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▷ Breeding Permissions

My Four Seasons

Mule Account

To enter a breeding you must have a breeding permission form filled out! Otherwise, we can't make sure you actually are allowed to enter that pair! You do not need to fill a form out for ponies breeding by themselves or with your own pony.
  • One form per post.
    Post only one form per each post, please!
  • Post the pair again if you've won a breeding with them and want them to breed again.
    We need to ensure that you are allowed to breed them more than once!
  • The other owner must quote the original post and say 'approved'.
    To indicate you agree with the breeding permission you must quote the post and say approved!
  • If you wish to break an agreement, quote the original post and say 'cancelled'.
    Sometimes you want to cancel an agreement. That's fine! Just quote it and let us know
  • RLC breeding's now need permission forms posted for purchase, each time.
    RLC breeding's often have a cost for the number of baskets involved. Due to this, owners cannot always afford baskets for all owners involved. Sometimes, an owner is not okay with a breeding where they cannot also receive a foal, and that's okay! To prevent communication errors or a breeding being done without the express permission of all involved a form must be posted and approved by all parties before an RLC order will be invoiced and worked on. Do not hound or pester an owner to accept RLC breeding terms if they rather not. All members with a parent involved must approve.

Permission Form [Ponies]:
[size=14px][color=#766CC3][b]Breeding Permission![/b][/color][/size]
[b]Username One[/b]:
[b]Username Two[/b]:
[b]Username Three[/b]: -delete if not applicable-

[b]Pony One[/b]: -link cert-
[b]Pony Two[/b]: -link cert-
[b]Pony Three[/b]: -link cert. delete if not applicable-

[b]Can Any Owner Post[/b]: -let us know if any of the owners involved can post this coupling in breedings-
RLC Permission Form [RLC Breedings]:
[size=14px][color=#766CC3][b]Breeding Permission![/b][/color][/size]
[b]Username One[/b]:
[b]Username Two[/b]:
[b]Username Three[/b]: -delete if not applicable-

[b]Pony One[/b]: -link cert-
[b]Pony Two[/b]: -link cert-
[b]Pony Three[/b]: -link cert. delete if not applicable-

[b]Will All Owners Receive 1 Basket[/b]: yes/no
[b]Do All Owners Consent To This Breeding[/b]:
[b]Date of RLC Purchase[/b]:
Permission Form [Pets]:
[size=14px][color=#766CC3][b]Breeding Permission![/b][/color][/size]
[b]Username One[/b]:
[b]Username Two[/b]:
[b]Username Three[/b]: -delete if not applicable-

[b]Pet One[/b]: -link uncert-
[b]Pet Two[/b]: -link uncert-
[b]Pet Three[/b]: -link uncert. delete if not applicable-

[b]Can Any Owner Post[/b]: -let us know if any of the owners involved can post this coupling in breedings-
Last edited by a moderator:


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member


Long-Term Resident
Breeding Permission!
Username One: SSBrosB
Username Two: houllow

Pony One: Coast
Pony Two: Brell
Pony Three: -link to cert. delete if not applicable-

Can Any Owner Post: Yes!