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▷ First Pick Rolls

My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Whenever you receive a breeding you will need to roll to figure out who gets first pick. This is due to the unfortunate fact that, sometimes, the excitement of a breeding can cloud one's judgement and behavior and there's been tension over who gets a basket another owner likes. To prevent that we are leaving first pick to the RNG Deities themselves.

RNG 1-100 with all owners involved in the breeding. The person with the highest roll will take first pick. If there are three owners involved then the person with the second highest roll will pick second. Those gifted a basket that do not own a parent do NOT need to roll, as it'll be up to the owners of the parents what basket they end up gifting (do not plan to gift until everyone who has rolled has picked their basket.)

Once everyone has figured out who is picking in what order you will then post where the baskets end up in the Breeding Claims thread.

  • You cannot post in the claim thread without proof you've rolled here.
    We will quote you and correct any forms in the Breeding Claim that does not link to the
  • Only those who own a parent roll here.
    While you may gift any extra baskets to anyone you wish (or contest off), those people are not forced to post a roll as they are being gifted from what remains. Ensure everyone who owns a parent in the breeding receive their picks first.
  • Using a voucher means you are guaranteed the basket that fits the requests you made.
    If you used a Custom-In Voucher and specified what you wanted then you are automatically given the basket that fits those specifics. If you used a voucher and did NOT give specifics then you will wait until it is your turn to indicate what second basket you'd like. You cannot change your mind once you've given specific details, so ensure you use your Custom-In Voucher correctly for your intentions.
  • Use our forms as they are.
    Do not tinker or remove anything from the form.

Rolling Form:
[color=#766CC3][b]Homing A Family![/b][/color]

[b]Usernames Involved:[/b] -names-
[b]Parents:[/b] -link please-
[b]Link to Breeding Drop:[/b] -link please-

[b]Roll:[/b] -put here what you rolled. RNG 1-100 while posting this form and edit in the roll-

[b]Was a Voucher used?:[/b] -yes or no, link which basket(s) were voucher claims-
[b]Did one of the Voucher's used belong to you:[/b] -yes/no-
Last edited:


Long-Term Resident
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 100
Res: 60
Homing A Family!

Usernames Involved: Ruler & bitsie spider
Parents: bitsie & Ruler
Link to Breeding Drop: [x]

Roll: 60

Was a Voucher used?: No?
Did one of the Voucher's used belong to you: No


Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 100
Res: 6
Homing A Family! Usernames Involved: Niyaru Delacroix x RulerofEverything x PeterPan_da144
Parents: Dark Prince x Cotton Peacock x Fly By Night
Link to Breeding Drop: Here
Roll: 6
Was a Voucher used?:
Did one of the Voucher's used belong to you: No


Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 100
Res: 5