- 238
- #21
Hayashi Junpei
<Fairlight Founder :: NPC>
ᐒᐒ He/Him (Male)
ᐒᐒ Pansexual
Businessman, Father ᐘᐘ
Loves: ᐘᐘ
well-treated pokémon, being the boss in a situation, his son.
interviews, insubordination, the extremist members of the URA.
Loves: ᐘᐘ
well-treated pokémon, being the boss in a situation, his son.
interviews, insubordination, the extremist members of the URA.
Junpei is a man who knows what he wants when he wants it, and he has no qualms in doing what needs to be done in order to obtain it. He's every bit as terrifying as he is elegant in the right situation, and regardless of any controversy that might try to attach itself to him, he's not about to let anyone stand in the way of his ambitions. He runs his businesses with a firm hand, cold smile, and the experience of a man that's forgotten more confrontations than most people will ever encounter.
Junpei's goals aren't exactly well publicized, apart from wanting the best for his son. Despite sometimes being openly frustrated with the young Hayashi's tendency towards rebellion, he's actually quite proud of how driven and independent he's become.
ᐒᐒ Friends and Family
ᘓ Daryn Hayashi ᚋ Son
ᘓ Louis Morel ᚋ Son's ... Friend?
ᘓ Alain Basswood ᚋ VCA Contact, Is A Fan
ᘓ Alexis Willow ᚋ Acquainted With
ᘓ Emma Morel ᚋ Playful Rival, Business Partner?
Pokémon ᐘᐘ
Shibazakura ᚋ unimported purugly ᘐ
Danuja ᚋ unimported noivern ᘐ
Natsukashii ᚋ unimported garchomp ᘐ
Asami ᚋ unimported luxray ᘐ
Kenzo ᚋ unimported espeon ᘐ
Uchuu ᚋ unimported umbreon ᘐ
Shibazakura ᚋ unimported purugly ᘐ
Danuja ᚋ unimported noivern ᘐ
Natsukashii ᚋ unimported garchomp ᘐ
Asami ᚋ unimported luxray ᘐ
Kenzo ᚋ unimported espeon ᘐ
Uchuu ᚋ unimported umbreon ᘐ
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