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  1. Kitsusagi Staff

    Everything You Need To Know About Battling

    Druid Companion Beasts Sweet song - The sweet song and lure + Lure in Calope - The resourceful rabbit + Flight Foot or Hidden rush must be picked when pet is tamed. Snyk - Tiny Viper with a shocking mouth + Paralyzing Bite Relyc - The Gentle flower + Night light Mebew - Choncky bird or...
  2. Kitsusagi Staff

    Everything You Need To Know About Battling

    Reserved for more Classes if needed
  3. Kitsusagi Staff

    Everything You Need To Know About Battling

    These are the Classes currently available for your Kitsu to choose from. More may be added over time! Each Class has a short description and then a list of Class Abilities to choose from. Remember, you may only pick one Ability and that's all you ever get, so choose wisely! For now...
  4. Kitsusagi Staff

    Everything You Need To Know About Battling

    Reserved for more Natural Abilities if needed
  5. Kitsusagi Staff

    Everything You Need To Know About Battling

    General Natural Abilities (may be chosen by any species) Educated - this ability adds +1 to the Kitsu's Mental Stat Social Butterfly - this ability adds +1 to the Kitsu's Social Stat Buff - this ability adds +1 to the Kitsu's Physical Stat Hardy - this ability adds +1 to the Kitsu's HP...
  6. Kitsusagi Staff

    Everything You Need To Know About Battling

    What is a Natural Ability? This is a type of ability that each and every Kitsusagi automatically has when they are born. Some of these abilities are physical, some are mental or social and some are basically magical abilities; usually less powerful than magic spells. If the ability is physical...
  7. Kitsusagi Staff

    Everything You Need To Know About Battling

    Example Battle For this example, we'll pretend I am sparring with Dante vs Nero. So as not to actually take up a lot of posts, I'll just be using quotes and making up the dice rolls, stats, abilities etc. I'll also add small notes to each "post" to further explain what is going on.[/align]...
  8. Kitsusagi Staff

    Everything You Need To Know About Battling

    Bonuses and Negatives Keep in mind, there are some ways to add bonuses or negatives to dice rolls. Most of the time, this will be through Natural Abilities, Class Abilities, Spells, or the Advantages/Disadvantages system (optional). Abilities and Spells usually add bonuses to your rolls or...
  9. Kitsusagi Staff

    Everything You Need To Know About Battling

    Rolling Dice In order to attack, or defend in any way (physically, mentally, or socially), the die to roll is a d10. Whatever your number is in the stat you are using, that is how many d10's you roll. For example... Your Kitsu is trying to run over and tackle another Kitsu, and their Physical...
  10. Kitsusagi Staff

    Everything You Need To Know About Battling

    How do I battle another Kitsusagi or a monster? In order to battle, your Kitsu must first have Stats. For more information about Stats, see the sticky post about them. Each Kitsu also has a set amount of HP, or Hit Points - this is your Kitsu's health. Using Stats and HP, and some dice rolls...
  11. Kitsusagi Staff

    Everything You Need To Know About Battling

    Table of Contents - About Battling - Combat Rolling And Forms - Bonuses, Negatives, and Help From Guardians - Example of Battle - What Are Natural Abilities, Classes, and Spells? - List of Abilities Available - Reserved Post For More Abilities if Needed - List of Classes Available - Reserved...
  12. Kitsusagi Staff

    Everything You Need To Know About Battling

    Many things in the battle system (such as class descriptions, abilities and spells) have been copied and slightly modified from the online Pathfinder system reference document. This is a free and open website, but giving credit where its due is important!
  13. Kitsusagi Staff

    Bank Teller

  14. Kitsusagi Staff

    Bank Teller

    Personal Banks Personal Banks can now be found in the Bank Accounts Page.
  15. Kitsusagi Staff

    Co-Owner's Agreement

    Links to existing co-owners agreements are below... Name of Kitsusagi / Owners / Link to Contract Devmani / Hungry Ghost + Outbreak Signal / ~Contract Link~ Malachi / Hungry Ghost + Outbreak Signal / ~Contract Link~ Sigourney-Sigfreid / Nerpin + Pendragon / ~Contract Link~ Everard / Pendragon...
  16. Kitsusagi Staff

    Co-Owner's Agreement

    Co-owning going forward will only be allowed for Auction pets where 2 people have gone in together to win the Auction. Co-ownership is not to be taken lightly. Kitsusagi may only be co-owned by a maximum of two people. You may work out egg distribution, RP rights, and other details to post on...
  17. Kitsusagi Staff

    Bank Teller

    Welcome to the Bank! Here, you may trade silver with other players, post to get silver added to your account, or redeem it for items. Please use the forms below for which of our services you require. If you are trading with someone, the other person will need to quote and agree before we can...
  18. Kitsusagi Staff

    Gatekeepers and Tokens

    What is a Gatekeeper? A Gatekeeper is a type of Mage that has the ability to operate a Gate - Lesser or Greater. The job of these Kitsu is to guard and operate the Gates, and to make sure any Token presented by a Kitsu wishing to travel is legitimate. What is a Token? A Token is an item that...
  19. Kitsusagi Staff

    Guardian/Familiar Owners List

    One Little Jay Guardians 001: ??? - Koiasi - G1 - 02.22.21 002: ??? - Koiasi - G1 - 02.22.21 003: ??? - Koiasi - G1 - 02.22.21 004: ??? - sesshiyasha - G1 - 03.28.21 005: ??? - sesshiyasha - G1 - 03.28.21 006: ??? - Kathryn Dragonna - G1 - 03.28.21 007: Sprinkles - Cheyriddle4 - G1 - 04.03.21...
  20. Kitsusagi Staff

    Owners List

    One Little Jay 001: Sasha - Fea Line - Earthborn - G1- 01.21.21 002: Harriet Macintosh - Ice_Dragon_Demon - Earthborn - G1- 01.20.21 003: Estrella - One Little Jay - Earthborn - G1- 01.20.21 004: ??? - Sesshiyasha - Earthborn - G1- 01.21.21 005: Sprinkle Cake - MiddyGlow - Fauna - G3- 01.18.21...