Search results

  1. My Four Seasons

    ▷ The Companions

    Gimmik :: GIM-ik Ko-Fi Exclusive ▷ Sizing ◁ Medium ▷ Plural ◁ Gimmik ▷ Diet ◁ Carnivores Engineered to move and traverse within the dark, Gimmiks enjoy playing with ponies and causing trouble right in the corner of their eyes. Their tail shares the same digestive track as the main...
  2. My Four Seasons

    ▷ The Companions

    Snebble :: SNEB-ul Ko-Fi Exclusive ▷ Sizing ◁ Tiny ▷ Plural ◁ Snebbles ▷ Diet ◁ Bacterivores/Fungivores Naturally and abundantly found in Spring's Rain, snebbles have become a staple in a well-rounded garden thanks to their natural diet of bacteria and fungi. Small groups of...
  3. My Four Seasons

    ▷ The Companions

    Shuppy :: SHUP-ee Ko-Fi Exclusive ▷ Sizing ◁ Medium ▷ Plural ◁ Shuppies ▷ Diet ◁ Piscivores An aquatic pony's best friend, the shuppy is truly just an amphibious boof. They're full of love and joy, lacking a thought behind their big, expressive eyes. In saying that, they respond...
  4. My Four Seasons

    ▷ The Companions

    Nite Lite :: NITE-LITE Ko-Fi Exclusive ▷ Sizing ◁ Small ▷ Plural ◁ Nite Lites ▷ Diet ◁ Crystophores Nite Lites want to be your friend. No, like, they really want to be your friend. There's nothing malicious about these little balls of astral fluff, even if they came from fallen stars...
  5. My Four Seasons

    ▷ The Companions

    Fren :: FREN Ko-Fi Exclusive ▷ Sizing ◁ Large ▷ Plural ◁ Fren ▷ Diet ◁ Omnivores Fren are highly adaptive and can conform to any environment. They're more often found in Summer's Touch and enjoy warmer temperatures naturally thanks to their perfectly tempered fur. Despite the sheer...
  6. My Four Seasons

    ▷ The Companions

    Luvbug :: LUV-bug Ko-Fi Exclusive ▷ Sizing ◁ Tiny ▷ Plural ◁ Luvbugs ▷ Diet ◁ Emotions Luvbugs are nothing but affection incarnate. They flock to areas with high levels of good vibes, feelings of affection, and deep love. Sometimes, if the emotional connection is strong enough, they can...
  7. My Four Seasons

    ▷ The Companions

    Mooshi :: MOO-shee Ko-Fi Exclusive ▷ Sizing ◁ Small ▷ Plural ◁ Mooshrooms ▷ Diet ◁ Folivores Mooshrooms are primarily found in Fall's Harvest, as it has the largest concentration of their favorite food: decaying leaves. These creatures are solitary and seclusive, preferring darker areas...
  8. My Four Seasons

    ▷ The Companions

    Kastle :: KAS-ul Ko-Fi Exclusive ▷ Sizing ◁ Medium to Large ▷ Plural ◁ Kastles ▷ Diet ◁ None Dotting coastlines everywhere, kastles sift through the beach sands when activity is low. Prone to flattening themselves within the surrounding sand, kastles are easy to stumble upon and...
  9. My Four Seasons

    ▷ The Companions

    Botunny :: boh-TUN-ee Ko-Fi Exclusive ▷ Sizing ◁ Small to Medium ▷ Plural ◁ Botunnies ▷ Diet ◁ Herbivores While they're found primarily in their native region--Spring's Rain--, botunnies gravitate towards well-kept gardens in search of work. Like snebble, they enjoy aiding plant growth...
  10. My Four Seasons

    ▷ The Companions

    Vulpertin :: VUL-per-tin Ko-Fi Exclusive ▷ Sizing ◁ Small ▷ Plural ◁ Vulpertin ▷ Diet ◁ Omnivores Vulpertin are clever opportunists, thriving in the frosty forests of Winter’s Breath. Their thick coats afford them protection from the colder seasons, but make warmer weather uncomfortable...
  11. My Four Seasons

    ▶▷ Everchange ◁◀ Shop-Collab Plushie Event, pg660

    Hello and welcome to Everchange's third monthly showcase! While this was meant for September and is fairly delayed, it has not been forgotten! For September, we are showcasing: Decoari, Lakeskimmer, and Nakotsu! Come and get your fish! [Raffle] Calling Future New Fish Owners! [Game]...
  12. My Four Seasons

    spazzedoutmew's Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @spazzedoutmew . Do not post here unless you are staff or Peter. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 10 Items:
  13. My Four Seasons

    [IMG] August's Showcase is here!

    August's Showcase is here!
  14. My Four Seasons

    ▶▷ Everchange ◁◀ Shop-Collab Plushie Event, pg660

    Hello and welcome to Everchange's second monthly showcase! While the month may almost be over, celebrating the Vuhor, Mer, and Lamia has just begun! Come join us in our celebration, and maybe even take a kiddo home (or two!) [Raffle] Slippery Noodles [Game] Find the Way Out! [Game] Bouquet...
  15. My Four Seasons

    Bittersweet Contradiction's Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @Bittersweet Contradiction . Do not post here unless you are staff or Bittersweet Contradiction. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 400 Items:
  16. My Four Seasons

    ▶▷ Everchange ◁◀ Shop-Collab Plushie Event, pg660

    Hello and welcome to Everchange's first monthly showcase! We're starting a bit late, but that doesn't mean we can't have some shark-y fun! This month is focused on the Stalker and Chaser breeds, and we have quite a few to give out! Swim on down and check out this games before they're all fished...
  17. My Four Seasons

    Wasteland Wyvern's Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @Wasteland Wyvern . Do not post here unless you are staff or Wasteland Wyvern. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 500 Items: