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▷ The Giving Calendar

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Stew Aficionado
Day 24


A pony runs up to your door as you're retreating inside for the evening. After all, it is getting pretty cold and dark.

As they patter onto your porch, they huff, placing down a basket that seemed to be weighing them down a good deal. It looks almost like the standard issue foal baskets, but smaller, and is missing the official, government seal that marks each foal basket sent from the Seasonal Government. The blanket inside it shifts, but before anything can emerge from it, the pony is handing you a guidebook.

"I don't know if you've heard about the Pluffasaur, but it was a previously endangered species. With mine and my colleagues help, we managed to get their natural numbers up, and then they skyrocketed! We've introduced many back into the wild so far, but we have too many for the natural ecosystem. So we're looking for homes for some! You seem like a well put together pony, here, this one is for you!"

After the guidebook comes the basket, shoved haphazardly into you.

"Take good care of them!" the pony says as they sprint away, back to their cart that is seemingly overflowing with baskets. Probably for other ponies.

The blanket shifts again, and you hear a little noise, before a nose pops out and you're greeted with a whole new creature you've never seen before. It's somewhere between the size of a Maow and a Boof, quite furry, and seemingly friendly.


These are Pluffasaur! A previously endangered species, like the pony said, so no pony has seen them in a long time! Their information will be public soon, but for now, please enjoy your little beasties!



signed an NDA
Staff member
Day 28

You open your front door to find a large cat curled on your doorstep. They wake, groggily looking up at you with wet, pleading eyes. I guess you have a new friend!
All companions are pards!
Save the link to your companion somewhere safe!
(Everyone has their own link)



Stew Aficionado
Day 31
(The Final Day)


Upon hearing about a meteor shower the night before, you hung up a wish in hopes it would come true. Little did you know, you'd wind up with a friend instead!

Introducing, the Star Brite! These little creatures have been around for a long, long time, and it is now your turn to get one of your very own! Star Brites are awakened when falling stars hit a wishing paper, which doesn't happen all that often, unless you live in a place with lots of Nite Lites! Nite Lites and Star Brites are the best of friends, and their magic is boosted when they become a bonded pair.

More information will be released soon!

(Everyone has their own link!!!)

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