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◌◦ Reincarnation: Things you should know ◦◌


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Mule Account
Reincarnation: Things you should know

This is a general information and guide on the life, death, and rebirth cycle here in Aqueous. We will go though things and try to be as clear as possible for both in lore and shop rules and such so you know how things work and why you may want to participate in the death and reincarnation side of this shop.

If you have any further questions, clarifications, plotting, or just anything you are curious about please do reach out and we will be happy to help!
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Mule Account
Life Cycle of Sentients

For the intelligent lifeforms of this realm, they start their journey in the land of the living via the reproduction of their parents. This phase of their life includes their growth from eggs to adults of their species. During which they go through experiences that shape them and create memories and bonds that mark and essentially power their spirit.

When they pass on their bodies die and only the spirit remains. The spirit is the life's core and it draws on the will and memory that they possess and those that remember them to retain their form. In this afterlife they will wander and interact with other spirits much like a second life but with slightly different rules.
Here in the realm of the spirits rely on the memory of the living to stave off the fading of their own memory. For over time their memories fade and their sense of self blinks out. This causes them to become a whisp. One also must choose wisely whom to trust for spirits can attack, damage, and occasionally destroy a spirit. Suffering too much damage will result in becoming a whisp even if one is still well remembered in life.
Whisps are basically the faint remainder of what remains of the condensed essence of what the life once was. While having little drive and mostly just wander aimlessly, these remains of spirits still act as host to the shred of what once created them.

If a whisp is lucky enough to be in proximity to the creation of new life, they can and almost instinctively latch onto it. The child born with a whisp's influence will be instilled with that mote of essence of who they once were. This will often show in their physical appearance greatly resembling their past self. As well the potential for personality and even physical traits appearing. Those that are reborn are also much more likely to retain or manifest abilities.


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Mule Account
Perks of Reincarnation

Reincarnation is not truly understood or even really believed in by the inhabitants of Aqueous. It however is a fairly common thing in the lifecyle of their souls. As the spirit goes through many experiences they can develop interesting abilities.

Things you get when your pet reincarnates
  • New art of your pet.
    • They will be heavily inspired by their original form. Though there may be some variance and/or additions based on the parents they are born to.
    • They have a chance of retaining traits they had even if the parents don't have those traits.
    • You may request some things to stay the same but it will mostly be cc.
  • You may choose to gain a minor ability or the addition of a trait they didn't previously have.
    • Traits can be selected from any of the open template traits.
    • If you have an ability already, for whatever reason, you may trade in 2 minor abilities for a major one.
  • The ability to continue to play your character.
    • Though they don't retain really any of their past memories, they are essentially still the same character and can/do retain much of their same personality traits, habits, and easily take to things they did know about in their past lives.
  • Gain more Life Beads!
    • As they basically start anew as an egg again they get to grow up again. Not only do you get some cool new art, but you also gain the LB for this and other activities with them.