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▷ [Lore Game] A New Name on the Map


signed an NDA
Staff member

1. Unedited Chaser with Reindeer & Cow Animal Morph with templated hair by @ChexaRain
2. Unedited Stalker with Hamster Animal Morph with templated bandana by @Tigeria

Ends: August 5th, 11:59pm EST

These two ponies love exploring new locations within Everchange and are looking for somewhere to cool off from the heat of summer. They've asked you for thoughts on where they should go next!

  • Anyone can enter!
  • Players will be creating a new location for the Everchange Map! One entry will be selected to become an official location within Everchange and receive their first pick of the ponies above. A second player will be RNG'd to take home the left-over prize.
  • The selected location will be rewritten by the lore team with the original entry as the guide. This might result in slight tinkering of the final information.
  • The location must have something watery about them! It is up to the writer what that means for them.
  • One entry per person.
  • Don't adjust the form. Fill it out exactly as intended.
  • Forms should be posted directly into this thread. You may edit up until the end of the game.
  • No bribing, whining, complaining, guilting, or similar poor-sport actions.
  • Questions should be posted in the #ask-staff in the Discord. Do not privately message any staff on Discord.
  • Everyone who enters will also receive 10 AP!

[CENTER][B][SIZE=24px][FONT=Esper]I Know a Place[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]

[b]Username:[/b] Your Basilisk Stew username here.
[b]Region:[/b] Pick one of the five regions: Dream Valley, Winter's Breath, Spring's Rain, Summer's Touch, Fall's Harvest
[b]Location Name:[/b] 1-3 words max. 
[b]Information:[/b] 1-5 sentences max.
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signed an NDA
Staff member
  1. Inari Miko
  2. Reoakee
  3. Bouquet of Diamonds
  5. Bluedemonwolf
  6. kovak
  7. spazzedoutmew
  8. belloblossom
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Inari Miko

I Know a Place

Username: Inari Miko
Region: Summer's Touch
Location Name: Foxfire Marsh
Information: Sharing a border with Fall's Harvest, Foxfire Marsh gives off an eerie atmosphere that chills the otherwise balmy air. Thick with willows and various marshland-loving trees and shrubs, vines and moss growing over the surface of everything, a pony can easily get lost within. The boggy ground has clumps of sedge offering meager footing for those brave enough to enter. Will-o-whisps flicker everywhere, luring the unwary further into the dangerous mist-shrouded marsh. Few ponies know the safe way to navigate through it and locals warn travelers to avoid the area.
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Grizzled Veteran
I Know a Place

Username: Reoakee

Region: Fall's Harvest

Location Name: Lonesome Lake

Information: A large lake with a clear surface though the depths do get murky toward the center. At one time it was rumored that smugglers used the surrounding hilly area to hide goods until they could be transported elsewhere but that seems to be more of a myth then not. The lake is cold as it is in the land of Fall’s Harvest close to Winter’s breath. The water always seems colder then any other water in Fall’s Harvest making it popular as a bottled water once filtered.

Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
I Know a Place

Username: Bouquet of Diamonds
Region: Fall's Harvest
Location Name: The Abandoned Well
Information: A decrepit well located deep in the woods outside of Harvest Town that has built up a reputation for being haunted by a huge pony with a long, wet mane and a mile-long stare. According to local legend, the pony crawls up from the well after sundown and roams the area nearby until sunrise, hunting for unsuspecting ponies to drag back to the well and drown. Because of this, it's common for hikers and campers alike to leave a pony-shaped doll near the well during the day as an offering to try and calm the vengeful spirit.


Grizzled Veteran
I Know a Place

Username: PZMJNP
Region: Winter's Breath
Location Name: Shark Hot Springs
Information: It's a short distance from Whimsnow Peaks. A place for both locals and tourists to find relaxation and respite from the chilly elements. There's a large rock formation in the center that resembles the shape of a Chaser.


Grizzled Veteran
I Know a Place

Username: Bluedemonwolf
Region: Summer's Touch
Location Name: Siren's Trench
Information: One of the deepest parts of the ocean that runs along Summer's Touch's shore. Many underwater ponies go missing around this area and it is rumored to be the work of a siren who lures victims down into the trench's depths. It is a dark and desolate place that only the very brave or curious come to explore for valuable sea plants and treasures. The water temperature is surprisingly warm until you began to descend into the trench itself. Deeplings are often spotted near the trench but never in it.


Grizzled Veteran
I Know a Place

Username: kovak
Region: winter's breath
Location Name: frozen freeze
Information: this area is so cold that the heart feels like it has been frozen. in reality, there are actually sharks lurking underneath the waters, where it is warmer than what the land ponies that survive in


Grizzled Veteran
I Know a Place

Username: spazzedoutmew
Region: Fall's Harvest
Location Name: Silent Spring
Information: This spring isn't far from Bone Town and it's waters are easily accessible by all ponies. The strangely warm water houses various, silent wildlife within it's clear waters and along the banks. It's eerily quiet here, where the only thing you hear is the gentle babble of water. If you do hear a sound, it almost is always cut short for some unknown reason.


Stew Aficionado
I Know a Place

Username: belloblossom
Region: Spring Rain
Location Name: Lilypad Landing
Information: Located in a pond a few miles out of Drizzletown, Lilypad Landing is a fun place to take your foals ribbit catching for some wholesome family memories. For a few days out of every year, locals will gather for a festival of Ribbit lovers called "The Ribbit Rendezvous." Bring your ribbits to show off to your community, see educational presentations and maybe you'll take a new friend home too!


signed an NDA
Staff member

Congrats! We're picking your entry, Siren's Trench, as the winner! We will reach out if there are any changes we need to make, but expect your location to show up once the new map thread is out!

In the meantime, what kiddo would you like to take home?


signed an NDA
Staff member
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 7
Res: 4
  1. Inari Miko
  2. Reoakee
  3. Bouquet of Diamonds
  5. kovak
  6. spazzedoutmew
  7. belloblossom


signed an NDA
Staff member
CONGRATSSS! Let me go send these bbs home!

All entries have received 10 AP! Go here to redeem them!