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Velox Isles - Rebooting in Progress -

▣ ▫ Breeding Rules & Guide ▫ ▣

Velox Isles

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Mule Account

  • Gender doesn't matter.
    • All raptors reproduce via special magical rituals. So gender of the parents is not a factor.
  • Raptors can have more than one mate.
    • A typical mated pair is two, however it is pretty common to have larger mated groups.
    • For the purposes of breeding 3 at a time is the limit as to not overwhelm colorists.
  • Each owner can only keep one egg.
    • Unless certain items are used, no parent can keep more than one kid.
    • Extras can be gifted or gamed off.
    • You are not allowed to sell them.
  • You can not custom babies.
    • Aside from rare/special items you are not allowed to choose in any way how the colorist creates the babies.
  • Clutches must be fully grown before the parents can breed again.
    • Other than this there isn't a limit on how many times a raptor can breed.
  • Blood-related raptors cannot breed together.
    • Pretty self explanatory. If they are from the same family line they cannot be bred with each other.
  • Only adults can breed.
    • Monarch stage is also an Adult.
  • Traits in breeding.
    • Traits from either parent can be mix and matched by colorists.
    • There is a small chance for a new trait to appear. This can be increased with certain items.
  • Mutations in breeding.
    • Mutation is not guaranteed in a breeding.
    • Certain items or events can be used to add or guarantee mutations on kids.
    • Mutations, should they occur, should be somehow similar to mutations on parents but are not expected to be the same.
  • Raptors can breed without a partner.
    • Using the same ritual for mulit partner pairs, single parents can create offspring.
    • The main twist is that the magic draws/samples random magic to create the mix needed for the ritual to work.
  • Raptors don't get pregnant.
    • Raptors carve rocks and crystals that they then use them the Reproduction Ritual preformed by a Monarch.
    • The ritual requires all parents to donate some of their magic to the eggs. The ritual then basically mixes the contributions to determine genetics of the kids.
    • Not always, but some times other magic from the enviroment gets caught up in the ritual. This can cause a few surprises to appear, though such things are typically only small, yet noticeable, differences from parents.

  • Magical - With the use of very potent magic Reproduction Rituals.
    • Only Monarchs are able to use this specific type of ritual magic successfully.
    • This magic uses a circle with the carved stones at the center. It will accept donated magic and mix it then imbue the stones with the magic. This will form magic souls and essentially transmute the stones into eggs.
    • Tribes without a Monarch in their ranks can seek the those in Kaleidoscope tribes, who are typically happy to help.
  • Adoption - For those that wanna give a home to a kiddo in need.
    • Orphaned, abandoned, or otherwise lost eggs or hatchling can be adopted.
    • While one can often be the one to find such kids in need, raptors can also seek out Kaleidoscope tribes. They have taken up the role to foster lost eggs and hatchlings they find or are brough in. They will raise them to adulthood or otherwise seek out homes for them.
