- 43
- #182
Got A Vague Idea!
Username: PeterPan_da144Breed: Earth / Unicorn / Ryujin / Pegasus are all acceptable ^^
Are Morphs Okay?: Sure
Base: CC
Facing: CC
Stage: Adult
Phobias/Extreme Dislikes: Gore, Needles

Payment Offered: 100c
✗ Permissions ✗
Template: Sure
Stream: Sure
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- 41
- #183
Got A Vague Idea!
Username: PeterPan_da144Breed: Earth / Unicorn / Pegasus are all acceptable ^^
Are Morphs Okay?: Sure
Base: CC
Facing: CC
Stage: Adult
Phobias/Extreme Dislikes: Gore, Needles

Payment Offered: 100c
✗ Permissions ✗
Template: Sure
Stream: Sure
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- 43
- #184
Got A Vague Idea!
Username: PeterPan_da144Breed: Ryujin/Pegasus or Lamia/Pegasus hybrid (or all three, idk if that's allwoed)
Are Morphs Okay?: Sure
Base: CC
Facing: CC
Stage: Adult
Phobias/Extreme Dislikes: Gore, Needles

Payment Offered: 300c
✗ Permissions ✗
Template: Sure
Stream: Sure
- 57
- #185
Got A Vague Idea!
Username: PeterPan_da144Breed: Pegasus is fine, but if something else strikes your fancy, go for it ^^ I would like to stay away from Changelings/Noolah/Suli for it though
Are Morphs Okay?: Sure
Base: CC
Facing: CC
Stage: Adult
Phobias/Extreme Dislikes: Gore, Needles

Payment Offered: 100c
✗ Permissions ✗
Template: Sure
Stream: Sure
- 57
- #186
Got A Vague Idea!
Username: PeterPan_da144Breed: Unicorn is fine, but if something else strikes your fancy, go for it ^^ I would like to stay away from Changelings/Noolah/Suli for it though
Are Morphs Okay?: Sure
Base: CC
Facing: CC
Stage: Adult
Phobias/Extreme Dislikes: Gore, Needles

Payment Offered: 300c
✗ Permissions ✗
Template: Sure
Stream: Sure
- 33
- #187
Got A Vague Idea!
Username: PeterPan_da144Breed: CC
Are Morphs Okay?: Sure
Base: CC
Facing: CC
Stage: Adult
Phobias/Extreme Dislikes: Gore, Needles

Payment Offered: 100c
✗ Permissions ✗
Template: Sure
Stream: Sure
- 32
- #188
Got A Vague Idea!
Username: belloblossomBreed: Slime
Are Morphs Okay?: Yes
Base: Bouncy
Facing: Left
Stage: Adult
Phobias/Extreme Dislikes: Bugs, spiders, exposed organs, trypophobia

Payment Offered: 100c
- 28
- #189
Got A Vague Idea!
Username: belloblossomBreed: Slime
Are Morphs Okay?: Yes
Base: Cautious
Facing: CC
Stage: Adult
Phobias/Extreme Dislikes: Exposed organs, trypophobia, spiders/bugs

Payment Offered: 100c
- 117
- #190
I Got A Challenge!
Username: belloblossom Details: Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make a baby harp seal on the available pony lines. I want them round, I want them fluffy, I want them to be the cutest/closest to a harp seal pup you can feasibly make. Bonus points if they lean more towards the kawaii cartoony vibes rather than *scary* realistic ones. I... I want a round fluffy fuzz mermaid dog baby. I trust your judgement (but if you want to send WIPs I wouldn't say no!) Best of luck!
Base: Bouncy
Facing: CC
Stage: Foal

Payment Offered: 800c + 3 colored pony headshots of your character drawn by yours truly!
- 7
- #191
No longer interested in pursuing this one!
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- 7
- #192
No longer interested in pursuing this one!
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- #194
This is Exactly What I Want!
Username: -Ghastly Demise-Details: I would like them to be as closes to the ref as possible
the body is halved in pattern, i would like stitches down the center to split the halves one side bones the other the minty blue, an ombre affect markings cc but simple, pink claws on paws
the halo will be attached to their hat
i would like to keep glitter filled needle but if makes you un-comfy please feel free to leave it out!
i would like the orb to match the needle <3
Base: Cautious
Facing: left
Stage: Adult

Payment Offered:1,500 credits
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- 206
- #196
This is Exactly What I Want!
Username: DragonaOrdenDetails:
Templates?: no
Breed: Mutated dragon (?)
Name of character: Salsa
- Body: grey to teal grey, has stitches that have different animal markings, her nose, paw pads, and even inside her ears are a bluish-gray almost gunmetal, Her ears, elbows, and hips are also fluffy like the tail. (all her colors are on the info sheet)
- Ears: she has big fluffy ears the same color as her normal fur
- Tail: Starts off fluffy, then goes into a long smooth tail with fluff in the end.
- Eyes: Light blue, she has a scar under her right eye.
- Hair: red, it's very fluffy.
- Nails: they are neon green.
- Piercings/jewelry: she wears gold studs in her ears and has snake bites on her bottom lip, she also has gold rings at the end of her tail, she always has a sucker in her mouth.
- Hoodie: the main color is red, with black and red stripes on the arms, it is riped at the elbows, and upper arms, also has claw marks in front.
- Pants: blue jeans very blue, also has rips on the hips, and bite marks holes down the legs.
Base: Cautious
Facing: Left
Stage: adult

Payment Offered: 150
- 58
- #197
Got A Vague Idea!
Username: Natty-chanBreed: If it's alright, this is the only specific thing I'll ask for, but can it be a Ryuujin/Banshee hybrid? Everything else can be CC
Are Morphs Okay?: Yes
Base: CC
Facing: CC
Stage: CC
Phobias/Extreme Dislikes: Clowns and Real Life satanic imagery. Fake ones are fine

Payment Offered: 800 credits
- 28
- #198
I Got A Challenge!
Username: PeterPan_da144Details: Can you make markings like this on a pony? owo
Base: Cautious
Facing: Right
Stage: Adult

Payment Offered: 200 credits
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- #199
Got A Vague Idea!
Username: ArtificialJellyfishBreed: CC, but aquatic breeds please!
Are Morphs Okay?: Y but no aquatic or elephant please
Base: Bouncy
Facing: Left
Stage: Adult
Phobias/Extreme Dislikes: Centipedes, extreme gore, exposed bone (markings okay)

Payment Offered: 300 BS
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- #200
Got A Vague Idea!
Username: ArtificialJellyfishBreed: Seabell
Are Morphs Okay?: Y but no avian or elephant please
Base: CC
Facing: CC
Stage: Adult
Phobias/Extreme Dislikes: Centipedes, extreme gore, exposed bone (markings okay)

Payment Offered: 300 BS