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◌◦ Kinship Creation ◦◌


Station Visitor
Mule Account

Join, fight, survive & thrive!
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Station Visitor
Mule Account
What is a Kinship?

A kinship is a connected group of individuals. While it is common for kinships to start around mated pairs or family relations that support each other, there are many reasons to gather together in this dangerous world.

Kinships come in many flavors, so to speak. Each having it's own history, founders, ideals, and rules.
While each of these elements can change, the basic structure and roles in a kinship are as follows:
  • Leader - The leader of the Kinship. They will often seek input from their guide and the kinship as a whole, but their word is final say on decisions.
  • Guide - The second in command. Both advisor the the leader and the main delegator to the rest of the kinship to make sure things get done.
  • Menders - The ones who mend, the healers of the group. There is typically at least one active and one in training mender in a Kinship. A skillful mender can mean the life or death of a kinship. So great care is taken in the teaching of mending. They are held in high regard and hold a strong position in the hierarchy.
  • Protectors - Title for those that protect. While combat is avoided when possible, there are times when one must be able to fight back. Be it against those that would try to take your territory or the hungry fangs of predators, one must know how to defend themselves and others. Those that specialize in this task and are thusly named.
  • Stalkers - Providers of prey. For those that seek, hunt, trap, and kill other things to survive and thrive, they have those that specialize in this task.
  • Cultivators- Growers of crops. For those that enjoy the diversity or necessity of plant based food, they have those that specialize in it's production.
  • Childminders - Care of the young is important to a Kinship. While most parents desire to and do rear their own offspring. They are often given this title while they are doing so and/or have a shared responsibility among the parents to help with the task. Though some kinships all offspring are watched, cared, and taught by those skilled at doing such to their standards.
  • Makers - Those who craft. From the simple to complex, many items and tools are useful and/or pretty. Those skilled in things such as carving, weaving, ect fill this role.
  • More - Above are just the general ones that come to mind. There can be any number of other roles. If you have any questions about any of these or your own ideas don't hesitate to reach out in the discord.

Kinship Perks

  • Roleplay & Plotting - You can have fun creating fun plots, stories, and other such IC lore for your characters.
  • Kinship Icon - Have the Kinship's icon added to your pet's cert.
  • Events & Games - Be a part of the occasional games, mini events, or metas that involve the Kinship. Kinship owners can work with staff to set up games and mini events themed after or otherwise involving their kinship.
  • More Activity - Provides connections to characters and people thus promoting chances to earn activity points. Thus earning other bonuses.

Activity Requirement

  • A kinship is active so long as the leader or guide is active in the shop and their thread is interacted with/updated regularly.
  • Kinships that are out of date/inactive for 4 or more months are considered inactive.
  • Inactive kinships can still have members and such but will not be eligible for events, metas, or games that involve it.
  • Inactive kinships can become active again if the leader/guide become active and update their thread.
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Station Visitor
Mule Account
Kinship Creation Requirements

  • One Leader
  • One Guide (second/advisor)
  • Five or more other members. (Pets, not unique users)
  • Completed & Approved Creation Form.
  • At least an idea if not a sketch/idea of the Kinship's Symbol.
Kinship owners must create and maintain their Kinship's thread. Accepting/Rejecting requests in a timely manner.

While we prefer kinship owners to get involved at least a bit when it comes to events, games, metas, ect that involve their kinship it is not a requirement. Staff can do so at their discretion.

Kinships can have requirements to join of various kinds, but you cannot require or otherwise stop pets from leaving.
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Station Visitor
Mule Account
Application Form

[B]Kinship Name:[/B] 

[B]Nest Site:[/B] (layout, general idea of where things are)
[B]Notable Features:[/B]  (general territory type and landmarks of the area)
[B]Primary Diet:[/B] (carnivore, herbivore, omnivore and/or their preference. can also include specifics on what type of prey/plants they focus/prefer.)
[B]Special Techniques:[/B] (hunting, cultivating, animal rearing, what do they focus on and any techniques they pass down withing the kinship)
[B]Kinship Practices:[/B] (rituals, rites, mentality, and other things this kinship dose and is important to them.)
[B]Selecting Leaders:[/B] (how do they pick the next leader if the current leader retires, leaves, dies, is forced down, ect. Is it inherited, passed to the next of a certain title/job, earned through rite of battle, ect.)
[B]Strengths:[/B] (as a whole/in general what does this kinship do best, do they work well with each other, are the strong combatants, superior farmers, ect? )
[B]Weaknesses:[/B] (do they trust to easy or block others out entirely, do they lack good coordination, or suck at cultivating crops, ect)