☽ the Bats of Belfry ○ New beginnings!~ ☾


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♢ Creatures from this shop are created using templated bases! There are templated modifications available -called 'mutes'-, and there will be sales for alternate poses from time to time! Any unique pose or edit that is made may or not be templated as per buyer's request or terms laid out prior to purchase. ♢
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☽ Intro ♢
☽ Quick Links ♢
☽ Table of Contents ♢
☽ Shop News ♢
☽ Shop Rules ♢
☽ Roleplay Rules ♢
☽ Common Questions ♢
☽ Map of Belfry ♢
☽ Stages of the Bats ♢
☽ Bat Breeds ♢
☽ Bat Mutes ♢
☽ Familiars ♢
☽ Bat Royalty ♢
☽ How to Aquire ♢
☽ How to Custom ♢
☽ How to Breed ♢
☽ Who Works Here ♢
☽ Shop Credits ♢
☽ - ♢
☽ - ♢
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please note: lux is *terrible* at updating news posts...

☽ date news ☾

☽ 10-20-24 New Beginnings are happening! ☾
☽ 2-27-21 Most of shop updated, Cert made! ☾
☽ 2-4-21 Shop front made! ☾
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1. Follow the ToS, because of course. ♢
2. Respect the staff and fellow shop-goes. ♢
3. Bumping is fine, but don't spam or stretch the page and keep quote towers low. ♢
4. No l33t or chat speak, please! If your pet talks like that, ok, but keep it readable! ♢
5. Refunds are not available, and outright selling your pets is not allowed. ♢
6. Trading pets, however, IS allowed, so long as it's conducted within official shop threads~ ♢
7. Don't beg or ask for a job or free pet. If either is available, it'll be posted. ♢
8. Please watch where you're directed to send your credits to upon a sale. ♢
9. Credits need to be sent within 48hrs of obtaining a purchased bat. ♢
10. No co-owning y'all, sorry. ♢
11. It is never ok to ask someone for one of their pets, or a pet from their breeding. ♢
12. When asking about or offering plots, take no for an answer if it's given. ♢
13. Disrespect, bullies, thieves and trolls will not be tolerated. ♢
14. Do not trace, alter, copy or steal any shop graphic, bat, familiar, etc from this shop. ♢
15. Hate speech, slurs, or anything that directly attacks a group of people will not be tolerated. ♢
16. Be a good sport, whether you win or lose something. Whining and guilt-tripping will not be tolerated either. ♢
17. If you have an issue with anything or anyone in the shop, you come directly and respectfully to LUX, and we'll sort it out~ ♢
18. It all boils down to this: BE. A GOOD. NOODLE. ♢

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1. Roleplay is NOT required to own or grow a bat, however there are perks! ♢
2. However, you must OWN a bat to roleplay a bat! No borrowing, using quested characters, or critters from another shop~ ♢
3. Keep everything pg-13, or take it off Basilisk Stew! ♢
4. God-modding is NEVER allowed. All injuries must be agreed upon beforehand, and do NOT pressure someone! ♢
5. Trauma, limb/sensory loss, and even death may occur, but do go easy on this? ♢
6. Incest and rape are a solid NO in this shop. I don't want it even hinted at. Not in rp, not in backstory. ♢
7. Fade. To. Black. If things get a little spicy with your bats, move it to a private chat and keep it out of the shop. ♢
8. Humans do not exist! However, a lot of real-world things may be incorporated into rp, as bats also have Big Brain and opposable thumbs~ ♢
9. Magic abilities are a thing here! Much like the MLP world, bats use magic to fly, can move simple objects, and do simple spells with ease~ Anything more complex, however, must be run by staff first, to make sure it's not OP. ♢
10. What happens in rp, stays in rp. Don't take anything between foxes to heart, this is all just for fun! ♢
11. Remember though, IC actions do have IC consequences, and a mod can step in if necessary! ♢

. If this or the FAQ below doesn't answer your questions, feel free to post in the shop/discord or ping Luxona! ♢

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Mule Account

What exactly are these creatures?
♢ Bats! Well, an anthro interpretation of them, anyway~ They walk upright, use magic to fly, and have opposable thumbs!

♢ Yup, magic! Think 'My Little Pony' style kind of magic~ It allows their wings to carry them despite being too physically small, and they can do little everynight tasks with simple spells! More complex spells take practice though, and are monitored to make sure they're not OP~

You said 'everynight'... so they're nocturnal?
♢ Yep! Most bats eyes are very sensitive to light, so being out and about during the day is painful and difficult. Instead, they move about when the sun goes down, seeing as well in the night as we do in the day~ There are rumors of certain bats possessing eyes that allow them to see in the daytime, however, but those are surely just silly rumors~ ;D

So what is the world like?
♢ A lot like ours, although set back a little ways~ Cities are not so massive, magic allows them to be gentler to the earth, overall population isn't crowded as heck... Bats have fun and convenient technology, like computers, cellphones, and gaming consoles, but magic helps power these things! Our older transportation methods are in the bat's world as well, like boats, smaller planes, and older styled trains to help them go longer distances that strain their flying magic~ Busses shuffle kids around for school and field trips, horse-drawn buggies and aWHOOga-style cars bop around brick roads for transporting families or groceries, and some bats even cruise around on motorcycles! Fantastical things are not outside the realm of possibilities though, so be watchful of dimensional rifts~ ;D

Do cosplays exist?
♢ To a certain extent, yes! They may not be able to hold the power/s they did in their world, and should be fitted to the Belfry setting, but they do exist here~

Can more than one cosplay of a character exist?
♢ So that actually depends! I know a lot of shops are opening the gates on cosplays, but I miss the days when they were more unique... Rule of thumb is this: If the character is a general cosplay (like a Pikachu) there can be multiples, as long as there is something that makes each one unique; If the character is a specific cosplay (like Ash Ketchum) only one can exist without permission from the original cosplay owner, and each version must still have something that makes it unique. More details on this can be found in the group~

Ok, so moving on to technicalities... Do I need a cert to rp/breed?
♢ Yes! A cert not only proves ownership of a bat, but gives information such as generation and breed specifics!

Are the bases gendered?
♢ Nawp! The bases only differ in the poses, and bats can be any gender you wish! For the certs tho, we'll keep it to mars (♂), venus (♀), or comet (☄) symbols for gendering~

What about breeding? Can any gender breed?
♢ Absolutely! All gender parings are valid, and breeding happens by magic! If you'd like to rp a 'pregnancy' of sorts, details on that can be found in the group~

Are breedings limited to two bats?
♢ Nope, three bats! While polyamory isn't unusual or uncommon, the limit here is for the colorist's sanity. For IC purposes, magic can go a little haywire if more than three bat's magic in involved in creating children, and is deemed unsafe. Relationship-wise, however, bats can have as many partners as they wish/consent to~

Is there a limit to how many times a bat can breed in it's life?
♢ Not at this time, but if things get a little bonkers we might have to rethink it~

How does lifemating work?
♢ Lifemating specifically is on the customer end of things here, we don't keep track of who's bonded to who, so I'm counting on y'all to be respectful and not go behind people's backs to fling a bat that has been entered into a mate agreement. If this becomes a problem, rules *will* be added to fix it.

What about flings/ONS's?
♢ Baby bats are created through magic and energy, and not always on purpose! Sometimes, just having a close moment between platonic friends, or a wild encounter with an interesting other, can provide the spark needed for little bells to ring~

Can pets/familiars breed?
♢ Absolutely, within limits! That limit being to their specific species, of course, as the magic has to be compatible. There will be no cats and whales breeding here, y'all, sorry! XD

Are bats and familiars/animals able to communicate?
♢ Sort of? They can communicate a little better than we can with our real-world animals, because, ya'know, magic, but only bats can communicate through spoken words like we do.

So that all is good information, but I still have questions! Where do I ask?
♢ Either here in the thread, or in the ask-staff channel on discord!

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Mule Account

We can't stop now, this is Bat Country!
The Land of Belfry is a magical place, filled with magical bats, and magical wildlife... Oh who are we kiddin, it's just a plot of land a bunch of walking/talking bats decided to start a community on! Nature did a really weird thing and formed rivers that naturally divided this particular bit of land into five little sections, and those sections were called Districts and given special purposes. A mountain range borders the land to the west-northwest, vast plains to the northeast, and the sea to the south-southeast. A large wooded area takes up the southwest part of Belfry, but we don't talk about that.

District of Diamonds
♢ The Castle (center), Courtyards (around housing), Marketplace (around border)
♢ Housing here is reserved for Royalty and Diamonds (aka celebs). The Royals live in the Castle, Diamonds live in luxurious housing between the Castle and the Courtyards.

District of Spades
♤ The Mines, the Vo-tech School
♤ Housing is utility-based, most of the residents here are trade-specialized and focused and often have shops or workspaces attached to their homes.

District of Clovers
♧ The Weather Station, the Amusement Park, the Beach
♧ Housing here is mostly farms near the north and more cottage-y towards the south. Residents are generally specialized in agriculture or aquaculture.

District of Hearts
♡ Malls, Cafes, Restaurants, etc (more in abundance here than other Districts, scattered)
♡ Housing is more social based here, with neighborhoods and apartment buildings. Farms line the south. Residents here are quite diverse, with some working in other districts, some having home work/shops, some trying to get famous, etc.

D̶i̸s̸t̶r̶i̸c̶t̷ ̴o̴f̸ ̸S̷t̵a̴r̴s̸
☆ ?̴?̸?̷
☆ ?̸?̷?̵

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img here
Until Homed2 Weeks2 Weeks2 MonthsIndefinitely

So now that you've seen the lay of the land... what actually lives here? Bats! These bats walk on two legs, use magic to fly and do other basic things (think MLP basic telekinesis, like using magic to hold up and pour a jug of milk), and generally have a society much like ours! Humans do not exist here, you're in bat country now!

The Bell IC, a bats life starts out in a bell! They're too smol and vulnerable to flap around freely, so they're tucked away in little bells until they're ready to come out! OOC, all bats come with the bell stage, but only those with all growing stages show their wings in the bell~

The Fluffball IC, once a baby bat's magic is strong enough for flight, they wiggle out to explore! And by explore, I mean flutter about clumsily and bump into things, keeping a parent on their toes~ Thier lifemagic is still growing, though, so for now they stay engulfed in soft fur to keep them safe. OOC, this stage comes after all bells have found homes! Only fully growing bats will have this art stage, and markings won't really show up just yet~

The Toddler IC, over time the furball grows with their lifemagic, and once strong enough, the thick fur fluffs off and a more bat-shaped bat emerges! Toddlers are able to learn to walk, to begin to control their flight (although a heavier body means they can't fly high or far), and start discovering other magic abilities, but of course everything is still quite clumsy and the require a lot of attention and care! OOC, only fully growing bats will have this art stage, and markings may begin to appear!

The Youth IC, youth are now old enough to wander around on their own a bit! They still require help and supervision as they discover the world around them, and the magic within them, but are much more independent now! They're capable of light telekinesis (moving smaller objects), and while development varies bat-to-bat they are capable of up to moderate flying times! They're also now old enough for school, so be sure to enroll them for perks later in life! OOC, all bats will have this art stage, and visible markings/hair vary from bat to bat!

The Adult IC, congrats! You've reached the adult stage! Adult bats have now gotten the hang of their magic, fly around on their own (within reason, I mean their wings/magic will grow tired like any limb), and can do fun adult things like get a job and pay bills! Yay! They're now old enough to breed as well, and can start a family if they wish~ OOC, this is the final stage for most bats! With a lot of dedication and roleplay, a bat might be able to grow famous, but more on that another time~

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img here

Common BatQuilled BatAquatic Bat

There are some key base features to every bat, but some features vary between breeds! Every -typical- bat has a heart-shaped nose, sharp fangs, long limbs with sharp claws, big ears, and strong wings! Sometimes nature can go a little wonky, like with any creature, but for this shop that'll be few and far between~ Most bats have tails, some short, some long, but some don't have tails at all! So what separates the different breeds of bats? Well, their wings and ears!

Common Bats have all your basic bat features, with large ears capable of exceptional hearing, eyes too sensitive for the daytime sun, and leathered wings that rule the night sky! They typically have spade-tipped tails, as well, which they can use as an extra (somewhat clumsy) limb! Like the word 'common' suggests, these are your main bats of the land, and the most commonly made in the shop~

Quilled Bats have feathered features! Their ears are surrounded by large fluffy feathers, making their hearing a little more normal than exceptional, their eyes are more adapted to the daylight, and their feathered wings and flight magic has to work a little harder to keep up with a common bat (although sharp turns and arial tricks are easier for them). They typically have feathery tails, and can stand much colder temperatures by puffing their feathers up to trap their body heat. There's a very rare variant to the Quilled, called the cloud-wing, but all Quilled rules apply~

Aquatic Bats dominate the waters, with ears that can hear as well as a common bat when under water (and normally well above it), eyes that can adjust to night or day, and agile finwings/tentacles that can flit through water and rain with ease, but their flight magic struggles a bit in the dry air. Aquatics also have webbed toes to aid them, and gills so they can breathe perfectly fine underwater! This breed has three variants, the Frilled, the Sharkfin, and the Kraken, but of course there's argument as to which one is superior~

aksdflkdf tsBa L̵̛̩o̶̲̐ř̷̺e̷̩͐m̶̙͂ ̵̙̓i̶̼̓p̶̹̃ṡ̸̻u̶̺̇ḿ̴̮ ̸̯̓d̶͔́o̶̗̓l̶̦̇o̵̖͂r̸̨͆ ̴̫̍s̷͓̆i̸͌͜t̷̙̅ ̷̯̓a̸͘͜m̸̢̍e̸͔͆t̶̤̉,̵̺́ ̶̩͒c̴̝̚o̶̲̊n̴̻̕s̷̤̆ẽ̷̩c̷̗̿t̵̲͆e̵͖͒t̵̾͜ū̴̩ṙ̵ͅ ̸͚͠a̵̎ͅd̶̞̑ḭ̵̆p̷̨̍i̴̪̍s̶͉͒c̸̘̃ǐ̸̱n̴̬͠g̷̟̕ ̵̻͒ē̷̯l̶̻̚i̵̡̾t̶̹̃.̶̭́ ̷̦̈D̴̫̎o̶̜̿n̴͚̆ẽ̸̯c̸̭̅ ̶̰͗ë̴̥́t̴̫̕ ̷̙̂m̸͔̃e̷͙͒t̵̹̃ȕ̵͈s̷̛̝ ̷̤̂e̵̦̽r̷̙͋o̷͍͂s̷͖͝.̴͉͋ ̴̪͊V̷͈̑i̴̛̱v̶̝͒à̸͉m̸͖̃ū̶̠s̷̰̀ ̵̣̀m̸̺̚a̸̫̕x̶̪̿ì̶̥m̷̀͜u̷̜̐s̴̱̔ ̸̞͂f̷̘̃i̶̅ͅn̴̲͗i̸͍̒b̴̭̈ȕ̵̱s̴̪͠ ̵͓̄u̶̝͆l̷̇͜t̷̬͒r̴̞̓ĩ̴͎č̴̙ḯ̶̬e̷͝ͅs̷̙͗.̵̛̞ ̷͇͛M̵̯̉ä̴̰́ű̵̧r̷̤̅i̵͉̓š̷̙ ̸͕̈́v̴̯͋e̴͔͂l̷͇͛ ̷̧̂l̷͙̑i̷̢̽b̷̺̌e̴̜̓ŕ̵͍o̶̢̓ ̸͈̓a̶̬͒c̷̫̚c̴̝̑ŭ̵̞m̸̧͊s̵͓̓a̵͇͘n̷͖̅,̴͉̋ ̷̡̛v̸͚̀e̸͉͋h̶̫̊ì̴̧c̸̙͐ū̶̝l̶͖̂a̴̟̅ ̴̼͗ḛ̷̊r̸̥̓a̷͋͜t̵̰̋ ̷̭͝p̷̯͊o̶̬͠r̵̮̚t̸͚̒t̵̻̒ï̵̫t̵̡̀ó̵̱r̸̳͊,̵̙̂ ̵̝́v̸͚̒o̶̖̅l̸̮̑ȗ̸͈ṱ̶́p̴̬̑a̶͎͂ț̶̍ ̵̢̇m̵͉͘a̸̞̐u̷͈̾r̶͉̓i̵̫̓s̴̘̚.̸̧̋ ̶̮̈́C̸̤̀u̷̞̓r̶̬̎a̵̮͛b̴̪́i̶͎̓t̷͓̉u̸̞̎r̷̨͠ ̷̢͂p̶̭͛r̸͍͒ḙ̴͝t̴͖͐i̸̧̚u̴̬̓m̴̭͒ ̵̫͠é̶̲n̷̮͒i̸̤̎m̶͉̀ ̶̧͊i̵̳͋n̸̡̓ ̷̛͇l̸̯̑a̵̖̒c̶̈́ͅú̸̳s̷̯̀ ̷̂͜b̷̯̀i̷̫͆ḃ̶͉e̶̙͆n̸͙̈d̶͚͝u̷͖̾m̴̬̀ ̷̻̏m̵̖̈́ǒ̸ͅl̶͕͘l̸̦̋ḭ̸͐s̷̛̮.̵̞̓ ̸̨̈́C̷̦̕r̴̒ͅa̵͚̽s̵̬̈́ ̴̗̃q̴̻̋u̵͈̾ǐ̴̗s̵̤̾ ̸̫͝s̷͔̃ë̶̻́m̸̮̋ ̶̜̕r̵̻̉ḩ̸́o̸̖͆n̷͕͘c̸̺̿ǘ̶̞s̸͈̏,̷͖͑ ̴̰̈́c̴̞̐o̴̻̍n̸͈̑ḡ̷̡u̵͉̓e̵̼͆ ̴̨̉l̶̩̈́e̵͓͋c̸̬̚t̴̪̀u̷̹͐ś̵̞ ̶͖͛m̵̭̚ǎ̵̘l̷̜̾ḙ̷̐š̶̲u̸̘͒a̴̡̋d̴̢̛ạ̶͝,̴̥͆ ̸͐ͅm̵̻̋ŏ̴͚l̴̮̂l̵̗̑ĩ̴͓s̴̡͝ ̷̡̉t̴̞̋e̸̬͑l̸̩̆l̵̟͒u̴̯̽s̶͚̈́.̷̛̘ ̶̞͐M̵̘̿ä̷́͜u̴̫͒r̴̫̈i̵͔̕š̷͖ ̷͇͝l̶̺͝ą̸̂c̸̫̽i̶͎͗n̵̖̋í̵͔ȃ̶̧ ̵͚̕h̷̖͛é̵͜ń̴̹d̸̦̀r̴̤͒e̶͝ͅr̵̜͛i̵̪̐t̶̤͆ ̵̯̓ã̵̩n̵̥͗t̴̯͠e̸̘̔ ̴͕̈́i̴̩̓ǹ̶̨ ̵͎̈f̸̦͋ḯ̴̩n̵̗̎i̷̠̔b̵͚̀u̶̻͌s̶̫̔.̷̢̏ ̵͍͘N̴̞͋ü̶͓n̸̲̒c̴̳̄ ̴͙́e̴̺̿ŕ̸͓ą̵̎t̸̼̓ ̷̪̚ẻ̷ͅl̴̟̆i̵̼̎t̴͔̂,̸̯́ ̸̨̎c̴̫͋o̷̢̊ñ̸̨d̴̡͝i̴̔ͅm̴͖̈e̶̥̚n̶̳̔ẗ̸̺u̷̥͌m̸̦̀ ̸͕́ṫ̷̫i̷̞͊n̴̠͝c̸̒ͅi̷̦͒d̴̫̄u̸̞͛n̴͗͜t̶̖̽ ̵̢͌c̸̦̏ù̶̘r̴̮̀s̵̮̚u̷͌ͅs̴̯̈́ ̸̗͝ű̶̦ṯ̵͗,̶̣̈́ ̷̡̔ṫ̴̢e̶̞̐m̸̪̾ṗ̶͍ǘ̸͔s̴̰̔ ̸͓̉q̵̤͂u̸̯̅i̶̧̕s̷̮͠ ̴͙͠ḍ̵̕u̵̯͆i̸̧͒.̴̀͜ ̷̳̒P̵̨̒r̷̝͗o̷̬̍i̴͇͆n̶̻̕ ̶̳̽q̷̦̇ṵ̸̔i̶͕̓s̴̜̄ ̷̱̓m̶̢͑i̷͔̒ ̴̹̽a̴͉͌ ̵̢̈́n̵͖̉i̶͕͝s̸̳̅l̸̮̅ ̶̥̍p̵͎̿o̴͍̚ř̴̞t̷͎̅t̵͖̍i̵̛̟t̷̩̀ō̷̤r̴̙̈́ ̵̣̏p̶̞͒e̵̻͠l̷̞͒ḷ̸͐ê̷̦n̸͕̚t̴́͜e̵͍͑s̶̨̓q̶̼̄u̶̧͘é̸̗.̸̦͂

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☽ Cookie - starter base ☾ - DONE!

☽ Chik ☾ - DONE!
☽ Dragyn ☾ - DONE!
☽ Rock ☾ - DONE!

☽ lizard snek thing ☾
☽ cabbit ☾
☽ pigasus (flying pig!) ☾
☽ unicorn deer ☾
☽ horses (draft, show, mini, royal) ☾
☽ fluffy spider critter ☾
☽ a fish of some sort? ☾
☽ birb??? cannot draw birb... ☾
☽ ferret-dog? dogget??? (working, show) ☾
☽ water dragon dog slinky ferret thing ☾
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Mule Account

General Event Rules
○ Do NOT edit your posts unless ok'd by staff, or guilt anyone into not entering!
○ When winners are announced, you'll have up to 48 hours to send your credits for paid events.
○ Credits go to a bat's colorist by default, unless otherwise stated.
○ If 48 hours pass without payment (or post of claim, in the case of free events), your win will be forfeit.
○ You may only win -one- bat from any sale, raffle, etc, unless otherwise stated.
○ Pay attention to special rules attached to an event, if there are any.

○ These can be either speed or raffle style.
○ When it's time, wait for a 'GO', then fill out and post the provided form.
○ Sale pets are ???c+, depending on what exactly is being sold.
○ Proxies and gifting are allowed, as long as the receiver did not participate.

○ These can be free or paid.
○ When it's open, simply fill out and post the form, and promptly send credits if need be.
○ In a paid raffle, each ticket cost 10c, and you can order in multiples of 10.
○ Gifting is allowed, as long as the receiver did not participate.

○ There may or may not be an Auto Buy.
○ When open, simply post the given form with your bid, and only bid what you have!
○ Starting bids will vary, but the average is about 100c.
○ Gifting is allowed for auction wins, proxies are not to avoid confusion.

○ Can be totally random, and almost anything.
○ Be sure to read all the rules carefully, or you may be disqualified.
○ Gamed bats are typically free.
○ Proxies and gifting are allowed, as long as the receiver did not participate.

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Mule Account

will fill in later, but this place is inspired by MLP, HnKnA, and lux's love of bats~
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