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Velox Isles -OLD-

▣ ▫ Flora & Fauna ▫ ▣


Grizzled Veteran
The wildlife of Velox is plentiful and diverse. Most the species one may expect on earth appear here too, though they tend to be on the larger size. However there exists some unique plants and animals known only to Velox. Raptors make use of many of them in various ways or simple enjoy their beauty from a distance.

  • Companion
    • Species kept primarily for keeping one company and/or bringing joy.
  • Working
    • Species kept to help with various jobs. Beasts of burden, hunting aides, ect.
  • Livestock/Agriculture
    • Domestic species raised primarily for food, clothing, or shelter related uses.
    • A wide rage are used for meats, milk, fur, wool, fruits, veggies, building materials and other such useful products.
  • Wild
    • Non domestic, but occasionally trained for specific purposes.
    • Typically considered potentially dangerous but useful is some way.
  • Deadly
    • Toxic or otherwise vicious species that are a threat to any raptor.
  • Everything Else
    • Just nature being nature, there are many species out there that just are and aren't really good or bad.

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