Search results

  1. Kitsusagi Staff

    Owners List

    Nym 001: Netalia - Kiara Lime - Angelic - G1- 01.06.21
  2. Kitsusagi Staff

    Owners List

    Mythi Red Panda (Mythi)
  3. Kitsusagi Staff

    Owners List

    Porcelain Pinch 001: Kaireno - sesshiyasha - Angelic - G1- 01.01.20 002: ??? - PeterPan_da144 - Earthborn - G1- 01.03.20 003: Abigail - Natty-Chan - Earthborn - G1- 01.03.20 004: Clever Clover -RozeyBear - Earthborn - G1- 01.03.20 005: Rerei - Koiasi - Earthborn - G1- 01.01.20 006: Amurya -...
  4. Kitsusagi Staff

    Owners List

    Leez0rz (Lee, Ubebabe) 001: Yasha - Leezorz - Earthborn - G1- 12.01.19 002: ??? - The Lost Lenore - Earthborn - G1- 00.00.00 003: Azure Roseate - Haisyn Fierra - Earthborn - G1- 12.12.19 004: Logan - RozeyBear - Earthborn - G1- 12.12.19 005: Kyoufu Kawaii - PZMJNP - Earthborn - G1- 12.12.19...
  5. Kitsusagi Staff

    Owners List

    FelianAurden 001: ??? - ??? - Angelic - G1- 00.00.00 002: Eievui - Revel1984 - Tundra - G1- 02.06.20 003: Megumi - MiddyGlow - Tundra - G1- 02.02.20 004: Wild Tide - Valdmir Talamore - Angelic - G1- 01.13.20 005: Chyome Mochizuki - lLuminl - Angelic - G1- 10.31.19 006: Arynn - Koiasi - Angelic...
  6. Kitsusagi Staff

    Owners List

    Kiara Lime (KiKi) 001: Nemesis - Valdmir Talamore - Earthborn - G1- 03.02.20 002: Sakurako - MiddyGlow - Earthborn - G1- 03.02.20 003: Calean - Reoakee - Earthborn - G1- 03.03.20 004: Elric - One little Jay - Earthborn - G1- 03.01.20 005: Harmony - Leezorz - Earthborn - G1- 03.01.20 006: Haiti...
  7. Kitsusagi Staff

    Owners List

    Valdmir Talamore (Vincent) 001: Iridescia Bubbletea - RozeyBear - Earthborn - G1- 01.13.20 002: Fabulous - Natty-Chan - Earthborn - G1- 01.12.20 003: Donovan - Vladmir Talamore - Earthborn - G1- 01.10.20 004: ??? - ??? - Earthborn - G1- 00.00.00 005: Zinna - Nym - Earthborn - G1- 02.01.20 006...
  8. Kitsusagi Staff

    Owners List

    Manda 001: Atsuko - MiddyGlow - Earthborn - G1 - 01.06.20 002: Avacyn- Moonie- Angelic- G1 - 01.02.20 003: ??? - Moonie - Nightmare - G1- 00.00.00 004: ??? - The Lost Lenore - Nightmare - G2- 11.21.19 005: Eros - -Shady Mooo- - Nightmare - G2- 11.21.19 006: Kosumosu - Manda - Nightmare - G2-...
  9. Kitsusagi Staff

    Kitsusagi Realms - Long Hiatus

    A rumor has been going around. Something Special is coming soon.... Follow us on Discord and Join our RP Server to find out more!
  10. Kitsusagi Staff

    Kiki's Certs

  11. Kitsusagi Staff

    Season of Renewal: Plushie gifting (Kitsusagi)

    Tis the season for celebrating life! The Season of Renewal is upon us and the tradition of gifting plushies, sweets, eggs and flowers to friends and family is ramping up. Use the Lines below to create yourself and friends plushies that can be posted here for conversion. This event will be held...
  12. Kitsusagi Staff

    Retired Artist Certs

    @The Lost Lenore
  13. Kitsusagi Staff

    The Breeds

    Tundras Tundra Kitsusagi were discovered through their use of an ancient magical gate connecting their frost covered home to the Guardian Grove. Their thick coat is their stand-out feature. Protecting them from the elements and keeping them toasty warm. This also limits them from venturing too...
  14. Kitsusagi Staff

    ★Equipment Shop and Guide

    Buying Items Username: - Items being purchased:- Total - New Silver Balance -
  15. Kitsusagi Staff

    ★Equipment Shop and Guide

    Other Items Other items that can be used in battles or on adventures will be listed on a case by case basis, with a description in the shop. Some examples are Beast Companions, treasure maps, potions, etc. Snyk - 5 Silver Beast Companion A colorful snake companion that can be used as a Beast...
  16. Kitsusagi Staff

    ★Equipment Shop and Guide

    Weapons Autumn Sword - 5 Silver A colorful blade that gives a +3 dice boost to physical attacks when in use. Basic Autumn Wand - 5 Silver A seasonally themed wand that gives a +3 dice bonus to spell attacks.
  17. Kitsusagi Staff

    ★Equipment Shop and Guide

    Armor Simple Leather Armor - 3 Silver This basic set gives ample places for your items and bags to attach to and a handy +2 dice to your defense rolls.
  18. Kitsusagi Staff

    ★Equipment Shop and Guide

    Trinkets These are a type of item that you can buy which may or may not have some use IC. Usually they are not added to a Kitsu's artwork, you should just put in your Den that your Kitsu owns certain trinkets. Some may go onto the artwork, but not all. Beer Mug - 1 Silver A big mug of your...
  19. Kitsusagi Staff

    ★Equipment Shop and Guide

    General Clothing & Accessories Sometimes, the Shop will offer different kinds of templated clothing and accessories that may be added to your Kitsu's artwork. These types of items have no benefits in battle, they are simply there to further customize your Kitsu if you wish to buy them to do so...