☽ the Bats of Belfry ○ New beginnings!~ ☾


Grizzled Veteran
| | the thing you need most | |

Congrats, everyone!!

| | is a hand to hold | |


Grizzled Veteran

☽ A long time ago, lived a peculiar bat named Kreepi. Kreepi was quite strong in her magic, and a very talented artist. Anything that involved art and design, or, creating things in general, she was all over. It didn't take long for her to move up to Royal status, and she quickly began trying to expand her talents to different kinds of creativity...

Oftentimes, you'd find her at the Vo-Tech, studying with other bats in various fields, where TV's in particular caught her interest. They were much simpler back then, relying more on magic than technology, and Kreepi being quite the magic user found them fun to work with. The crystal displays could sparkle with all kinds of images, for all kinds of reasons, in all kinds of colors... And soon Kreepi was able to make them displays of her own art. But there was something more she desired... A level of customization and creativity that she wasn't born with, that tugged at her relentlessly...

For reasons she can no longer remember, Kreepi built an underground 'studio' of sorts, between the Vo-Tech and the Mines, and worked tirelessly to try to figure out how to change her head.

That's right, her head. She wanted a TV for her head.

It was the perfect idea! She'd be able to express things with greater detail, make her emotions more vividly displayed, become a walking/flying work of art herself! After all, if... if... hm. There was a reason she believed this possible, but it's just not... coming back to her...


Rumor had it, that in the hours that crossed New Years Eve to New Years Day, the magic of the world was at its peak - and Kreepi decided to test that theory, as nothing she had done up till that night had worked quite right. She'd made her eyes glitch out for a few moments, turned her voice to static, gave herself TV antenna instead of eyebrows... All sorts of random bits and pieces that she was able to reverse quickly so she could try again, and would have been quite comical had her frustration not been growing with every failed attempt.

And then, finally, it happened... At the strike of midnight, Kreepi became so frustrated that she whacked a TV with a wrench and screamed, "I'M GONNA LOSE MY HEAD OVER THIS THING!" And then her world turned bright white, but just for a moment.

As the light faded, she realized a few things... The wrench was sparking with color, like her paintbrush did when she channeled her magic through it. There was a strange head that looked just like hers sitting on the table in front of her, which for forgotten reasons wasn't exactly as wild as one might imagine. And, she had a headache. A massive one. As if someone had hit her on top of her... head.

Her head.

As Kreepi reached up to feel for the sore spot, she realized... The TV that was on that table, was now on her shoulders. And the last thing she did was wack it with a wrench.

Something happened that night that was bigger than Kreepi could have ever realized... Magic that never should have been possible was born from the remains of an old spell mixed with her own, and that sort of thing wasn't taken lightly. An old council of bats had been watching her, and just as quickly as her spell actually worked, they cast one of their own, removing the studio - and Kreepi - from the rest of reality... Soon, she'd learn everything.

And, many years later, she'd return in a flash to the world she'd left behind that fateful New Years Eve...


Grizzled Veteran

3... 2... 1... HAPPY NEW YEARRRRrrrrr whatttt thefox????

○ Every year comes a trio of holidays that the bats of Belfry celebrate! First comes the Winter Solstice, marking the longest night of the year and kicking off a multi-day festival! Next comes Hollyglow, when the berries on the holly trees glow the brightest! Most of the festivities take a break after that night, in preparation for the New Year's Eve...

According to the lore, passed down through generations of bats, the New Year used to be marked at midnight with a giant flash that lit up the entire sky! Nobody really knew what it was - perhaps a solar flare that was bright enough to wrap around the world? Perhaps the most powerful bats in the land casting their magic to the skies? All they knew is it happened at midnight between the years, and after some time... it started to dim.

Bats became nervous, then anxious, then... they made fireworks. The initial hope was that using their own magic -and black powder- they could 'recharge' the massive flash, as the dimming of it year after year caused more and more concern. But, year after year, their firework displays grew and the flash still faded, and without any other 'worldly' changes, eventually the generations became less and less worried about it. The focus shifted to bigger and flashier firework displays to ring in the new year, and, over time, the Big Flash became nothing more than a tale from silly ol' Great-Grandbatty...

So, imagine the surprise, when suddenly... It returns.

The last seconds were counted down, the party poppers were in hand, the fireworks were prepped...

And just as everyone cheered loud to the skies, popped off the confetti, and lit the fireworks... The sky lit up with something more.

Something big.

Something bright.

It swallowed the colorful fireworks and turned the sights of everybat bright white... but only for a second.

And then it was gone. The fireworks kept popping, the confetti settled... but everyone was in shock. This was only in tales, what do you mean it's real? And why NOW???

The festivities continued through till the wee hours like always, but the feeling that something happened hung heavy in the air.

A massive spell, cast long ago, had reached its end... The fabric of the world had been torn open, sewed shut, and now the threads would begin to lose their hold. Bats like no one had seen before were on the other side, wating... But, before anyone would have to worry about that, a very peculiar bat would return to her studio between the Vo-Tech and the Mines, in the flash seen 'round the world...


Grizzled Veteran

☾ In the days that followed the New Years Flash, bats across Belfry moved in a slight daze. Nobody could shake the strange feeling, and of course rumors quickly spun up and around and added to the general unease. Nothing seemed to change, though, and after a few weeks things started to settle down...

Until one day, a flyer popped up.

"The Newest Craze! It's All the Rage!!" the flyer exclaimed in bright text, and under that... Was a picture of a bat with an old TV for a head?? How was that possible??? "Tune in at midnight to find out more!" was scrawled across the bottom of the flyer... Tune in? There was no channel mentioned. Was this a hoax? Someone trying to get publicity in the wake of the Flash?

Most bats would roll their eyes, the already-skeptical ones writing off everything that had happened entirely as nothing more than some attention-seeking stunt. From who? Didn't matter. Old news. But some bats... some would be sitting in front of their TV's as midnight approached that night, flipping through channels, until every turned on TV synced at once to the same thing...

"H-hi? Hi?? Is this thing on? Hello-oh! Hi there! Wow there's a lot of you. Ok. Uh. Hi! Hello! I said that already, uhh..." The bat on the flyer appeared on the screens across Belfry, and sure enough, she had a TV for a head. Her voice flowed easily, however, as if she was just a normal bat standing in the room with you, but emojis danced across her head screen as she tried to sort herself out...

"My name is Kreepi," she finally chirped, "and ohhhh I got something to tell ya!"