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▷ The Breeds

My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Stalker :: STALL-kur
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

Stalkers were one of the first amphibious types to arrive within Everchange, scattering into the limited accessible ocean. While their kind had previously stayed mostly underwater, it is increasingly more common to see them on land as well!

▷ Abilities ◁
Dark Sight​

Stalkers are a physically powerful breed with high physical resistance and the ability to safely lock their jaws when biting. Their teeth, which grow back over a period of weeks if they fall out, are sharp and large, although they can hinder speech for some!

Stalker skin feels like sandpaper despite their deceptively smooth appearance, reducing friction from surrounding water when submerged.

Most if not all of this breed also have a "sixth sense" called electroception, which allows them to detect weak electrical currents of other living creatures within the water. This is particularly helpful in darker waters, or when a threat approaches.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Shark tail
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Body fins
Large teeth​

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Chaser :: CHAY-sur
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

Chasers were one of the first aquatic types to arrive within Everchange, directly following stalkers' arrival. Unlike the other breed, however, the aquatics were stuck within the waters of Everchange until the invention of floating devices, limiting their initial appearance throughout the world. Perhaps as a result, chasers have been continuously mistaken for stalkers due to their very similar abilities and appearance, which is a sore spot for many of both kinds.

▷ Abilities ◁
Dark Sight​

Chasers are a speedy breed with a high magical resistance, named appropriately for their natural skill at chasing and wearing down their target. Their teeth, which grow back over a period of weeks if they fall out, are sharp and large, although they can hinder speech for some! Chasers skin feels like sandpaper despite their deceptively smooth appearance, reducing friction from surrounding water when submerged.

They have a "sixth sense" called electroception, which allows them to detect weak electrical currents of other living creatures within the water. This is particularly helpful in darker waters, or when a threat approaches.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Shark lower body
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Body fins
Large teeth​

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Slime :: SLYme
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

While no one knows where any of the breeds in Everchange really originated from, slimes are perhaps among the most mysterious. With no central home, leaders, or otherwise good indicator of where they originated, others are simply left to guess at their histories - and the slimes aren't exactly helping, either. As far as anyone really knows, they sort of just started appearing one day, quite literally oozing out of the rocks in places all across the land! Their mysterious origin and sometimes unsettling appearance has given them a bit of a bad reputation among some, but they have assured everyone time and time again they're ponies too, darn it.

▷ Abilities ◁
Shape distension
Core sense

While slimes typically maintain a pony-shaped body structure, the truth of the matter is they are able to warp and bend their forms in ... unnatural ways quite easily. While they can't keep these adjustments for long, slimes can stretch, bend, and squash their bodies in nearly any way they choose. In fact, their ability is so adept that they're able to quite literally squeeze through any space that their hard core can fit through!

That same core is also the magical source of their core sensing ability. Slimes, lacking eyes and indeed any notable sensory organs at all, rely on their core to tell them about the world. Through this, they magically see, smell, and sense the world around them. It's theorized that even their sense of touch and taste is directly tied to the core, with it taking in this information directly from whatever they might be touching or eating at the time!

That leads to the slime's final ability - absorption. Unlike most other ponies, who have to use their silly mouths to eat, slimes can opt to pull things into themselves from anywhere on their body. They can opt to taste things this way if they want, too - and they'll digest whatever it is wherever it happens to be. Slimes can gain sustenance from almost any material this way, with only strongly enchanted objects able to resist their internal enzymes.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Slime transparency (solid lineart) (optional)
Core (optional visibility)
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Slimy body
Slime hair​

▷ Morph Warping ◁
Can make morphs slimy to match their slime level​

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Banshee :: BAN-she
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

Banshee ponies do not originate from wherever the other breeds come from; they come from The Below and are given a second chance of life by the rulers of the dead themselves. No one but Persephone and Hades knows why they were deemed worthy for another shot, but regardless these reborn souls do not remember their old life and are not limited to colors, markings, or gender of their original. Second generation and onward banshees are just like any other pony and have an original soul.

▷ Abilities ◁
Non-corporeal form
Final moments sensing
Dark Sight​

First-generation banshees are the reborn soul of a previously deceased individual, although their memories are entirely wiped and their new form does not always resemble parts of their first life, with appearances varying case by case. While they have no memory of their old life, family, personality, or time they can sometimes retain a dreadful feeling around situations, places, or objects that may have been their cause of death in the first place.

They carry their soul outwardly, which has lost its ability to simply meld into their form now that they've been reborn. Protected by a diamond-hard and glass-like chest, their swirling soul can shift in hues and emit faint sounds when the bearer feels strongly. Their feet and mane mists are an extension of that soul and can even act as incorporeal hands.

Banshees can float naturally without a limit on time, although they can't float much higher than six feet from the ground. This paired with their ability to phase in and out of a corporeal form makes them fairly ghostly in nature, with their unique skill in sensing how a pony felt right before death being the bow on top for a fairly ghastly-resembling sort.

Second and further generation banshees are souls created for their body, but they maintain all banshee abilities.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Exposed soul chest
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Spectral hair
Feet wisps
Transparent parts (optional)​

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Reefhopper:: REEF-HOP-pur
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

Reefhoppers arrived within Everchange as a large group initially, making them spread quickly across the waters and lands. Their presence boosts the growth of coral, helping liven the ocean floor with beautiful colors.

▷ Abilities ◁
Coral growth acceleration

Reefhoppers are adept at digging within coral, equipped with strong hooves and powerful legs to clear their way. They're unlikely to be destructive about it, as this breed directly aids the growth of coral by just being around it. It's not a fast process by any means and only encourages the plant to grow twice as fast as usual, but it's something!

They're able to camouflage into their surroundings, changing their patterns and colors, and have a natural instinct to bury within coral beds and hide from danger.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Bulbous head shape
Rigid fin-tail​
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Body fins


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Ray :: RAE
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

Rays have always liked to peek above the waves, long before the technology was made to assist them in getting them there! Able to hop right out of the water and "glide" for a moment, they're a speedy breed who get where they need to and fast.

▷ Abilities ◁
Venomous stinger (optional)

Rays have special gel-filled tubes across the front of their face that allows them to pick up electrical signals within water. Their whip-like tails are not only a painful reminder to stay away from their backside but, for some, even have the ability to deliver venom upon contact! Luckily for everyone, this venom only makes a pony at most have flu-like symptoms for a few hours.

They have the unique ability to "glide" out of water by propelling themselves above the surface and extending their fins. They can theoretically do the same from any tall surface though this remains to widely be seen.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Stingray body
Ray tubes across face​
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Body fins


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Kelper :: KELL-pur
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

Kelpers, despite being aquatic, are not the best swimmers, preferring to lay low and cling onto kelp, rocks, and other underwater fixtures. Many even prefer living above water, as the new technology helping previously water-bound ponies float is much preferred over their daily struggles getting about.

▷ Abilities ◁
Magical absorption​

Kelpers struggle with basic living, which they'll probably resent being reminded of. Swimming is not particularly easy for them, creating a popular theory that they're this close to evolving over generations to leave the water. They get about clumsily and often by clinging to underwater plants, rocks, or each other.

They are physically weak and have little to defend themselves with, but what they do have is the ability to absorb any and all magic cast upon them -- completely. It not only heals them but also renders them magical tanks, giving them just a little something to get through this hectic world with.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Chonky long curled body
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Body fins
Segmented body (optional)​


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Nakotsu :: nah-KOTE-soo
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

Bottomless pits who will clean out any cupboard, nakotsu need a lot of food to function on a day-to-day basis, making them fairly common in that particular scene. With their high numbers and being an older breed within the Everchange world, they are not an unusual sight!

▷ Abilities ◁
Aqua cradle
Bubble shield​

Naktosu are a hungry breed with a high energy requirement, prompting them to eat often and without limit to maintain their standard condition. They can be veritable black holes, even if they don't exactly require the nutrients at all times.

Equipped with the ability to spit bubbles that can either surround and lift an object or pony or protect from harm, their ability, much like their selves, are fairly hardy for their delicate appearance! It's not an invincible one, however,, as the bubbles will pop after a few seconds, but it's certainly useful regardless.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Diamond/wedge shaped fish body
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Body scales (optional)
Body fins​


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Seabell :: SEE-bell
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

Seabell ponies are very similar to jellyfish, which they resemble already in appearance. Luckily for them, years of evolution has allowed them to choose if they wish to sting others or not, making them far less deadly than the animal they clearly mimic.

▷ Abilities ◁
Venomous sting​

Jellyfish and seabells have much in common with their venomous sting, although the latter can choose to weaponize their tentacles if they wish. It's a painful experience if they decide on doing so, as it not only briefly paralyzes their target but also sends a white-hot flash of pain through their victim's body, which can linger long after paralysis wears off. It's a quick way to end a situation for the weaker breed, who lack inherent strength or magical aptitude.

They find nutrients in almost anything non-poisonous, including trash. As long as they can break it up with their mouth then they're good to consume!

Seabells are bioluminescent naturally, with all glowing in the dark.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Jelly bell
Jelly bell layers
Ruffled fins​
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Tentacles (optional)

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Polpo :: PUHL-poh
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

A common sight in Everchange, Polpo take up a lot of space with their many long tentacles! They're naturally gifted with divided attention spans and several appendages to get multiple jobs done, allowing them to live the dream of many ponies.

▷ Abilities ◁
Ink misting​

Polpo are not a particularly strong or magical breed, instead skilled in keeping themselves safe with evasive tactics. They can camouflage to match their surroundings perfectly, with little effort or time constraint. Their ability to mist ink from their tentacles helps blind other ponies and gives them the advantage, although they're more likely to flee.

Surprisingly enough, polpo are not the best at swimming! Sure, they do a fine job, but they tire easily, making crawling the best option.

Their tentacles regenerate over time, even if totally removed.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Radial head gill/ear replacement
Suckered tentacles (optional)
Big head (optional)​
▷ Shared Traits ◁


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Kraken :: KRAY-ken
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

Very similar to polpo at first glance, it's theorized that krakens might be their cousins, although records on their arrival are messy and do not help pinpoint when they were first spotted within the world. They appeared just as randomly as the other breeds, but evidence shows they were within Everchange for ages before they began to leave the ocean and reveal themselves to the general populace.

▷ Abilities ◁
Ink misting​

Much like a polpo, krakens can camouflage to match their surroundings, regenerate lost or injured tentacles, and mist others with their ink. What they do differ in is their powerful strength and speed, as well as two feeder tentacles some krakens are blessed with. The tips of these feeder tentacles are often broader and armed with suckers and hooks, which can dig into a target and aid in restricting movement or, if the kraken is strong enough, even pull them closer.

While they're better at swimming than the polpo, it's only marginally so, as exerting their strength or speed tire them out quickly and lead them to have to swim lazily until they recover.

Their beaked mouth is particularly strong, so watch out!

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Head-to-body fin "ears"
Feeding tentacles (optional)
Chest gill valves
Leg suckers​
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Body fins
Beaked mouth


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Decorai :: deh-CORE-eye
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

Decorai find themselves drawn towards other ponies naturally, making them an unusual sight to see on their own. While a rarer breed in the world, they're a sight to behold with their magnificent fins and skin that faintly sparkles under direct light.

▷ Abilities ◁
Rest mode
Luck magnet​

Decorai feel most at home within the water, where they can swim for miles without pause. Their glittering skin makes them an easy breed to spot when under direct sunlight and grows in intensity depending on health. They enjoy schooling with other aquatic ponies, feeling a deep need to seek out those like them.

When injured or sick the breed has the ability to enter rest mode, where they remain asleep for days to weeks to accelerate recovery, with the time depending on severity of affliction. It's entirely intentional, although the heavier they're harmed the harder it'll be to force awaken before recovery is finished.

The natural good fortune and luck that follows a decorai and any in direct contact, such as friends, have long been a researched phenomenon with few answers. Decorai directly negate bad-luck charms and spells, even going as far as assisting those around them and boosting natural luck, although only minorly. Those who often find themselves breaking grocery bags, dropping toast jelly side down, or pulling the short straw will find their problems alleviated with their shimmery friend beside them.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Koi body shape
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Body fins
Body scales


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

LAMIA :: LA-mee-uh
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

Hailing from an ancient, underground civilization, lamia are cold blooded, reptilian ponies. They have several traits that can seem unsettling to other breeds, such as their long, split tongues or their ability to unhinge their jaw. Their most obvious trait is their serpentine bodies and extremely flexible forelimbs, allowing them to travel quickly and build efficiently in their cramped native environment. Other traits of note include being carnivorous - along with sometimes lacking eyelids completely! While modern lamia typically don't eat living food, and raw food is not exactly in vogue, during times of need they're capable of digesting most any meat, bone, or organic tissue they can swallow. Interestingly, they lack a proper sense of taste, as their sense of smell functions through their tongue - not their nose! - and as such foods prepared by or for them tend to be high in aromatic quality while lacking in typical 'taste' such as sweet or salty.

▷ Abilities ◁
Heat Sense
Venom (optional)​

Lamias are able to sense heat through magical under-the-skin organs spreading from their mouths all the way down to the top of their chest. As they require external sources of heat to function properly, this can help them find safety and avoid getting too cold, though it can also aid in finding warm-blooded ponies or animals. This ability seems to function loosely up to around thirty feet.

In addition, some, but not all lamias are venomous. This venom is delivered via fangs in the mouth, though these are never externally visible as they fold back into the mouth when not in use. The intensity of this venom varies widely, ranging from capable of causing discomfort barely above the feeling of the bite to entirely capable of immobilizing another pony for several minutes with high levels of pain. No lamias capable of killing other ponies with a single bite have ever been documented, however.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Snake hair (optional)
Long, unfinned, serpentine lower body​
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Serpent tongue
Body scales (optional)
Lack of eyelids (optional)
Rattles (optional)​

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