Search results

  1. R

    [Exploration] Floral Victory (Eulalio)[Complete]

    Eulalio held his breath as he approached the group. Looks like the parent away so he was in the clear for a moment. Readying a pokeball, he took a closer look to see what he wanted to catch. Status: Eulalio: 5/7 HP, 0 Energy Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) Finds: 2x Flower Bunch? Baby the...
  2. R

    [Exploration] Floral Victory (Eulalio)[Complete]

    8 You've accidentally stumbled across a small group of baby pokémon hidden in a burrow! They're sleeping peacefully now - maybe you can get close to them before their parent returns? Optional. On success, roll a Wild Battle but don't enter battle. Immediately gain a capture attempt vs a full...
  3. R

    [Exploration] Floral Victory (Eulalio)[Complete]

    10 The calls of wild pokémon echo around you, but you can't quite figure out what they are. Hopefully, they're not communicating about you. Eulalio heard the pokemon calls and figured they were just yelling at him to keep going. So that's just what they did. They continued on in search of...
  4. R

    [Exploration] Floral Victory (Eulalio)[Complete]

    20 You don't see what causes it, but regardless of where it came from, you know darn well that the rock that just whacked you out of nowhere hurt. Regardless of whether it was some other adventurer being, well, a bit of an ass, or a pokémon trying to drive you away from its nest, you're...
  5. R

    [Exploration] Floral Victory (Eulalio)[Complete]

    Just as they were starting to head down the hill, Eulalio noticed some more clusters of flowers along the way. With a bright grin, they picked a handful to add to the bundle already in their satchel. More flowers meant more flower crowns. Maybe they'd make some for the people back in town. -1...
  6. R

    [Exploration] Floral Victory (Eulalio)[Complete]

    17 A hill you've been walking on has slowly turned into a seaside cliff, giving you an impressive view of both the ocean and the rolling plains below. As your gaze scans the horizon, you might notice something interesting along the edge... On success, gain +1 Flower Bunch?. You: INS+Alert 2...
  7. R

    [Exploration] Floral Victory (Eulalio)[Complete]

    Eulalio didn't quite flee from the other explorer, but it was a near thing. It was one of the types who thought they were so much better than everyone and had went and bought all this fancy equipment to get farther out. They just kept jabbering on and on about their pokemon were the best and...
  8. R

    [Exploration] Floral Victory (Eulalio)[Complete]

    9 You've come across another explorer camping out in the grasslands! They offer you a place to sit and relax for a little while, as well as maybe have a chat. On success, the two of you have a great time chatting, and you continue your journey feeling refreshed and ready to go. +1 HP and +2...
  9. R

    [Exploration] Floral Victory (Eulalio)[Complete]

    13 Your pokédex beeps at you, its sensors apparently indicating a storm brewing in your near vicinity. Odd - the sky seems perfectly clear where you are. A beep of warning had Eulalio checking their pokedex. Oh not this again! More storm warnings when there weren't going to be any storms for...
  10. R

    [Exploration] Floral Victory (Eulalio)[Complete]

    4 Venturing near the coast, you notice a rather deep crag with some strangely bright clusters on the edges. If you want, you or one of your pokémon could try to grab some for the research team. Optional roll. Automatic success if you have a flying type pokémon with 1 or more HP. On failure, -2...
  11. R

    [Exploration] Floral Victory (Eulalio)[Complete]

    While he did a great job keeping his eyes on the prize, the pokemon in the water decided he looked like a tasty snack. Nearly getting his toes chomped off had Eulalio jumping back and away from the rocks. It stung, and he didn't want to get bitten again so he'd try again maybe later. -1 energy...
  12. R

    [Exploration] Floral Victory (Eulalio)[Complete]

    11 You come across a dip in the terrain near the meeting of sand and grass, and it doesn't take long to realize it's leading down into a small cove and the start of a sea cave! While it's not very large yet, you can see the surf is slowly eroding the space - some day, this might be a lovely...
  13. R

    [Exploration] Floral Victory (Eulalio)[Complete]

    Eulalio was so excited. The store was opening soon and he had enough that he thought he could definitely pick something up. A new pokemon friend or two would be wonderful and maybe he could pick up another lefmew or something? Daydreaming, it was a wonder he managed to make it out of town/ -1...
  14. R

    [Training Session] Eulalio

    Loyalty Increase now! 6/2/22 +1 success
  15. R

    [Training Session] Eulalio

    Training Session Summary 6/2/22 Another day, and another session to try and get Sundrop to learn the new moves. It was pretty hot out, so Eulalio was already having a hard enough time getting Sundrop to stay with them. Even then, they didn't want to pay any attention to what their trainer was...
  16. R

    [Training Session] Eulalio

    Move relearning! 6/2/22 Training Sundrop. Doing Knowledge training. Knowledge Training INS or Clever + Nature, Crafts, or Lore 3 + 2 for nature = 5 dice
  17. R

    [Exploration] Another trek into the Grasslands (Lang)[Complete]

    Adventure Done! Items Found: 1x Weird Mushroom? Pokémon Caught: 1x w. pidove (research ball) 1x w. lefmew (research ball) 1x n. weedle (research ball) 1x w. pidove (research ball) Handing Over: everything Handing Over To: Fairlight
  18. R

    [Exploration] Another trek into the Grasslands (Lang)[Complete]

    Going in hot seemed to be the way to go. Lang went in, grabbed a handful of the mushrooms and stuffed them in his bag. Without thinking about it he got up and trucked it away. It was the first time he'd succeeded in getting close enough to one of the corpses to grab some mushrooms and he was...
  19. R

    [Exploration] Another trek into the Grasslands (Lang)[Complete]

    15 A sour scent leads you to a foul discovery: the remains of some long-dead pokémon, mostly devoured by whatever scavengers have come across it. While its life is long over, the rotting carcass seems to be fostering some other new life, as the nearby area is adorned with fruiting mushrooms...
  20. R

    [Exploration] Another trek into the Grasslands (Lang)[Complete]

    19 Your Fairlight-issued tracking device beeps at you, warning you that you're getting near the end of your authorized exploration region. You turn back - if not for worry of your safety, then most certainly for worry of the fines and potential expulsion associated with a breach of exploration...