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▶ The Resolution Sphere Event

Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
Task 4: Make a collage (real or digital) to create the most ridiculous new years' hat or drink you can

Custom fruity drink with several garnish options!

- Ice cream soda float with a gummy candy garnish
- Fizzy soda with pop rocks, pieces of fruit, and a sparkler
- A tipsy sorbet drink with a rainbow lollipop
- Some unholy mix of the three?


Grizzled Veteran
Name: Melomar

Task 3: Write or draw a picture about how one of your ponies would spend their new year celebration

Entry: Birthday Blitz loves parties! They aren’t just a party-goer, they live to create the party. If it’s a big New Years bash, you can bet Birthday Blitz spent some amount of time working on it with others. There are decorations to design and make, foods to order, music to arrange. Then when everyone gets there, there will be the food, drinks, games, and prizes. This is the big event of the year! It’s going to be great!


Grizzled Veteran
Name: Melomar

Task 2: Write or draw a picture about something you enjoy about winter

Entry: I love freezing fog. Frozen water particles in the fog and gather on every surface to form delicate, intricate, ice sculptures. My favorites form on tree branches turning the tree’s canopy into a cloudlike puff. Seeing many trees this way is truly breathtaking.


Grizzled Veteran
Name: Melomar

Task 6: Write a menu for a new year's party, including at least four dishes/drinks

Appetizers: buffalo wings, crab rangoon, sandwich rolls (vegan or vegetarian)

Entrees: come with soup (chicken noodle, bean, beef noodle, coconut) and salad (chef, club, veggie), filet mignon, taco salad (does not come with extra salad), three cheese mac ‘n’ cheese, tofu vegan curry

Desserts: coconut cream gelato (chocolate, lemon, strawberry, vanilla), angel food cake, dark-chocolate mousse, mudd slide

Drinks: champagne (only at midnight), float (creamcicle or rootbeer), lemonade, milk, soda (cola, grape, lemon-lime, orange)


Grizzled Veteran
Name: Melomar

Task 8: Write about or draw the perfect venue for a new year's party

Entry: The perfect venue for a New Years party would be the living room playing video games or watching The Slayers, or both, while buzzed. Just enough alcohol to laugh at every little joke. It gets the New Year’s resolution to do more exercise well underway.


Stew Aficionado
Task 7
(Prior to the New Year)
New Year New Me - Cimorelli
Firework - Katy Perry
I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyed Peas

(After the clock's ticked over)
Raise Your Glass - P!nk


Stew Aficionado
Task 8 (Writing) - It's the middle of the night and everywhere in town parties are raging, from the beach with your friends, you can hear the loud techno music pumping from the shore. You've brought fireworks - the ones that you had to go out of town to buy from a shady truck just outside the county lines. You're too scared to set them off yourself, but you hand a big one to the loudest in the group and they run to set it off.

The explosion rattles through the sky and lights up the sky in pink and green sparks, reflecting off the sea as though there's some glowing monster just under the water. Your friends let out whoops and cheers and you move forward to grab the next roman candle you can find. You'll bring out the sparklers later, when things are finishing up for the night. Sparklers are your favorite - they're just so magical and you like feeling like a fairy or a wizard, waving them like a wand in the night. You'll have so much fun tonight, and you'll wake up in the sand tomorrow, happy and groggy in facing the sun of the new year. It's gonna be a blast.


Stew Aficionado
Task 9 (Drawing) -

Pictured Dawn Charm, distressedly looking in at the sphere, trying to figure a way to get the baskets out without damaging them, while her tail snarls at any other ponies who try to get too close.


Stew Aficionado
Task 9 (Writing) - Palette Prince may have been Twilight Town's historian, but when he heard about the mysterious sphere with baskets within, he knew that he had to go see for himself what it was like. Supplied with scrolls and quills aplenty, he found himself standing on a high vantage point as he watched ponies approach the sphere. He looked on at each who approached, some wielding weapons, but those who brought violence to the sphere were quickly turned away by the guards. Others approached to cry out to the baskets, to implore the sphere to open, to bash their hooves and paws and claws against its unyielding surface. He occasionally crept closer, to interview the crowd. This was surely a momentous occasion, he could feel it - and he wanted to jot down every detail he could, to proper immortalize the event on paper.


Stew Aficionado
Task 11 - There are literally too many to pick from. Even if I try to narrow it down to any of my ponies, I find myself stuck between the following two:

Nym did a perfect job on an alicorn I've wanted for so long - between the webbing and the sparkly eyes, the lil seahorse and the way her hair looks so glossy? So, so good.
But then we've got Ghastly who did my perfect aesthetic match. I love pastels, I love bright rainbows, I love my little ponies and I love care bears. Heck, purple is even my favorite color! Literally all of the things that I like, put into one pony. So, don't make me choose between the two - I can't do it. xD


Stew Aficionado
Task 12: I would really love to see the two metas wrap up - both the Haunted House meta and the Stillwater one. Like, don't get me wrong, I adore all the new events that you folks put out - gosh knows I always try to enter everything that comes up, but I've got some pony plots tied up in those metas and I'd like to see where they end up going, to determine the fate of some of my lil' ponies.


Stew Aficionado
Task 13 (Drawing) -

Pictured: What's a pirate's favorite time capsule? Buried treasure of course! Which is exactly what Captain Morgan is putting in an undisclosed location that only he knows about.


Stew Aficionado
Task 13 (Writing) - Rosa Latte was carefully packing away photographs and recipes into her time capsule - she'd written to each of her foals and her grandfoals and even their foals too. So many babies in her family and she could hardly wait to reveal this time capsule to the next generation. Everyone she'd written had contributed an anecdotal letter and an introduction to who they were. She even got her son to participate in the fun. She smiled at the thought of the new generations digging up this box many years into the future. Kissing the top of the strawberry scented letter she'd just finished writing, she dropped her contribution into the box with everyone else's and went to go find Sundae Scoop, to help her bury it.


Stew Aficionado
Task 14:

To Babbling Brook of the Past,

Or, gosh, I guess that's not the best way to address it, because I'll never end up at a point where I'm able to talk to myself in the past. That sounds like something that would get wrapped up in magic and I've never tampered much with that stuff. But you know that already, I mean, I know that. Great Dreamer, this is getting confusing already. Let me start again.

Dear Me, Babbling Brook of the Future!

Hi! So, I've been thinking, you should probably know a lot by now, but maybe in knowing a lot of new stuff from whenever you're reading this, you've also forgotten some important life lessons. So! I want to make sure that you don't forget this one: be yourself, filly! You've got so much potential and worth to express to everypony who meets you. They're honestly blessed to be in your presence. Frilly Glider and your beautiful children together sure seem to think so. Yeah, you talk, all the time, endlessly, sometimes even in circles or squares or triangles or octagons or...

Anyway, the point is that you should be surrounding yourself with people who like that! Don't waste your time with ponies who don't think you're awesome. They're just weirdos who don't get it and honestly they're missing out, but that's not your problem. Anyway, I gotta pack up and check out how Frill's doing, but like, uh, so, TLDR: You're awesome! Rock your stuff, stay cool and you're gonna be just fine.

Love you - me - us!
-Babble (but you knew that already, hehe)


Stew Aficionado
Task 15

It's been years since I've written in this journal - I almost couldn't find it. It ended up being tucked beneath my bed, coated in a thick, grimy layer of dust. I recoiled when I found it, but I didn't dare send it to the maids for it to be tidied up, lest they snoop through the words written within.

It seems the last time I wrote was just after my accident - when I was held for a ransom as a young foal. I had been told at the time that writing my thoughts down would make things easier for me, but it seemed like such a pointless endeavor at the time.

Much has changed since then. I am now the soul heir and owner of Driftdown Manor and the fortune that's been included with it. I've filled the house with servants to tend to the grounds and upkeep of the place and I've even hired a bodyguard. He's a dullahan hybrid - surely to be one of the larger equines I've come across, but by the Dreamer he's a brute and a beast. One look at his claws reminds me why I hired him and I'm paying him such a high salary that I have no doubt of his loyalty to me. Still, for a reason I can't seem to place, I tend to shudder in his presence; indeed, a chill will run up my spine. It's not unpleasant, not something I can't endure, but I wish I knew the cause of such a happening, so that I could know how to best deal with it in the moment, instead of appearing a stumbling fool before him when he draws too close.

I digress.
I do not suspect I will write in this journal regularly, I still don't see much point in writing. My story can't possibly be something of interest to others and beyond that I simply don't believe that it's anyone's business to get this glimpse into my life. I am writing this on a whim, perhaps in light of it being the first day of the new year. What a childish sentimentality.

That is all. Do not expect to see the rest of these pages filled. I have reading enough to do as it is.
- C.D.


Grizzled Veteran
Task 12:

RP events! I love them! Especially when I actually have the time to participate in them.


Stew Aficionado
Task 12:

I love rp events, and personality contests, so i would love to see more things that would help me develop my ponies further