Gift Givings!
Once a day you can win a gift from Halyna!
In order to do this you'll have to post the form and randomise a number from 1 - 1000.
There are a number of results where you will win a prize, but there are only so many gifts that can be sent out.
1 :: A non-permission breeding.
Pretty Parfait Ponies!
These two lovelies spend much of their time creating wonderful new desserts to treat their
friends with!
So they're always looking for new recipes... That's where you come in!
Each day you can bring forth a new recipe for them to try! But you'll have to try it out for...
A Free Raffle!
These four ponies are available via a free raffle!
To enter, just post the following code!
( And remember, a newbie owns 3 or less ponies! )
Entering the Raffle!
My preference list is: [ LIST GOES HERE ]
Are you an MLPP newbie? [ Yes/No ]
Raffle Entries!
1. Berri (...
No Strings Attached Breeding Mixer!
Interested in perhaps winning a free breeding?
All you have to do is enter a male and/or a female pony for a breeding!
Though you can enter both a male and a female, you can't breed with yourself here,
so you can only win on one side at a time.
There may be...
Event Rules!
Please don't PM shop staff or mules without permission!
Send all trades immediately after any confirmed orders.
Trades should be sent to the shop mule unless otherwise directed.
Please post all questions, do not PM them.
Please do not modify any of the art.
Be sure you follow...
Welcome to the Discount Dessert event!
These ponies were created by Seraphim from the many sweets his admirers sent him for
the romantic holiday!
There are 7 ponies here on Basilisk Stew for you to go after, but if you're interested in more...
Take a look at the last post on this first page...
To get your pony certed, please post this form in this thread!
I will get around to making a certing thread soon, but for now here!!
Certing a Pony
Pony's uncert::
Owner's username::
Pony's name::
Obtained from::
[b]Home Website:: gaia/bs/th/da...
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