Mutated Banshee [mutations: muzzle/back parts detached/floating -- they would follow the pony]
Mutated Bat [mutations: horns on the head!]
Mutated Abyssal [mutation: extra finnage on back!]
Mutated Noolah [mutations: muzzle and ear shape!]
Edited Banshee [edit: piercings]
Mutated Edited Kitsune [mutations: one tail, muzzle, broken orb -- the orb floats near itself! || edits: nose piercing]
Edited Banshee [edits: piercings]
Mutated Edited Ryujin [mutations: custom scales, spine fluff not fully going down tail, ear shape || edits: necklace]
Mutated Ryujin [mutations: ear shape, muzzle]
Mutated Edited Kitsune [mutations: one tail, muzzle, broken orb -- the orb floats near itself! || edits: nose piercing]
Mutated Kelper [mutations: shoulder seaweed -- it regrows if destroyed, head fin shape]
Mutated Ryujin [mutations: ear shape, muzzle]