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- #1
- Only post in threads that are open.
- Colorists will have their own threads and when they are currently accepting orders they will change their thread titles to say Open. Don't post in threads that are not labeled as open.
- Don't harass colorists.
- If a custom is taking awhile remember they have lives too. We have rules and guides in place to help ensure work is done in a timely manner.
- If however, you have a genuine question or concern you may reach out to them. Just be considerate.
- Be sure you can afford your custom.
- In cases of set payment or PWYW slots be sure you are able to cover the price if you are selected.
- Most colorist threads are based on a pay what you want system. However, colorists have the right to deny or ignore requests for whatever reason.
- Monarchs cannot be commissioned via normal slots.
- Monarchs usually require using the Emergence System on a pre-existing character, but there are, on occasion, slots or events that allow them to be commissioned.
- Provide proof of ownership.
- For pets and adopts from other places we require some form on easily verifiable ownership regardless of what site/method they were obtained.
- Please do not post adopts/pets that are not yours for refs or inspiration.
- If in doubt either don't use it or reach out to staff to see if its ok.
- RLC is currently only done by LiveWire.
- At this time LiveWire is the only one allowed to accept RLC offers. Please don't offer, harass, or otherwise bother other artists about it.
- I do plan to eventually have a system/list allowing select artists the ability occasionally do RLC as well.
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