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◌◦ Death & Afterlife ◦◌


Station Visitor
Mule Account
Death is always optional here and usually self selected option via certain rp/lore/meta reasons/events.

Death Perks
  • Gain some AP to spend in the bonus shop.
  • Gain a spirit version of the pet.
  • Interact with other spirits, watch the living, and even interact and guide them through those that have the ability to speak to spirits.
  • Die again - Reincarnation can be purchased for your pet and they can/will be born again into the world through a breeding. They will come back with similar looks but also inspired by their new parents. They will have the 'soul' of the original which can often show in personality traits, habits, abilities, ect. It however doesn't keep memories of their past life.


Station Visitor
Mule Account
The Afterlife

When one passes away their spirit lingers in the world. They can watch and sometimes interact with the living.
Otherwise they can interact with the other spirits and even be attacked and hurt by other spirits or spirit targeting abilities.
Sprits typically retain their living memories. However if they are damaged too much they can loose memory and substance becoming a whisp. This process also happens slowly over time as they fade from the memories of the living.
Whisp spirits typically wander aimlessly until they either are completely extinguished or are able to be reincarnated.
Spirits draw strength from the memories of the living. Be that in love, legend, fear, ect. Their vitality and ability to interact with the living world is drawn from this.