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✧˖°. TheWishling's Customs ✧˖°. (OPEN)


Grizzled Veteran
Username: Rano713
Slot Type:
(pokemon) OC


Edit Level: Heavy
Link to TH


Colors -
Eyes: Purple with pale sclera
Base: White-light purple-dark purple
Markings: See ref
Markings Style: Bands/stripes with a scattering of hearts
Any other specifics?: See ref


Style: Mane
Colors: See ref
Refs: See adopt above


Horns: n/a
Wings: n/a
Armor: n/a
Clothing: Beaded necklace around the neck, possibly forehead jewel?
Other: They were originally bought as a part of a pack for a sylveon + mismagius hybrid. This would be the eevee + misdreavus hybrid.
Would love for them to keep their tiny fangs and a couple of the wisp-y fire.
Would prefer WIPs, tysm <3


Grizzled Veteran
Username: Rano713
Slot Type:


Name: TBD
Edit Level: CC unedited to heavy edited


Colors -
Eyes: CC
Base: CC
Markings: CC
Markings Style: CC
Any other specifics?: I have tropophobia so please no hole clusters/exposed organs, etc


Style: CC
Colors: CC
Refs: CC


Horns: CC
Wings: CC
Armor: CC
Clothing: CC
Other: Have fun!
Would prefer no lipstick/lipstick marks on the mouth.
I do have tropophobia, so please no hole clusters or exposed organs, etc. <3



Grizzled Veteran
Username: Rano713
Slot Type:
Cosplay [Bob from Animal Crossing]


Name: Bob
Edit Level: minor/mod?


Colors -
Eyes: Yellow schlera, black pupil
Base: Light purple
Markings: Darker purple spots
Markings Style: Spots/dots
Any other specifics?: I have tropophobia so please no small hole clusters/exposed organs, etc


Style: Messy with just one smallish braid on one side.
Colors: the pink from his shirt


Horns: n/a
Wings: n/a
Armor: n/a
Clothing: Feel free to give him a tank top, shirt or a dress, would prefer it to be the same pattern/color as the blossom tee he has on in his references
Other: Have fun!
I do have tropophobia, so please no small hole clusters or exposed organs, etc. <3​


Stew Aficionado
Username: belloblossom
Slot Type:


Name: Brienne
Edit Level: Heavy


Colors -
Eyes: Dark purple or red - CC, see refs
Base: Dark grey base
Markings: White chest and stomach, black paws, dark red ears (black inside ear color) - rune/skeletal markings
Markings Style: The runes are black with a dark red, almost glowy outline. Please try to replicate the markings you see via the refs onto this conversion, but I am okay with some CC influence.
Any other specifics?: If you want to do any light to grey gradients like seems to be the case with the Kells ref, you're welcome to.


Style: Flopover white hair - see refs from Kells wolf
Colors: Grey into white, only white, or white with gray streaks - CC
Refs: See refs above


(Please make sure you provide refs or details!)
Horns: n/a
Wings: Either bat/dragon wings, as shown in the Soquili reference, with a grey base and dark red inner markings OR See Clothing
Armor: n/a
Clothing: Bone necklace - ideally some manner of skull at the center of the necklace, the other bones can be CCed to your preference, or copied from the ref given above. If you're able to give her a bag or package on her hind leg like in the ref above that's cool, it's not essential.

If the bat wings aren't aren't plausible, then I'm happy for her wings to take the form of a half shoulder cloak or capelet. Ideally it would be translucent red, so it doesn't obscure her markings from view. The specifics are up to you, but here are some reference images I pulled that helped me get an idea of it. You're totally welcome to add any extra markings, gradients or your own spin on her accessories/clothes, too, if you so choose. Ref 1, Ref 2. Ref 3

Other: Soquili Cert. Kells Cert


Stew Aficionado
Username: belloblossom
Slot Type:


Name: Florizel
Edit Level: Heavy


Colors -
Eyes: Pale, icy blue
Base: Periwinkle blue
Markings: Cloudy white markings on his paws, dark blue, spacy markings on his face/throat, chest and stomach, intermingled/alternating spots around his neck, chest and tail with periwinkle blue and dark spacy spots, pale blue/ pale sea green and bronze patches on his back (the scales could be colors or you could have them be actual scales?? totally up to you and okay either way) CC
Markings Style Mostly CC - I would like to keep the general vibe of the appearance, and the cloudy style of the white markings on the paws would be nice too.
Any other specifics?: Nope - CC and have fun


Style: Floppy, shaggy. Hair/mane/fur? Goes from the top of his head down his neck, back and to the beginning of his tail (see ref above for length)
Colors: For head fur/hairstyle, bright periwinkle purple with gold tips. Gradient in the middle of his back that turns into yellow
Refs: See ref above.


(Please make sure you provide refs or details!)
Horns: A twisted off-gold branching horn with an orb in its center, that looks much like a small version of the earth. See ref above for more detail. You can CC and change this around, so long as it's identifiable. If the orb isn't included in the horn, please put it as an accessory somewhere else on this character, whether as an earring, necklace, etc.
Wings: n/a
Armor: If you didn't want to make his scales actual scales on him, I'm happy for them to be scale-like armor that he wears instead - I've found some references of scale/chainmail that I'll link to give a general idea of what I've been imagining. Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3
Clothing: n/a
Other: Cert for proof of ownership


signed an NDA
Staff member
Slot Type:


Name: Madelyn
Edit Level: Minor/Mod edited (you can go heavy if you want to give her a new tail, I will adjust payment accordingly)

Cert- My old username. I can link to her journal to prove she's mine if you need.


Colors -
Eyes: I'd love a change in eye color! CC in what you choose c:
Base: White!
Markings: Can adjust, but I know for sure I'd like that dark blue chest to not be that color. I'm not sure what to replace it with or recolor with, as I'm leaving her very CC, but something that matches the rest of her more. I'd love to keep rainbow pastel splotches going throughout her design, but they can be adjusted to be more spotted, paint splatters, or whatever is honestly cute.

The second biggest change I for sure want is the back and shoulder marking matching more her tail marking (how the line is broken up in the spike and it's more bubbly). Same with the stripes on her ears.

You're free to add markings and tinker! I'd just very much would like to keep her rainbow theme.
Markings Style: CC!
Any other specifics?: I'd like her adjusted and given a glow-up, with a ton of room for you to tinker with what that means. Gradients can be added, markings added, things redone/cleaned, etc etc. She's an old baby with a mate coming back to life here sometime and I'd love for her to get some love and grow as a design.

I'd like her on the Yako breed base, in the dark purple pose. Either the standard Yako large tail 3, or a CC edited one. Standard ears without the fluff (or you can make unique ears, up to whatever inspires)!. For expression, something softer and smiling over her original shop design.

Please no chopstick collar! She does not need anything to replace the collar, but if you want to add something you can!


Style: I'd LOVE hair. CC what kind! She's a painter who is more subdued in nature and likes cutesy styles, if that helps with ideas!
Colors: Likely white, like her base, but def open for tinkering (maybe subtle rainbow additions would be cute).
Refs: CC



Horns: N/A
Wings: N/A
Armor: N/A
Clothing: N/A
Other: She has a ton of wiggle room, so pls feel free to do what inspires and is fun!
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Stew Aficionado
Username: Natty-chan

Slot Type: Conversion and OC


Name: Abaddon

Edit Level: Maybe Heavy? (I’m not good at determining


←Never got it certed.

←Leg scales are optional

Audio cert | Everchange cert | Soquili cert | Jokoa cert

Let me know if you’d rather have the official links for the certs, I’ll get those instead, though some will have the photobucket watermark on them.


Colors -

Eyes: Glowing red

Base: Black with white muzzle, underbelly, front legs from his elbows down and back legs from his knees down.

Markings: From face to base of tail, leopard spots. Tiger stripes down tail. Colors is a rainbow gradient down the body, starting at red on the tip of nose.

Markings Style: No? (I don’t understand what this is supposed to mean)

Any other specifics?: N/A



Style: Super long that gathers on the floor, has a single braid that drapes from the bangs and to the rest of the hair.

Colors: Black




(Please make sure you provide refs or details!)

Horns: Two curved horns that are a pastel rainbow gradient.

Wings: Feathered wings that are black with rainbow gradient long feathers. (Better to look at refs for this)

Armor: N/A

Clothing: -Gold cuffs on front legs, that has a bell attached to it by a chain.

-A red ribbon around his body and tail that is attached to a gold pendant with a ruby in the center.

-Multiple piercings in both ears. (See Audio ref)

Other: A super long fluffy tail.

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signed an NDA
Staff member
Username: Nym
Slot Type:


Name: TBD
Edit Level: I'd love some sort of edits, but up to you!


Colors -
Eyes: CC
Base: CC
Markings: CC
Markings Style: CC
Any other specifics?: CC


Style: CC
Colors: CC
Refs: CC


Have fun! I'm really feeling the palette + stormy vibes, but pls feel free to add/remove colors, tinker, and play!​
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Long-Term Resident
Username: AuguryRaven
Slot Type:


Name: AuguryRaven
Edit Level: CC
References: Nada, go ham. Any colors you wanna do.


Colors -
Eyes: CC
Base: CC
Markings: CC
Markings Style: CC
Any other specifics?: CC


Style: CC
Colors: CC
Refs: CC


(Please make sure you provide refs or details!)
Horns: CC
Wings: CC
Armor: CC
Clothing: CC
Other: Run wild my friend. Make whatever comes to mind, or a thing you wanna try making.


Stew Aficionado
Username: Natty-chan
Slot Type: Cosplay


Name: Arataki Itto
Edit Level: Cosplay

Link because posting as an image doesn't work


Colors -
Eyes: Smug template | (Red) Orange with diamond shaped pupils
Base: Colorings like a leucistic fox

Markings: Red oni markings
Markings Style: See refs
Any other specifics?: Curl tail template


Style: Wild, lower back length hair
Colors: White with red tips


Horns: Medium horns template | Red
Wings: N/A
Armor: N/A
Clothing: Best to look at refs, I wouldn’t be able to describe them.
Other: Two onikabuto on him somewhere. One, the typical purple and one like this
Can I get an alt with his club, and another alt with his weapon
Otherwise, have fun. Feel free to take away or add from this to make things work
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Long-Term Resident
Username: ArrowAnubis
Slot Type:


Name: Argenti
Edit Level: Heavy/Cosplay


Colors -
Eyes: Green
Base: He pale
Markings: He's covered in armor
Markings Style: Seeing any flash of skin would cause a riot
Any other specifics?: N/A


Style: Long and majestic, he's got layers
Colors: Bright red with like. One pale spot on his bangs
Refs: See elsewhere


(Please make sure you provide refs or details!)
Horns: N/A
Wings: N/A
Armor: He's literally covered in it
Clothing: There is some cloth under that armor
Other: He's got a gold piercing -- somewhere under that hair
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Grizzled Veteran
Username: ArtificialJellyfish
Slot Type:


Name: TBD
Edit Level: CC



Grizzled Veteran
Username: StarshineAngel
Slot Type:


Name: Aurora
Edit Level: Minor to Moderate
References: just the hair


Colors -
Eyes: purple
Base: dark blue
Markings: northern lights
Markings Style: n/a
Any other specifics?: n/a


Style: see ref
Colors: see ref


(Please make sure you provide refs or details!)
Horns: n/a
Wings: see ref
Armor: n/a
Clothing: n/a
Other: nope, have fun and it will be BS credits
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Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
Username: Bouquet of Diamonds
Slot Type: Conversion/OC


Name: Seth Lyndburger
Edit Level: Heavy


Colors -
Eyes: See refs
Base: CC
Markings: See refs
Markings Style: See refs
Any other specifics?:
Eye shape: Upturned, no lashes
Tail length: Long
Ears: Fluffy fox
Would love him to have a waffle shaped charm chomped in his mouth, if possible!


Style: See refs
Colors: See refs
Refs: See refs


(Please make sure you provide refs or details!)
Horns: N/A
Wings: N/A
Armor: N/A
Clothing: See refs! You may fiddle as you'd like!
Paying 1,000 creds!
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Stew Aficionado
Username: PeterPan_da144
Slot Type:


Name: Lover's Demise
Edit Level: Moderate to Heavy
References: Cert

Alternates offered in spoiler


Colors -
Eyes: See ref - do not need to be glowing
Base: CC
Markings: See ref
Markings Style: See ref
Any other specifics?:


Style: See ref
Colors: See ref


Horns: None
Wings: None
Armor: None
Clothing: I would LOVE to keep the trinkets and baubles on her, but I do understand that's a LOT of jewelry, so I'm not expecting every piece to remain :)
Other: I actually don't really want/need the uh... Neck thing? I don't even know what to call it, but the amorphous looking blob around the neck/behind the head xD I can always point it out if you decide to take this. Also, the ear frills are not required to keep either!


Stew Aficionado
Username: belloblossom
Slot Type:


Name: TBD
Edit Level: Unedited to Heavy - CC
References: CC


Colors -
Eyes: CC
Base: CC
Markings: CC
Markings Style: CC
Any other specifics?: CC


Style: CC
Colors: CC
Refs: CC


(Please make sure you provide refs or details!)
Horns: CC
Wings: CC
Armor: CC
Clothing: CC
Other: CC


Grizzled Veteran
Username: DavyJnah
Slot Type:


Edit Level: CC
References: N/A


Colors -
Eyes: CC
Base: CC
Markings: CC
Markings Style: CC
Any other specifics?: Phobias/Dislikes: Trypophobia, multiple eyes inside eyes, overly creepy dolls/clowns


Style: CC
Colors: CC
Refs: CC


(Please make sure you provide refs or details!)
Horns: CC
Wings: CC
Armor: CC
Clothing: CC
Other: CC


Grizzled Veteran
Slot Type:


Name: Reoakee
Edit Level: CC
(you don't have to follow anything about this pony it's just a image to help inspire you. just have fun)


Colors -
Base: CC
Markings: CC
Markings Style: CC
Any other specifics?: CC


Style: CC
Colors: CC
Refs: CC


(Please make sure you provide refs or details!)
Horns: CC
Wings: CC
Clothing: CC
Other: CC