.
Despite this...
I want to break free
Task 1: My resolution for 2022 is stick with what I've been doing at the end of 2021. Working, more often if I can, and working more on drawing and trying to function like a less-hostile version of a human being towards the RL drama-causers.
I want to break free
I want to break free
Abasi is very welcome into the family dynamic. 8'D
Thank you everyone for the fun entries! I enjoyed reading people's ideas. 8>
I want to break free
Moon Claiming Power!
Domain desired: Video Gamers [Refreshing the older claim since it's a WIP~]
I understand it is my responsibility to renew this claim if I don't acquire the alicorn within 60 days!
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