▶▷ Everchange ◁◀ Shop-Collab Plushie Event, pg660

My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Welcome to Everchange, where the world is run by ponies. While not always peaceful, they do their best to live among one another
in harmony. Currently, as their creator sleeps peacefully in her castle, Everchange has lived a mostly pleasant life through the years.
However, anything could change.

Note: Everchange uses bases for their breeds and breed edits! While some ponies may have unique edits, they will all be on a base.
We also have templated hairs, accessories, clothing, and some body edits we may use on certain ponies.

ON FEBRUARY 4TH, 2022, THE LINEART HAS BEEN UPDATED ENTIRELY. The shop is undergoing a massive rehaul/update, which will take time.
Lore will shuffle, the front page is entirely outdated, and old information will be updated/tidied up. This is an ONGOING PROCESS.

If you want access to our Discord, go here!

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Follow the Basilisk Stew ToS at all times, in addition to the rules below.
Threads, events, and features might have their own rules, which should be read and followed in addition to the rules below.

01. Shop characters, trinkets, and additional creations cannot be sold for any form of currency or goods, regardless of how they were obtained. Players may swap and rehome ponies, trinkets, and companions between one another, but all swaps and rehomes must either be logged publicly in the Swaps thread (if a part of the official Everchange shop found on BS/Discord), or done on the DA rehoming blog (if only a part of the official DA shop) and done with Everchange creations.
02. Players must be a member of the Discord or the Basilisk Stew Everchange group on BS to participate in rehomes/swaps, events, sales, and games for those branches of Everchange. The DA is handled separately.
03. Players may rehome characters and items without discussing them with a staff member, as long as the Swaps/DA rehoming thread is utilized correctly. If staff discover players utilizing this feature to have under-the-table deals (selling for any form of currency, trading for a non-Everchange creation such as jewelry, figurines, etc, and other similar offenses and rule breaks) those players will be immediately banned from the shop in its entirety. This is a no-chances rule.
04. Blacklisting/bans do not remove characters or items from that player's ownership. They still will retain full rights to their designs and keep characters/items won. However, they will no longer be able to participate within the shop in any capacity. Their character can no longer breed, the player can no longer enter events or contests, and they cannot obtain any more characters or items within Everchange. Furthermore, the banned player cannot use the swapping feature, however, they can contact the mule for Everchange (My Four Seasons) to rehome their characters and items, whether by telling the mule exactly where they want them to go or relinquishing for the shop to game off. DA users follow the same system, but instead will contact NymiiNym on DA.
05. RLC (real-life currency) can only be sold by Nym and Tea. Under-the-table attempts to bribe other artists to sell RLC slots will result in an immediate ban.
06. Characters won in the Discord or official Basilisk Stew thread/group for Everchange are a part of the shop, and thus will be given a number and official spot on the shop image server. Characters bought on the official DeviantArt are not considered in-canon members of the Everchange world and lore, and thus will not receive a number to note their inclusion. Players who have bought a pony or companion on the Everchange lineart from the official DeviantArt and wish to bring their character to the shop can simply contact Nym to discuss setting it up!
07. Players cannot co-own characters.
08. Ponies must be certed before using them within any shop Basilisk Stew activity, including but not limited to; breedings, roleplay, METAs, etc.

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

How do I get a character?
There's various ways! Every new member (a player who doesn't have any ponies) can apply for a newbie pony in the Discord (look for #newbie-ponies). The shop and customers host events and games, and there are weekly RLC opportunities (hosted every Saturday on the Discord).
Are the lines gendered?
How many times can a pony breed?
There is no limit altogether, but they can't breed again until their previous children are fully grown.
Do the characters follow a naming theme or restriction?
They do not! A character can possess any name.
Woah! These lines don't look like the ones I remember! What does that mean for my older ponies?
Everchange was a project conceptualized during a rather tumultuous time for Nym. It also was the first shop she created from the ground up and was done so when she was fairly young. As the times have changed, so has the vision for the shop, and what was once a loosely run idea has become something far more defined with future goals and a proper idea of what Everchange wants to be. We've gone through two lineart changes before landing on the forever lines and even a name change!
Everchange used to be My Four Seasons, and was created originally on lineart that Everchange no longer has the rights to. That lineart is now owned by another creator, and -- to avoid stepping on toes -- we do not link to it anymore or allow ponies on that art to be used in the shop. Players with ponies on those lines can apply for conversions to the current lines here.
After that lineset came the generation two series (not all lines are in the preview)! Those ponies can still play in the shop as normal, but can not be converted onto the current lines (as they're still functioning characters!). The lines for this series were officially retired in 2022 and were no longer used except to drop owed work purchased during that series run.
The current lines are the forever ones, and will never be retired. Generation three finally accomplished the vision and goal Nym and Tea have for the shop.
Can Alicorns share domains?
This is currently under review and discussion. The Alicorn system is on hold while it's being adjusted.
Are cosplays allowed?
Yes! It's understood that a cosplay pet is not the character they're based on. They can share a personality, name, and backstory, but they are not the singular character itself. There can be multiples of any character, meaning there can be 3 Inuyasha's.

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account
March 8th, 2024: We are still very open and alive, Nym just sucks at updating the news post.
Feburary 4th, 2022: Everchange has received an entirely new lineart for the breeds, with the only lineart being retired. Work on updating the shop entirely to reflect this change as well as fix old outdated information begins.
January 8th, 2020: The Basilisk Stew version of the shop has been created!
July 8th, 2019: Suli's have been introduced to the shop!
July 1st, 2019: Kitsune's have been introduced to the shop!
April 6th, 2019: Spring META has ended and Changelings are officially a part of the shop!
December 1st, 2018: O'Hallowed Night is announced! c: Time for plushies and winter! Check here!
November 19th, 2018: We're reopened and welcoming everyone back!

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

This is the story of Everchange, passed down by... well, someone!
Keep in mind not all might be accurate, as it's a tale passed for centuries from word of mouth.
The world started as a lonely planet, lacking anything of merit or worth to differentiate it from the other lifeless and cold planets floating in space. It just was, and had been for thousands and thousands of uncalculatable years, fated for absolutely nothing.
Until it appeared.
The rift in time and space arrived without a warning, splitting the very fabric of space in the blink of an eye and depositing her. She, who had come from somewhere far away and untethered to the universe she found herself in. A small alicorn found herself alone on this planet, so she did what any new stranger does when they find themselves in a mysterious land; she walked.
She walked and walked and walked and walked and walked and walked. Until she couldn't anymore. Until the years had turned into decades and the decades turned into centuries. Until she found herself ragged and worn and laid down for a sleep she had more than earned, hoping that, perhaps, she'd wake from this nightmare and finally find a soul or friend to brighten the cold nights.
She did not wake again.
Instead, something else happened. From where she laid a tree sprouted, glittering like a thousand stars as it coiled tightly around her, shielding the sleeping alicorn from the vast emptiness surrounding her. As the tree sprouted so did grass, and with grass came a warmth the planet had never felt before as light erupted across the sky. Slowly, over the course of years, the planet welcomed growth, and still she slept, blissfully unaware of what blossomed around her. The very world she had longed for began to flourish, yet she was encased within a kingdom of crystal that had birthed from her tree, peacefully locked within a dream only she could know.
And those dreams birthed so much more. Oceans, mountains, deserts, plains; they appeared as unexpectedly as she once had, designed right out of a storybook. Her dreams created a planet bursting with opportunity, but it lacked someone to enjoy it. Her dreams began to shift, and with that came the animals. Birds, deer, mice -- the planet populated with creatures of all kinds. It was almost perfect. Almost complete.
And then the earth ponies arrived.
The same rift that had dropped the sleeping alicorn arrived yet again upon the planet it had changed forever, dropping a hundred adult earth ponies at the foot of her crystal kingdom. Defenseless, confused, and without a memory of their own of who they were or where they had come from, they set out in the world and began civilization.
The world was an everchanging one, constantly shuffling and throwing its inhabitants into new trials and challenges as her dreams warped the planet around her. Her dreams could erase towns, create monsters, change the very logic of reality -- the world was at the mercy of her fantasies, threatened by the dreams of a lonely alicorn who had no understanding of what she had created.
She dreamed of stability and it came. Four alicorns woke beside her, each feeling a deep power within them she did not possess. One was the alicorn of Winter, who ran off into the north, where the world grew bitter cold and snow could be found wherever one stepped. Another was the alicorn of Summer, who left to the south, where the warmth of the sun could be best felt. A third was the alicorn of Spring, who took to the east, residing in a land of plants and rain. Lastly, the final one was the alicorn of Fall, who settled in the west, where the trees bore many colors and a crisp wind rattled through the land.
Lesser alicorns were born next, left at the foot of the kingdom like their earthly brethren. Gifted with domains that anchored the concepts of the world into reality, they tethered the world in place, resisting most of the dreams of its creator. Unicorns and pegasus' found themselves born shortly after, and with them came a great leap in technology and civilization. Ponies began to explore the world and conquer it as their Four Queens ensured their safety, even if some didn't quite enjoy the task they had been given.
Ponies of various and unique breeds began appearing over time, also deposited right at the foot of the crystal kingdom but welcomed by generations of those with experience. The Four Alicorns named their lands similar to themselves; Winter's Breath, Summer's Touch, Spring's Rain, and Fall's Harvest. Eventually, they named their world Everchange.
Centuries have passed and Everchange still grows. Named The Dreamer by her grateful subjects, the sleeping alicorn remains protected within her castle, never seen or disturbed.

The Four Alicorns, a name they use to refer to the original seasonal alicorns who rule Everchange, govern their respective lands and work as a unit. Everchange has five major sections to the world; Winter's Breath, Summer's Touch, Spring's Rain, Fall's Harvest, and Dream Valley. Each location has various towns, cities, and notable places within them.
The four seasonally named locations are perpetually in their respective weather for that season, although as the months pass each region's weather wax and wane in intensity. The fifth region, Dream Valley, is a neutral territory with seasons that adjusts depending on the month (which follows the Northern Hemisphere schedule on Earth). All regions can be freely traveled and are in good standing with one another currently, despite which ruler the region belongs to.

All ponies are born with a natural seasonal alignment that doesn't have to be the same as their parents. It's completely random what a child will end up having. The second they are born their seasonal alignment is assigned. Below are the alignments:
Winter: When within a territory where winter is present, they will feel stronger, have an easier time with magic, and are healthier. They grow naturally uncomfortable in places ruled by summer. Winter ponies have a harder time feeling cold, however, they get warm quicker than others. Those born under the winter alignment often give off a colder temperature.
Summer: When within a territory where summer is present, they will feel stronger, have an easier time with magic, and are healthier. Summer ponies grow naturally uncomfortable when placed in locations ruled by winter. Those born under the summer alignment often give off a warmer temperature.
Spring: When within a territory where spring is present, they will feel stronger, have an easier time with magic, and are healthier. Spring ponies naturally grow uncomfortable when placed in locations with harsher climates.
Fall: When within a territory where fall is present, they will feel stronger, have an easier time with magic, and are healthier. Fall ponies naturally grow uncomfortable when placed in locations with harsher climates.

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Basket [1 week] -- > Foal [2 weeks] -- > Adult

Ponies have and always will be the dominant life on Everchange. Here, unlike certain planets, ponies are intelligent and sapient life forms that can create technology, lead civilized lives, and generally mimic "human" lifestyles. Everchange does not have humans, and if you ever were to mention one you'd be met with great confusion and perhaps horror ("What do you mean they don't have magic? Is that even possible?").
There are so many types and breeds of ponies within Everchange, but all have the same lifecycle. They start out as infants and are immediately placed within baskets provided by the all-seeing government, grow into foals OR skip the foal stage entirely by eating a fruit that ages the infant instantly (and helpfully grows their intelligence and mental capability to match), and then become adults.

Everchange is teeming with different types of ponies! There are a ton of different breeds that have a lot of templates available, which you can see by clicking the links in this section! Please read everything, as it'll help teach a few important terms!
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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Over time, ponies have domesticated and befriended various animals throughout Everchange. These little and big companions often assist day-to-day lives where they can, or even just serve as a loving friend by a ponies side. These companions vary in intelligence, although most are simple creatures and do not possess the same intelligence as their masters.
Companions can breed and be present in RPs. Keep in mind they are not on the same intelligence level as ponies, and thus cannot typically have full conversations or thought processes. Regardless, they're cute and meant for collection! Companions do not need certs!

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

If you're seeking a pony then chances are you want to know how to get one! Luckily, we almost always are active. There are various ways to get a pony, with some not listed here due to specialty or spontaneity.

Newbie Ponies: Players with 0 ponies can use the Discord channel #newbie-ponies or go to the newbie thread to get one free randomized pony!
Games: The shop runs various types of games consistently. Raffles, RP prompts, auctions, bingo -- there are plenty of various activities that'll pop up time to time, just keep looking!
Breedings: Ponies can mix together and create... more ponies! Wow! Additionally, some players might even give away a basket or two.
BS Customs: Players can enter artist threads and custom events and post a form in hopes an artist will create a character using that information. Only Basilisk Stew credits are used, and some custom slots might even be free!
Weekend RLC Sheets: Every Saturday the two RLC artists, Nym and Tea, host RLC sales! Usually, there will be 10 pre-made slots and 5 fully custom/breeding slots to choose from. These slots are always hosted on the official Discord.
General RLC: Nym and Tea both open RLC slots periodically, where you can pay either artist (or both as a collab) to make your dream character or even take on a breeding (if ordering from Nym!). These will be announced on the official Discord and the main thread/

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

While the information below is accurate, please read the more detailed guide with all rules related to customs[HERE].
words words words words words words

words words words words words words

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

While the information below is accurate, please read the more detailed guide with all rules related to breeding [HERE].

Reproduction within Everchange is purely magical. In fact, pregnancy doesn't even exist within the world. The strange magic pulsing through the planet is perfectly adept at mixing together whatever makes a living creature and popping out results as wee infants and does so often, even mixing ponies who are many miles afar at times! The magic of Everchange seems to be responsive, as it'll favor those who have shown interest or desire in having babies of their own and various cultural rituals and traditions can alert the magic of a ponies intent, but it also seems to have a humor. It really isn't that unheard of for great enemies to just wake up to baskets on their door. The magic also does not care about distance and has (and will continue to do so) mixed ponies together and flung the infant somewhere in the world. It's probably best to keep an ear out when taking a stroll in the forest.
Typically, infants (which every pony starts in within this world unless the moderating team says otherwise) appear during a time their parent(s) are sleeping. The baskets shown within the starting stages art are baskets one of the Four Kingdoms provides, free of charge. They, somehow, always know when a baby is born and will drop a basket down no matter where a pony is. Yeah. It's pretty weird. The baskets are charmed to be extra sturdy and warm, though, so that's a plus!
Shopwise, a player can opt to skip the foal stage when entering for breedings. Every breeding comes with baskets, but the foal stage is entirely optional. Players can decide if the pony actually went through the foal stage in character, or if their infant pony consumed a growth fruit that caused them to abruptly turn into a fully functioning and rounded adult.

Breedings have two identifying categories, which help define how the breeding happened in the first place. The shop regularly uses these terms to host breeding slots and help plots unravel in a way that suits everyone.
IC: Meaning in-character. The parents are aware of the baby's existence or will be able to find out about their existence. This is good for if the players involved want to develop their breeding as a family, or further the plot. Generally, IC breedings mean the baskets were left within sight of one or more of the players.
OOC: Meaning out-of-character. The parents have absolutely zero clue about the baby's existence and will never be able to find out. This is good if the players involved just wanted to fling their ponies together and see what the result would be. Generally, OOC breedings mean the magic of the world literally just threw the babies somewhere else in the world, so the parents involved never saw the children.
OOC means the parents will never find out about their babies, while IC means they will find out! Furthermore, the magic of reproduction is so eccentric that ponies cannot use spells to directly find their parents. It just... won't let them. So make sure you choose the right category when breeding!

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Users on this list can no longer participate within Everchange in any capacity or form.
Players cannot request information on bans.

Magician Arcana

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Nym: Owner, All Positions, RLC Artist
Tea: Owner, All Positions, RLC Artist
astralprogenitor: Lineartist, Artist, Server Manager, Head Moderator
sharkberrypizza: Certist, Artist, Server Manager, Head Moderator
bitsie spider: Artist
-Ghastly Demise-: Artist
Tigeria: Artist
RozeyBear: Artist
I--LiveWire--I: Artist

Graphics: Ballentine & Nym
Lore: Nym, Tea, sharkberrypizza, and polliwoggi
Pony Lineart: astralprogenitor


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