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  1. Tour Guide Boletta

    The Races of Animalia

    Foxes Native to: Frosty Falls While some people have a problem telling foxes apart from wolves, there’s some clear differences setting them apart. First of all, their fur is much softer, and prettier. Secondly, their ears are much nicer and more shapely. Then, of course, there’s their...
  2. Tour Guide Boletta

    The Races of Animalia

    Lungs Native to: Cloudy Cover A lung’s pearl is probably the rarest gemstone known to citizen-kind; no one knows what they’re made of, because a lung is never willing to part with it to study it! The pearls appear when they’re created, and legends say that a lung who loses their pearl for too...
  3. Tour Guide Boletta

    The Races of Animalia

    Fraeco Native to: Cloudy Cover These fluffy residents of Cloudy Cover can often be seen flitting in and out of the enchanted clouds, with their heavy fur helping keep them warm from the cool condensation within. Rumor has it, if you catch a fraeco’s tail while they’re racing, you’re destined...
  4. Tour Guide Boletta

    The Races of Animalia

    Sprytes Native to: Cloudy Cover Some people argue that sprytes are just some kind of quirky dragon, but sprytes are often quick to dismiss this claim. With their insect-like qualities and smoother scales, it’s easy to see why so many feel like lumping them in with dragons is just rude...
  5. Tour Guide Boletta

    The Races of Animalia

    Dragons Native to: Cloudy Cover Scaly citizens with leathery wings, dragons can be a little bit intimidating to some others, but most of them aren’t scary at all. It’s understandable, of course, with those horns and spikes and claws and - some dragons wish they didn’t have them at all, but...
  6. Tour Guide Boletta

    The Races of Animalia

    Fancies Native to: Cloudy Cover No one’s really sure when fancies started showing up, but the name has been around almost as long as they have. It’s a catch all sort of term, since fancies all seem to be weird varieties of horses! Unicorns, pegusii, flutter equines - if it’s a horse with...
  7. Tour Guide Boletta

    The Races of Animalia

    Boo Native to: Dankville ??? Quirks none
  8. Tour Guide Boletta

    The Races of Animalia

    Mushrooms Native to: Dankville Like their more photosynthetic cousins above, mushrooms are a form of sapient flora. Unlike flowers, however, mushrooms aren’t capable of making their energy from sunlight, and instead are relegated to eating food like every other kind of citizen. On the plus...
  9. Tour Guide Boletta

    The Races of Animalia

    Eyeballs Native to: Dankville Can you guess what an eyeball’s most prominent feature is? Did you guess their wings? Their big mouths? No…? Well, okay, it’s pretty obvious what it is - it’s their shining personalities, of course. No two eyeballs are alike, so take the time to get to know one...
  10. Tour Guide Boletta

    The Races of Animalia

    Bats Native to: Dankville These big-eared citizens don’t need hands to be successful in life, and don’t you forget it! With their amazing hearing and their ability to fly, bats have the skills for lots of exciting, unusual modes of employment. Of course, plenty of them choose to go into...
  11. Tour Guide Boletta

    The Races of Animalia

    T-Rexes Native to: Ancient Valley For a long time, t-rexes have apparently had a bad reputation among their dinosaur neighbors, though often they’ll tell you it’s unfair. Sure they eat meat, but no one said anything about eating other citizens, right? How gross! Quirks none
  12. Tour Guide Boletta

    The Races of Animalia

    Quetzals Native to: Ancient Valley One might think that it’s strange that Ancient Valley wasn’t discovered sooner, considering that its skies are frequented by these high-flying creatures, but have you ever tried to fly over a mountain? Most just assumed nothing else existed in the world...
  13. Tour Guide Boletta

    The Races of Animalia

    Pachies Native to: Ancient Valley If you wanted to find the hardest headed citizen in the land, look no further! With skulls as strong as steel and a penchant for headbutting their problems out of the way, pachies are a force to be reckoned with. Many pachies make a sport of headbutting...
  14. Tour Guide Boletta

    The Races of Animalia

    Axolotls Native to: Ancient Valley Swimming in the warm lakes of Ancient Valley, many think that axolotls resemble the more modern salamander of Swampy Bog. However, these slimy citizens still seem to have gills, something that no civilized amphibian would be caught with - or so some certain...
  15. Tour Guide Boletta

    The Races of Animalia

    Lindwurmes Native to: Tall Mountain Often thought of as reclusive, lindwurmes are more often than not just rarely seen. It isn’t necessarily from not wanting to be as much as there simply aren’t as many of them as some of the other natives of Tall Mountain. No one really knows why, but don’t...
  16. Tour Guide Boletta

    The Races of Animalia

    Goats Native to: Tall Mountain Though some people find it difficult to understand how hooves are so good at traversing rocky cliffs, the fact of the matter is that many goats are excellent at it. While that’s very fortunate for them, it’s rather unfortunate for well-meaning travelers calling...
  17. Tour Guide Boletta

    The Races of Animalia

    Chinchillas Native to: Tall Mountain Unlike alpacas and angoras, chinchillas are residents of Tall Mountain that seem pretty interested in keeping their fur. That’s a bit of a shame, since it’s the softest of all - though we won’t tell the others. Chinchillas can keep that secret for...
  18. Tour Guide Boletta

    The Races of Animalia

    Angoras Native to: Tall Mountain Thick-furred cousins of the more urban rabbit, angoras are bigger and slower than those spritely citizens. All that hair really takes it out of you, you know? Some of them have recently tried breaking into the wool sweater market, too, but it’s really a lot of...
  19. Tour Guide Boletta

    The Races of Animalia

    Alpacas Native to: Tall Mountain More than just a really tall sheep, alpacas are impressively fluffy friends from the mountainside. They’re also quite warm, and that’s very important. They’re also an unfortunate rival to the sheep wool industry, giving rise to bitterness between some groups -...
  20. Tour Guide Boletta

    The Races of Animalia

    Salamanders Native to: Swampy Bog Smooth-skinned citizens of the swamp, salamanders often love to swim through the wetlands. Their soft flesh dries up easily in low humidity, so taking a dip helps keep them nice and hydrated. As to getting dirty, well, that’s what the slime coat’s for, right...