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▷ Alicorn Masterlist

My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Random Ancestral Gift: Can magically summon one random item that a pony's ancestor owned utilizing their horn and a whole lot of focus. The ancestor must have passed on, never written a last will or testament, and the object can't be in the possession of someone else or donated to a museum. (Think things that would be in storage somewhere either unwanted, lost, or forgotten about, like a necklace stuffed into a dusty box in an attic, or an ugly portrait that's sitting unwanted in the basement of their old house, etc. Plot specific things can happen for rp purposes, but otherwise it's just "Well, here you go! Your great-great-great-great-great whatever wanted someone to have that thing, for whatever reason. Enjoy.") The object cannot be larger than a moderately sized painting or heavier than a vase. (So, that ugly portrait, yes, the grand piano they used to play? No)

I Speak Lawyer: The ability to immediately understand any kind of legal document nonsense that pertains to wills or inheritance claims and instantly restore any documents that may have been damaged, intentionally or not. Can also tell if any documents have been forged or tampered with, as long as the document is at least three generations old. There is a potential for this ability to be messed with if the family has multiple documents to read over at once, as it takes more than a once over of each page to check for not-obvious signs of tampering.

You Get What You Get And You Don't Get Upset: The ability to diffuse conflicts during proceedings that involve wills or inheritance by using a magical aura combined with a calm, rational tone of voice. Won't work if clients get particularly violent during proceedings, but definitely helps with those grieving.

Insurance Policy: The ability to fix or restore a beloved family heirloom that has been broken or tarnished by time. The item must have been passed down at least three times, be no larger than a large painting, and be reasonably unsalvageable by other means. This ability can only be used three times a month, but larger heirlooms will require a longer recharge time and may require more than one attempt.

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Bark Armor: Is able to grow bark on his body to act as armor. Front legs is just an extension of his mutation but can also grow it on his back legs, his torso, and head (greaves, chest-plate, and helmet basically). Not as tough as any metal armor but possibly as tough or slightly tougher than leather armor. Takes up to a week to grow a complete set of armor at it's maximum toughness. He can make weaker, smaller pieces quicker in a day or two. If it's destroyed it will take a week to two weeks max (as in if the entire piece of bark armor was destroyed vs just part of it) before it'll start to grow again.

Tree Knowledge: Is able to look at a tree and know what type of tree it is, how old it is, any sort of medicinal properties it may have, if anything is living in it currently, or other facts of the tree.

Tree Health: After spending some time with one tree, anywhere between 10 to 30 minutes, can determine how healthy the tree is and if it has any diseases or parasites and how to treat them. Can't actually heal the tree but would know of home method treatments or if they need someone specialized in healing magic.

Tree Grafting: Is able to graft different types of trees together and get it to continue to grow. Can be done with any kind of tree.

Tree Shaping: Is able to change how a tree is growing to shape it into a certain form or to move branches to help hide things in the tree tops. (Basically this )

Tree Camouflage: Is able to perfectly hide and blend in with a tree so others can't spot it. Usually done up in the tree branches as it's easier to hide.

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Appearance of Confusion: While Cluracan does have consistent colors, to those other than himself the colors on his hide, mane, tail, and even his eyes are hard to describe once a pony leaves a twenty foot radius of his presence. Did he have wings? Did he even have eyes!? Was that pony even male!? No one knows.

Unclear Thoughts: In his presence it's hard to focus and things can get murky and confusing. What was your name? Why did you come here? It only lasts in his general vicinity for about twenty feet and he can take the effects away if he cares to.

Never Clear Again: Unlike what the name implies, this doesn't last forever, however Cluracan can cause extreme confusion and dissociation for 24 hour periods, during which time the one inflicted might feel as though they'll never have a clear thought again. After it stops they can recall everything that happened except who Cluracan is, so they'll never know who they angered to be inflicted. After the 24 hour period is over he can cast it once again. He named it that because he's sometimes a jerk.

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Birds Eye: When given the high ground is able to see small objects at great detail, making prey easier to spot. This increases his vision similar to a 6x-8x scope. This bonus is only when he has the high ground and is ontop of heightened senses.

Speed Burst: When in active pursuit of prey he is able to release a large burst of speed.

Detail Oriented: Able to pick up on even cold trails, and is familiar with different types of tracks.

Mercy Shot: Is able to quickly and humanely dispatch of his prey in the best way to leave minimal pain or damage.

Silent Steps: Allows him to approach prey stealthily.

Heighten Senses: All of his senses are doubled that to a normal pony to helping him find and obtain his prey.

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Birdcall: Is able to mimic any bird call and can communicate with birds (only in the manner other birds would no heightened intelligence, mostly used to determine locations and possibly warn about predators)

Lullaby: Her voice has a soothing quality to birds and through singing, she can call birds to her (within a natural hearing distance) these birds will be calm and feel the urge to nest in her hair.

Incubation Time: Birds that nest in her hair hatch and grow twice as fast.

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Hear no Evil: Able to hear and pinpoint dangers from large distances away, able to choose when he hears far distances as he doesn't wish to harm his ears or get overwhelmed.

Power Digger: Able to burrow deep underground to nest in a nice comfy burrow for himself and all his bunny friends.

Peaceful Presence: (Passive) Bunnies Wild or Pets, naturally flock to Teddy when he's around. He doesn't mean for it to happen, and can easily tell them to go back home.

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account
Lies - RozeyBear

Lie to Me: A passive power that acts as more of an aura surrounding Apate. Any pony within 5 feet of her can be affected. It's harmless really, seeing as how all this aura does is subtly compel one to lie. These lies can range from small and completely meaningless to outright, bold ones. The weaker willed a pony is, the stronger they are affected, therefore the bigger their lies may be.

Unbelievable!: This power takes a bit more effort since it deals with those wildly spun tales that are just so outrageous no pony can believe them. With Apate's help, one's ridiculous lie will be accepted as 100% truth for a full 48 hours. Better hope that's enough time to do whatever it is you were hoping to get done with that wild tale because Apate will not help you again. Everybody gets one.
>>>> To be clear, she can preform this power more than once on any pony. Since it takes a tremendous amount of concentration and magic, however, she prefers not to. She may only use this power once every week or so. The effect of her magic lasts 48 hours and she usually rests for about 72 hours before even trying to attempt it again.


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Missing the Light: Ability to leech the colors and brightness within a 15 foot radius of himself, almost turning the world into black & white. Requires no focus and is more a warning he's approaching.
Outside of the radius it would probably not be noticeable at all, and everything shifts slowly as he gets closer.

Leeching: Can make a pony feel colder or warmer by a few degrees, depending on how they experience the feeling of despair personally. Requires focus on his part, usually effects those with negative thoughts more than happier ponies. Tends to drain him so he cannot do it for long, at most 10 minutes.

Shuttering Gaze: Can make ponies cry with direct eye contact, for no reason at all. Requires eye contact and focus, wears off the minute he looks away.

Gut Wrenching Feeling: Can influence despair with direct contact, the pony feeling as if there is a pit in their stomach and almost disgust burning their throat. It goes away if he stops touching them, and is usually just an initial 'shock reaction' to his touch and can wear off after a moment, but only if he has no ill intent. Otherwise it will only intensify the longer he touches them, causing a choked up feeling and nausea, until they pull themselves away. A pony used to feeling despair, however, might be more resilient to his touch to the point of being unaffected [which would shock him quite a bit!]

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Awareness: A sense of when a thunderstorm is approaching

Storm Flight: Allows them to make 2 thunderstorms a day that last 30 minutes each.

Friction: A constant effect that allows them not to get hurt by Lightning from any natural thunderstorm.

Shimmer: The shimmer of its feathers that protect itself from any harm from the lightning in manifested thunderstorms.

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Sight: The ability to see the history of someone's heartbreak(s) through their memory. Discord must be touching the target (to any degree - even a wing feather resting on another's back is enough) for this to work. When the connection is broken, the visions stop. Can only effect one pony at a time. When Discord accesses this ability, they feel the heartbreak in question, intensely, for up to 30 seconds. Can only be used twice in one 24 hour cycle.
Heartache: The ability to force a pony to relive a heartbreak as vividly as it first happened — playing through in the target pony's mind. Target must be within a 10 foot radius. Can only be used after Sight has been used on the same target. Similar to Sight, this can only be used twice in one 24 hour cycle.

Conflict: An aura that creates feelings of strife between romantically involved ponies within a 10 foot radius. This leads to feelings of heartbreak as they start to believe their loved ones have done them wrong. Can only be used once every 48 hours.

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Thieves' Tools: Can transform a solid object (ex. fork, branch, pencil) into a traditional lock pick. Cannot transform object back to its original form and the transformed item has to be roughly the same size as a lockpick would be. (no giant clubs turning into tiny lockpicks on the go.) It can happen up to twice a day, with a three day recharge.

Light on Her Hooves: For up to fifteen minutes, Dubloon can summon silence around her, causing her to make no sound as she moves. This power has a recharge span of one day.

Blending In: For up to fifteen minutes, Dubloon can use this power to make herself look like your average pony. Why, she's just another face in the crowd, she doesn't have the prized jewel of such and such in her pocket, noooo, not at all. This power has a recharge span of one day.

Ooh, Shiny!: Can appraise and determine a general worth of an object if she touches it. Ex. - She touches a bejeweled goblet and knows that it's regarded as rare/expensive or she touches a gold box and senses it's worth next to nothing. This power can be used once a day and has a recharge span of one day.

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account
Shadows - Valdmir Talamore

Creeping Shadows: Summons a wisp like shadow from the surrounding shadows around him, that can wrap around and move or manipulate small items. This power only last in small burst and is limited to items no bigger then 3ft by 3ft, weighing no more then 30 pounds. This can be used as long as there are enough shadows to surround the item he is trying to manipulate.

Void Walker: The ability to move through shadow. He can only move through shadows he can see, he must be able to pin point his entry and exit point in the shadows. As long as there is a shadow at least the size of his hoof there is enough shadow for him to enter and exit the void.

Now You See Me: The ability to blend into shadows. His eyes are still visible but if he closes them you will no longer be able to see him. He can only use this when there is enough shadows present to conceal his entire body. He can hold this for about 2 hours before he must take a 1 hour break to recover from power used.

Dark Travels: Being able to go into another ponies shadow and travel along without the pony knowing, or letting the other pony know that he is. Max of 4 hours, Twice a day

Shadow Manipulation: Can change the size and shape of shadows. He can make any available shadows five times bigger or smaller. The shadows also have to be touching a surface in order to do so. Surface pertaining to things such as ground, floor, water etc but he could not float a shadow into the sky.
