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  1. Alanna the Pirate Queen

    Setting Up Massive Giveaway

    Just using this thread to set up posts for new website contests
  2. Alanna the Pirate Queen

    [WIP] The Couriers

    Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds... The Couries welcome you! 📨 🗺 👟 Table of Contents 👟 🗺 📨 1. Backstory 2. History 3. Location 4. Decrees/Traditions 5. Ranks 6. Current Members/Joining
  3. Alanna the Pirate Queen

    [i] Joining (WIP) - DO NOT POST

    Joining While joining may seem like an arduous process, it is simple enough. All new rabbits must submit themselves to a "Seeing" performed by a rank of Devout or higher (Spirit-Walker, The Heart, The Speaker, The Ascended, or The Voice). You will copy the following form and topic title into a...
  4. Alanna the Pirate Queen

    [i] General Information

    WELCOME TO GRIMTOTEM Come come, no do not be alarmed. We here at Grimtotem are not quite as horrifying as we may seem. Do not balk at our bones and skulls. Look past the bloody paws and sharpened teeth. We all live to serve the EMLIAH, the spirits of change and wrath. ~**Table of Contents**~...
  5. Alanna the Pirate Queen

    [WIP] Grimtotem

    WELCOME TO GRIMTOTEM Come come, no do not be alarmed. We here at Grimtotem are not quite as horrifying as we may seem. Do not balk at our bones and skulls. Look past the bloody paws and sharpened teeth. We all live to serve the EMLIAH, the spirits of change and wrath. I am just going to work...
  6. Alanna the Pirate Queen

    [PRP] Big Things in Little Packages

    Icengale loved the winter. It was his most favorite time of year. The crisp morning air, the patches of snow to jump in; everything about winter was lovely and today was no exception. He was a relatively big rabbit, with hefty paws and floppy ears, so it really was rather cute and silly to watch...
  7. Alanna the Pirate Queen

    [PRP] All That Glitters Isn't Safe

    Damselfly was not normally the most adventurous doe. She liked the calm and the quiet, spending most days in and around her beautiful burrow with its painted walls and beautifully arranged interior. Alas, today was slightly different. She decided to venture from her home in Sunset Acres to...
  8. Alanna the Pirate Queen

    Alanna the Pirate Queen's Stable

    - reservered-