✦ Starfall ✦ Hiring & Mad Scientist Mix Ups Open!


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Welcome to Starfall, a land far away and home to the Koshin, foxes who have fallen from the stars. Help rediscover the many foxes of this secluded land, and find your way into the many little universes they have the power to create.

Please note, all Koshin are created from premade bases, and have many specific to the breed templated edits. Although many of the Koshin will have unique edits, they will always be made from the currently available bases.

Discord | Group

Newbie Freebie | Drops | Certs

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Mule Account

Follow the Basilisk Stew TOS at all times, in addition to the rules below. We reserve the right to update or change rules at any time. Some events, threads or other areas may have their own specific rules.

General Rules

1. English only please, as the majority of shop staff and artists are English speaking.​

2. No NSFW content. If you think a post, of any kind, may be questionable please ask a Moderator beforehand or do not make the post. Please note, if asking a Moderator about questionable content, depending on the content some Moderators may not be comfortable checking over your post.​

3. If you have a phobia, or are very uncomfortable with any subject matter, either politely ask whoever is posting the content to stop, ask a Moderator to ask them to stop for you, or click away from the content that you are uncomfortable with. We will do our best to help everyone feel comfortable and welcomed, within reason. As a general guideline, please ask if you have a genuine phobia or a genuine trigger verse if you have a dislike of a subject that is easy for you to click away from.​

4. Please do not discuss politics or religion. We welcome anyone of any political leaning, religion, race, gender, etc.​

5. What a Moderator says, goes. If you would like to question a ruling, please bring it up with Jelly or Raven.​

6. OOC (Out of Character) and IC (In Character) are two separate things. Just because a character doesn't get along with yours doesn't mean the person playing the character does not like you. Do not take IC interactions personally.​

7. Be kind. We're all here to have fun. If issues between users arise, feel free to reach out to a Moderator. We're here to help.​
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Mule Account

How do I get a Koshin?

You can receive a Koshin in many ways! But, if you’re new and don’t have one yet, you can click this link right here. You won’t have any input on the breed or features of your first Koshin, but you may add a picture, palette, mood board, or song you’d like for your brand new pet.​

How much do they cost?

Our guild is pay what you will (PWYW) on Basilisk Stew, for any custom or breeding that is not RLC.​

Can I get a Koshin with RLC?

Yes, both Raven and Jelly can be commissioned for RLC. See below for more information.​

Are the lines gendered?

Nope, not at all. Currently we have three poses you can choose from for every breed.​

Are cosplay allowed?

Yes, cosplays are allowed. However, you do not own a cosplay exclusively. Anyone may have the same cosplay. In the general setting of Starfall your pet is not the canon character. But, within your own personal pocket dimensions/worlds your cosplay may be the canon character.​

Do the Koshin have any name or theme restrictions?

None, have fun! Of course, use your discretion when naming characters or using certain themes.​

When can my Koshin breed?

Your cute little fox can breed once they become an adult two weeks after their Starball is dropped, and they have been certed. There is no limit to how many times a Koshin can breed, and at this time there is no cool down between breedings.​

Am I allowed to use AI-generated art as reference/inspiration?

No. Any usage of an AI art program is strictly prohibited. However, if you post any AI art, we will give you the benefit of the doubt (as it can sometimes be difficult to tell what is/isn’t AI - especially through Pinterest) and contact you about it to request that you take it down rather than immediately issue a warning. If it happens more than once, or you are found to be using an AI program, you will receive a warning or potentially a blacklist from the shop. Our staff can generally help you point out what is/isn’t AI art, so if you aren’t sure, please reach out!​
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Mule Account


Mildly startled, the child on the bank of a sluggish river turned to find a fist size orb glowing gently despite the nearby dappled festival lights. Curious, the child looked up and all around to find where it’d come from before gleefully raising the orb up, entranced by the glittering glow and the delicate shape of a tiny leaf somehow trapped inside. After a moment, the child slipped the orb into the top of their robes and spirited off into the night as the first fireworks lit up the sky.

More coming soon.​
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Mule Account

Yako: The First to Fall

The oldest breed and earthly bound, the Yako are as diverse as they are plentiful. The first Yako to fall was Hatsumi. She has become the envoy of each species, finding lost star balls their havens and protecting those that do not have homes yet. She oversees weddings and births, offering a blessing to those involved.

Yako are associated with earthly ties, such as plants and the living earth around them. They tend to look like your typical fox, but some have been born with canine and feline traits as well.

Pink = Standing, Blue = Leaping, Purple = Bouncing​


Tenko: Orderly & Skyfairing

The second breed to fall. Tenko are characterized by their fluffy coats and unique features. Roughly associated with being “good” due to their many angelic features, such as feathered wings and even unicorn horns! These are a very friendly species, the gentle counterpart to the aggressive Muko.


Muko: The Chaotic & Tenebrous

The Muko came around about the same time as the Tenko - after all, goodness and light are always followed by wickedness and darkness. Muko are characterized by their sleek and jagged appearance, with sharp fangs and vicious tails to add to their frightening appearance.


Genko: Bound to the Stars

Not much is known about this species at this time. Although many speculate that their many tails tie them to the stars above. They're ethereal, flitting through the air without wings, their passing often leaves a fading streak of light, like a shooting star.

Pink = Standing, Blue = Leaping, Purple = Bouncing


More breeds coming soon!

The Starcrossed
Starscrossed are Hybrids, mixing any two or more breeds together!
As a note, if a non-Yako breed has any of the Yako eyes or the Fox or Fennec (and the fluffy versions of those ears), they are NOT a Starcrossed. These features are standard to all breeds and do not count as hybrid features. Any other mix of breed features count as a Starcrossed.

Ex. The Tenko Easter bunnies with the Fennec ears that were made by ArtificialJellyfish are Tenko, not Starcrossed.
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Mule Account

Customs are your chance to either get a pet from an artist you like or get the exact pet of your dreams! Each artist will have their own customs thread in the main shop group! You can choose from full customs, blindboxes, semi customs, conversions and more! Raven and Jelly will also offer RLC custom slots every so often!

Here at Starfall, each breed comes with three poses!
  • Pink Pose = Standing
  • Blue Pose = Leaping
  • Purple Pose = Bouncing
Semi Customs & Blindboxes

Not sure what you want but you have some inspiration? This is the option for you! It gives the colorist freedom to play with the inspiration you offered and you get to be surprised by the result!

For all Semi Custom pets you may offer a palette for the colorist to use, and choose up to two breeds you do not want for your pet.

Blindbox - For those who want a completely random outcome, or just want something made by a particular artist.

Semi Custom - If you’d like some input on the design. Depending on the colorist, you may submit a song, a mood board, or other inspiration ideas.

As a note, you will not receive WIPs for a semi! Another note: edits are not guaranteed with semis!

Full Customs

Pretty much anything goes! Customs are for getting exactly what you want and how you want it! You will receive WIPs ranging from sketches to lines to colored, and the pet will only be dropped off once you are 100% satisfied!

Some colorists may have some things that they are not comfortable drawing (ex. Jelly’s phobia of exposed spines and centipedes) or have something they don't have much experience drawing (ex. Jelly is bad at robotic parts and heavy armor). Please be courteous of anything an artist has a phobia with, but don't be discouraged! You can always contact a staff member and touch base with them if you have any questions! Our staff is more than happy to work with you!

Custom levels: (If you have any questions, please ask staff! We’re happy to help!)

  • Unedit (this includes template/breed splicing and any removals!)
  • Minor edit (ex. jewelry, piercings, head floof)
  • Moderate edit (ex. Hair, custom tail, small clothing like a scarf/leg warmers, etc.)
  • Heavy edit (ex. Intricate hair, half- and fully clothed, simple armor, etc.)
  • Extreme edit (ex. Detailed armor, mechs)


Cosplay are not exclusive. Multiple cosplay of the same character may exist, but will have at minimum minor differences or different art styles based on which colorist makes the pet. Owners of cosplay may play their pets as if they are the canon character within their pocket dimensions/worlds. But, in the general world of Starfall they’re not considered the canon characters.

If two owners with pets of the same cosplay have a conflict with each other over their pets, the owners will be reprimanded accordingly, up to being blacklisted depending on the situation.

Cosplay of the same character cannot breed with one another.


There may be bi-monthly premade pets from Jelly and Raven that will be available via RLC in the Discord server. Keep an eye out! These will be Discord exclusive.
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Mule Account

When a Koshin longs for kits of their own, they and their partner(s) will patiently wait for a clear, starry night. Together, they’ll lay beneath that starry shroud and make a wish to the stars above. Soon after they will be blessed with a small star shower of their own, tiny Starballs landing clattering to a stop before them.

Standard Breedings

Breedings between two partners, whether a one night stand or lifemate pair are eligible for standard breeding.

With all standard breedings the owners can win up to 2-4 kits per breeding. Breedings between pets with one owner will receive 2-3 kits. Breedings between pets owned by two different owners will receive 3-4 kits. With all breedings, you may keep one kit and all remaining kits must be given away in a way the owner sees fit.

Each customer can receive up to 4-6 kits for their first breeding. This means only the *customer’s* first breeding - not every pet’s first breeding.

Poly Breeding

Breedings between more than two partners, whether a one night stand or lifemate polycule are eligible for poly breeding. However, no more than three partners of the polycule may be entered for breeding at a time. Rare exceptions, via games, special breedings or activity point purchases may have up to four partners for a breeding.

With all poly breedings the owner can win up to 3-5 kits per breeding. Breedings between pets with one owner will receive 3-4 kits. Breedings between pets owned by, at minimum, two different owners will receive 4-5 kits. With all breedings you may keep one kit and all remaining kits must be given away in a way the owner sees fit.

Each customer can receive up to 4-6 kits for their first breeding. This means only the *customer’s* first breeding - not every pet’s first breeding.

Rogue Breeding

Breedings between one of your pets and a random imaginary pet of the colorist’s choice or based on RNG. For all Rogue breedings you may submit a color palette for the colorist to use for the imaginary pet. You may also choose one breed you do not want the resulting kit to be, which includes all standard features of the breed. You may also choose up to two other features, such as a mouth tail or fennec ears, that you do not want on the kit.

Mock Breeding

We do allow mock breeding between pets that have at least one breeding. If there is a couple you want a custom baby from, they must have had their first breeding either on the way or complete. Most importantly, you need expressed permission from ALL owners of the couple and they have to approve your design if you have one in mind.

You may NOT request mocks from a couple without a breeding. For example, X and Y are mates and have a breeding on the way, so you may ask for a mock. X and Z are not mates and will never have kids, so you may NOT have a mock.

All mock children will be Gen 2, or more, and be biologically related to the parents.

If you have any questions, please reach out to staff and we can help you!


Throwbacks to grandparents, great grandparents, etc, are allowed. When you breed a pet, included in the permission is a section for you to opt in or out of allowing your specific pet to be used for a throwback. You do not get a say in pets owned by others in your pairing, only your own. If you opt out, then your pet can never be used for any throwback, ever.

Colorists may choose to allow thowbacks in their breeding threads or not. If allowed, it is up to the owner submitting their pairing for a breeding to provide all links to permissions for throwbacks. If no permission is linked, then any pets not linked cannot be used for a throwback, ever.

Colorists can choose to do one or more kit from the breeding to be a throw back, or choose not to give any baby a throwback. The choice is completely up to the Colorist you submitted the breeding too.

Throwbacks will never a carbon copy of a relative. They will at most, have a singular feature, pattern, one or two colors, hair, a piece of clothing, etc.

Do you have a parent from a non-traditional family you want to opt in or out of for throwbacks? Such as a pet won from a premade family game, see the first page of Breeding Permissions.
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Mule Account

Click here for Seasonal and RLC only Companions!


Returning from their Northern roosting grounds in the fall, the Kakuidori are welcomed into homes by the dozen in Starfall. They even have specially made shelving they can roost on, and help keep homes warm and cozy through the winter. Despite being nocturnal, they'll often cuddle with Koshin and children alike and promote sweet dreams throughout the night.


The fluffiest little friend. Koke are exactly what they look like, little chicken friends to cuddle. They are prized for their sweet personalities and are surprisingly intelligent. Most Koke have the smarts of a corvid but none of the chaotic neutral ridiculousness of their goth cousins.


Tiny fall time friends, these tiny creature emerge from the ground every autumn and can be found in clusters and swaying to a song on they can hear. Despite being no bigger than a quarter, the Kotsuchigumo think they're the biggest and strongest creatures in Starfall. But, their powerful dancing threat displays really just come off as adorable.


Found in forgotten corners of homes and under couches, the Tsuchihokori are skittish creatures who like collecting the small things misplaced in the household. You can capture these tiny fluffs by setting out a button or coin, turn out the lights and leave the room, soon they'll emerge to gather the item an spirit back to their nest. As soon as the light flicks on they'll freeze and can be scooped right up, and befriended with a nose boop and a few chin scritches.


Chunky and strange little guys, Tsuchinoko are nigh on the level of cryptid with how often they're seen. But, if you do manage to come across them, they're jovial little things...and maybe a little slow to react. They're great cuddlers, but some of the bigger ones might flatten you like a pancake.


Just some silly goofs. They hope you love them unconditionally.

Yuki Usagi

Fluffy little frozen balls of fur, Yuki Usagi are found all across Starfall regardless of the season. Capricious little things, they tend to freeze when seen and mimic carefully crafted mochi desserts or tiny carved figures. Although sizes range, they tend to be no bigger than what can fit in your palm.​
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Mule Account


The Wishling
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Mule Account

Open in our group!

We're looking for colorists of all skill levels, whether you're looking just to color or to edit pets to your wildest dreams. Koshin might be foxes, but are near endless with what you'd like to make with them, from cosplay of all kinds to crazy extreme edits. Additionally, you are in control of what you're willing to make for customers. If it's something uncomfortable for you, then you don't have to make it.

Make sure to take a look at the short list of requirements for each colorist level, and pick which best suits you. If you're not sure, just reach out and we can discuss what you think is best. We do also expect that you check in regularly, at least every few weeks. Communication is key. Let us know if there's something going on that's keeping you away.

Starfall is a casual space. We want everyone to have fun and enjoy their time here. That being said, we're all adults and we ask that everyone does their best to get along. If you do have a disagreement, take some time to talk it out first instead of sudden reactions. Misunderstandings happen, and we can work them out with you.​
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Mule Account

Lineart: AuguryRaven
Cert: AuguryRaven
Banners: AuguryRaven
Companion(s): AuguryRaven & ArtificialJellyfish​
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Mule Account

For those that kill the vibe.

Empty. Let's keep it that way!​
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