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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Nipix :: NIH-piks
▷ Sizing ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Diet ◁

Friendly, loving, and known for their more carefree nature, nipix are also constantly on the go. Energy consumes these creatures, pushing them to seek entertainment and stimulus at all hours. Luckily, they're simple-minded and easily entertained. Fail to give them something to do, however, and you'll discover their bottomless pit doesn't shy away from eating everything you know and love.

▷ Abilities ◁

Nipix may have wings but they're entirely useless as a function. It's believed that once, long ago, their wings were far larger and actually able of flight, but in modern times it seems the nipix have lost this ability.


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Dracofly :: DRAH-ko FLY
▷ Sizing ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Diet ◁

Dracoflies can be troublesome for an owner not prepared for their constant activity and curiosity. They want to get involved with everything, sticking their little hands into every nook and cranny, completely disregarding any consequences that may occur. They're fiercely protective of their owners (regardless of their size) and will happily deliver the mightiest of bites to anyone who threatens or harms their pony.

▷ Abilities ◁
Gem & Jewel Tracker​

Dracoflies can sense nearby gems and jewels, selectively bred for years by dragon societies to help locate both. It isn't uncommon for dracoflies to be advertised based on the type of gem they sense! It's incredibly rare for a dracofly to be able to sense more than one type of gem, making those who can more valuable.


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Salamander :: SAL-uh-man-der
▷ Sizing ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Diet ◁
Salamanders are the perfect companion for someone seeking a lazy friend to lounge in the sun with. They require little to be happy, really only seeking a warm lap, food, and a nice heated bed to lay in. While equipped with sizeable claws and teeth, they won't typically harm anyone unless they're directly threatening their owner or the Salamander in question.

Salamanders are very rare and bond for life, making them hard to find but impossible to shake off once you do.

▷ Abilities ◁
Elemental breath (fire, ice, electricity, water, steam)​

Salamanders can breathe fire, ice, electricity, water, or steam! All salamanders can only breathe one element, which does not change regardless of what they eat or what magic is cast onto them. They're far too relaxed to use it in a manner that is problematic, but they're happy to defend themselves if they must.

While they have small feathered wings they can not fly, instead helping insulate the cold-blooded creature.


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Norok :: NOR-uk
▷ Sizing ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Diet ◁

The sound of faint rustling always accompanies a norok, dully rattling with each shake and twitch they naturally seem so inclined in doing. If awake they're constantly moving, shaking their bodies to a beat only they can hear as they wander the world around them, aimless but curious. They gravitate towards forests and woods, often flocking in locations where travelers find themselves lost the most.

▷ Abilities ◁

Noroks just appear, rattling into sight and flickering away the moment they feel threatened. It's important to have an exit plan with how curious these lost souls are, as they're likely to shove their hands into trouble the moment they're left unattended.


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Ferregon :: fehr-uh-GON
▷ Sizing ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Diet ◁

Ferregons are long noodley companions who feel very protective of their owners, going as far as potentially biting, clawing, and scratching those they feel threaten their relationship. Otherwise, they're intelligent and playful, making great friends for those who want to train their companion or have someone to toss around (which they do genuinely love).

▷ Abilities ◁

Despite their wings being tiny, Ferregons benefit from the same mysterious magic that allows them to fly regardless.


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Nanny :: nan-ee
▷ Sizing ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Diet ◁

These four-winged birds are drawn to foals, effectively earning their name due to their fiercely protective and loving disposition towards the younglings. No foal will come to harm around them; not if they're alive, at least. They are in fact at their happiest when homed, in fact, and will care for their owner and any future foals they have as well.

It isn't uncommon for a traveling nanny to settle right beside a basket with a foal within. Good luck detaching them; that's their kiddo now!

▷ Abilities ◁
Need Sensing (foals only)​

They can fly, much like most birds within Everchange, but their best ability is their inherent sense for figuring out exactly what a foal needs. Their gem, if healthy and kept intact, directly helps them attune to their youngster. Unfortunately, the older a pony gets, the harder it is to sense their needs until eventually, a nanny must rely on their own intuition.


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Falnix :: fahl-NIX
▷ Sizing ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Diet ◁

Falnix are a precise and orderly bird, prone to lashing out at those who disrupt or harass them or others. They do not handle changes well, requiring a rigorous routine to feel at their best. Falnix choose their owners themselves, refusing to accommodate to ponies they haven't approved. Once they've selected their owner they bond for life.

▷ Abilities ◁
Selective burning​

They can fly like most other birds! They also can decide if their fiery tail burns their surroundings or other living forces. Normally, their tail is harmless, but an upset falnix can choose to burn everyone and everything around them, like a light switch. Or a bonfire.


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Aquaila :: uh-KWAYL-uh
▷ Sizing ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Diet ◁

Aquaila are an even-tempered and affectionate companion, pairing well with ponies and other companions alike. They're also a vocal bird, often singing to fill the silence of the day-to-day, and even replicating tunes they've heard in passing.

▷ Abilities ◁
Healing water​

They can fly like most other birds! Their body is always damp and their watery additions stay to their form unless forcibly removed or offered. Their water can heal minor illnesses and help accelerate the healing process of small wounds, which they're happy to give!


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Gooser :: GOO-SER
▷ Sizing ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Diet ◁

Imagine a goose - now imagine an angry goose; you now have a gooser. Sure, not all are temperamental or aggressive, but they have absolutely made a name for themselves. Selectively bred to be slighter bigger than your average goose, goosers don't play around. Bred to protect their owners with everything they got, it's best not to intimidate or harm their masters; they can be relentless and aggressive in their pursuit.

Goosers court by tormenting ponies, often in the form of petty thievery. While their courting never escalates into a truly malicious place, it can be incredibly annoying and frustrating for nearby ponies.

▷ Abilities ◁

They can fly like most other birds, although they prefer walking so they have easy access to their victims. Equipped with a long whip-like tail that can and does hurt, it's best to not touch them without express permission!


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Draxocoeti :: DRAK-soh-SIT-ee
▷ Sizing ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Diet ◁

There was no documentation of these creatures, no reference or proof until one day they just appeared in droves, schooling together in air and water as if they'd been there the entire time ... and maybe they had! The world of Everchange has been known to just apparate new rules and living organisms on a whim, making their sudden arrival not too shocking. It does mean little is known about these creatures, making them a fun new experience for many prospective owners.

They do best with others of their own kind, although if you provide these affectionate fish enough love they could get by.

▷ Abilities ◁

They can fly and swim - the best of both worlds! They're pretty intelligent for a fish too, recognizing faces and learning commands if offered enough treats to capture their attention. Draxocoeti grow bored easily, so make sure you have something for them to do if you don't want them flying off and out the nearest window!

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Caco :: KA-koh
▷ Sizing ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Diet ◁

Cacos sort of just showed up one day, seeming to float out of crevices and holes as much as slimes oozed out of the woodwork. They quickly took up niches in a wide array of places, though they seem to prefer warmer weather, as their nests are most often found in summer and warmer spring regions.

In the wild, cacos live in nests ranging from as low as three to as many as a hundred individuals. These nests are usually carved into difficult to reach areas such as the sides of cliffs or inside abandoned buildings, often literally eating their way in. Caco nests are a genuine pain to remove thanks to their ability to dig so deeply into places, making them a rather divisive companion for those that have had to deal with them.

In captivity, cacos can prove difficult to keep as they grow quite depressed when kept singularly and they are quite quick to make their own nests if they don't enjoy the ones given to them. However, a contented caco colony can be a very pleasant thing to keep! They typically love physical affection and will cluster on their owner whenever given a chance. They are also fairly intelligent for their size and will, if allowed to roam freely, bring their owner shiny bits and baubles they find pleasant in their wanderings.

▷ Abilities ◁
Dissolving Saliva​

Cacos have a very strong saliva which can dissolve even stone and metal, given enough time. They use this ability to eat basically anything they can fit in their mouths, and they also use it to lick and chew nests into the ground and even solid stone.


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Pard :: PARD
▷ Sizing ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Diet ◁

Found in the Blazing Bog, they are not domesticated like most companions and are highly dangerous. Unaware keepers can be harmed by these temperamental beasts. Do not provoke these beasts, their jaws can and have broken bones from frustrated pards snapping their jaws shut.

Foals to these creatures are seen as cubs and treated as such. Pards will guard foals with their life and their bond persists after the foals are grown. However, foals are not immune to the temper of pards, often gaining tiny scratches for their transgressions.

Their loud calls sound like wailing ghosts in the dead of night, often resulting in ponies mistaking their surroundings as haunted.

▷ Abilities ◁

Being mostly nocturnal, they have a keen sense of sight in low light; not even fog is an obstacle to these creatures. The "flames" on their back are harmless, although they dance and crackle in tandem with a pards mood and behavior.


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Wurm :: w-ER-m
▷ Sizing ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Diet ◁

Large, affectionate, and covered in soft cozy fur, Wurms are an excellent companion for those who want a friend to cuddle up with. They're a curious sort who will stick their snouts into the tiniest of crevices and find themselves up to no good, but they're eager to please and will, usually, redirect their attention to their beloved owner when called.

▷ Abilities ◁
Emotion Sensing​

Wurms can sense the emotional energy of ponies and animals they're bonded to, aiding in their inherent desire to please and comfort their loved ones.


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Phytox :: feye-tocks
▷ Sizing ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Diet ◁

While cute and sociable, Phytox are not for beginner owners! They can't help but stick themselves into trouble around every corner and can be fairly destructive when bored or lacking the proper enrichment. They thrive off routine, exercise, and frequent training sessions, but will absolutely run circles around their owner if given the opportunity.

These high-energy companions make up for their finicky and troublesome nature by showing their adoration and love for their owners with frequent cuddles and gifts they find around the house or outside. Phytox are also fiercely protective of their owners and pack a mean bite for their size.

▷ Abilities ◁
Required diet of sunlight
Plant growth acceleration​

Stick a Phytox in the window whenever possible, as these plant-like companions require sunlight to survive! They are at their best when allowed to roam outside with their owner and help in the garden, as their very presence aids in the growth of nearby vegetation.


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Kyutzel :: KYOOt-zul
▷ Sizing ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Diet ◁

Big friendly dorks who love entertaining crowds, the highly intelligent Kyutzel find themselves often in the entertainment industry, enjoying the spotlight as mascots and children entertainers for the mass. There's nothing a typical Kyutzel enjoys more than being the source of gleeful laughter or turning a frown upside down.

As Kyutzel are far more intelligent than the standard companion, these creatures usually choose their owner and live alongside them outside of the boundaries of a simple pet. Many ponies treat Kytuzel like their children or friend.

▷ Abilities ◁
Can speak
Capable of complex thought
Egg tastes like consumers' favorite or most hated food/meal​

Kyutzel are capable of complex thought, ranging from the emotional and intellectual capability of a small child to a young teen. They can even learn how to speak!

Their eggs can be removed painlessly but take a few months to regrow. Kyutzel are incredibly generous with their eggs generally, and those who eat the offered gift will find it tastes just like their favorite food (even if they've yet to have it!). Many chefs with Kyutzel companions will even cook with their eggs, as the flavor persists even for those the egg wasn't given to as long as it was harvested consensually.

However, those who consume a Kyutzel egg harvested against their will find it is the absolute worst flavor they'll ever eat, so make sure to ask a Kyutzel beforehand!


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Deepling :: dEEP-LING
▷ Sizing ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Diet ◁

Originally bottom dwellers who were content to stay in the Everchange sea for millenniums, Deepling have recently begun approaching the shores and showing interest in cohabitating with pony life. Curious, clever, and playful, Deepling often enjoy an active lifestyle alongside their companion pony. They have shown the capacity to feel greatly for their selected pony, even going as far as to show spite and aggression towards those who make their loved one uncomfortable -- which can be quite deadly at times, considering they're sometimes larger than the average pony.

Deepling personalities vary greatly from one another, much like ponies themselves. Often, a Deepling will select a pony either similar to their own personality or deliberately choose someone who could benefit from their involvement in their life.

▷ Abilities ◁
Empathetic telepathy
Capable of complex thought​

While all Deeplings are inherently capable of deep and complex thought that rivals pony consciousness, not all act on it. Individualistic in personality, no two Deepling are alike! They can learn language if they wish to, understand complicated math, and view the world much like a pony does, garnering them a certain amount of respect amongst companions. While they cannot communicate verbally, they do release a series of trills and chirps with intonation unique to them and their pony partner. Attentive ponies can absolutely learn how to communicate with their Deepling and should -- Deepling quite like interacting with other life forms!

Deepling can also share their feelings towards others, although the recipient must have an open mind to allow the connection. Touching the gem on their head can share one's own feelings with the Deepling, but the same rule applies; there must be an open channel between the recipient and contactor; consent is very important to the Deepling kind!


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Pumpka :: pump-kAH
▷ Sizing ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Diet ◁

Cousins of Babals, the Pumpka originate from the once-protected Lost Woods and, unlike their anchored cousins, can maneuver their roots to slowly move through soil. Mischievous and prone to fits of crackling laughter, Pumpka have the same negative reputation as Babals. It isn't uncommon for one to tug on a ponies leg or scare travelers with their shrill shrieks and cackels. Taming one is relatively easy; Pumpka love sweets and will follow just about anyone who makes the mistake of offering them a treat.

▷ Abilities ◁
Can speak
Manipulate their roots
Extend their parts as appendages
Can be birthed from abandoned jack-o-lanterns​

Pumpka are smart creatures despite all the screaming and howling they're prone to, they just also enjoy a good amount of mischief. They are about as smart as a young child and can learn speech if exposed to language, although they're more likely to chant choice words instead of holding a proper conversation. Unlike Babals, Pumpka can stretch their leaves, roots, and leafy strands, making them terrors when they're bored.

Most Pumpka come from a specific seed, however sometimes-- usually in October --abandoned jack-o-lanterns might turn into a Pumpka overnight!

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Fairy :: FAIR-ee
▷ Sizing ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Diet ◁

The soft sound of twinkling will alert a pony first to their arrival, followed by a mist of light trailing after the inquisitive ball of fluff. The literally glowing puffball accentuated with two pairs of wings is a rarer sight, having originated from the Lost Woods and since scattering throughout Everchange in a pursuit to explore the region they had been sheltered from for eons. While curious, they are prone to flitting from loud sounds and sudden movement when startled. Fairies are fairly social creatures, either preferring to remain in flocks of their kind or favoring one special pony over all else, to whom they'll stick beside for life.

While fairies cannot speak in pony language, they do release soft chimes and twinkles, which an observant and persistent pony could attempt to decipher.

Currently, the known types of fairies either have veined insectoid wings, or veined batty insectoid wings!

▷ Abilities ◁
Accelerate healing
Revival at the expense of self​

The presence of a fairy will accelerate the healing of wounds and illnesses, although only by a little. Their true power lays in their ability to willingly sacrifice themselves to revive a dying lifeforce. Attempts to force the power will not work -- the fairy themself must make the decision to relinquish their life for the dying creature.

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Acree :: AKE-ree

Ko-Fi Exclusive
▷ Sizing ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Diet ◁

Sometimes, when the trees change colors and a crisp breeze rolls through, one might see an acorn drop, rolling into the pile of leaves below with a soft thump. If one is even luckier, they may even witness that very acorn stand back up, propelled by newly adorned feet that shakily try and find footing in a world they had previously not known.

These little creatures are known as the Acree and are a favorite of the Queen of Fall, Falyrn. Acree range greatly in personality, although most do enjoy having more of their kind around. They do not rot, nor do they mold, either thanks to the magic Falyrn continuously casts on Everchange to protect these small companions or out of sheer spite, which they're fairly known for. Acree can live eternally if cared for correctly, but the inherent need to stick themselves into every unknown crevice is often a downfall for the curious creature. It's best to keep a close eye on them!

▷ Abilities ◁
Favored by the Queen of Fall​

While there's really nothing of note about the Acree, the protection spell on them keeps them healthy and free from illness. Unfortunately, Acree also like to stick themselves into just about everything, resulting in the very real possibility that your acorn friend might meet their demise through injury instead.


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Olib :: AH-lib

▷ Sizing ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Diet ◁

Olibs are tiny, voracious creatures, known for eating anything and everything that can fit inside their mouths. They live on special trees that bear bitter, oily fruits, and they guard them jealously, with a group of anywhere from two to five olibs inhabiting that tree exclusively. When they eat the seeds, they dutifully carry the pits far away from their home, creating a symbiotic relationship with it - these "olib trees" won't even sprout until the pit has been in contact with an olib's saliva, signaling that they'll be taken to a safe location soon. The olibs will feast upon anything that attempts to bother their tree, from parasites to bird nests, and will use their smelly leaves to chase off things too big for them to pick off. Olibs do make quite entertaining companions if hand raised by a pony, but it can be difficult to get them to move to a new tree or accept a new owner once they're fully grown.

▷ Abilities ◁
Bitter Berries
Smelly Leaves​

When under duress, olibs excrete a bitter substance from their skin, similar to the distasteful oil of their host plant. This is often enough to dissuade predators from attempting to eat them. When frustrated, annoyed, or angered, an olib's leaves become quite pungent, and they will brandish them aggressively to make their displeasure known. These stinky leaves grow back quickly, usually within a week.

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