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⭒ ☆ ☆ ⭒ Darts on the Boardwalk ⭒ ☆ ☆ ⭒


Station Visitor
Mule Account

Unedited Owlon by Tig
Unedited Snapdragon by Tig | Unedited Snapdragon by Sami

What's a nicer summer image than going to a fun faire or heading down to a lightly crowded boardwalk near the seaside? Deliciously deep-fried treats, jaunty music piping through the air, and definitely-not-rigged games to drain your pockets and ... maybe, if you're lucky, give you a cheap toy to treasure and bring home.

Well, we can't give you the food, or the music, or the frustration of trying to squeeze through a crowd going every direction at once, but we can definitely give you an absolutely-not-in-any-way-rigged carnival game, and to make up for everything else, maybe some slightly better than cheap toy quality prizes to take home.

On that note... how do you like darts?

How to Play
  • You get six darts.
  • You throw one dart per post.
  • Roll 1d100 and 1d4.
  • Note: you don't need to look at the graphic if it's difficult to follow; the chart below gives all the information!
  • The first number is what ring you hit, following the written chart.
  • The second number is which spot on that ring you hit. This is how many points you get for that dart.
  • Throw all your darts, recording your total score.
  • Post the form with your final score.
  • If you manage to hit a bullseye, you win a prize immediately!
  • You can only win one prize.
  • Otherwise, the highest scoring players will win at the end of the game.

Opens: Immediately
Ends: Friday, Sept. 13th @ 11:59PM Central Time
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Station Visitor
Mule Account

Ring Hit (1d100):
1-60: 1 | 61-80: 2 | 81-95: 3 | 96-99: 4
100: See Bullseye Below

Points Scored (1d4):
Ring 1:
10 | 2: 10 | 3: 10 | 4: 10
Ring 2:
20 | 2: 30 | 3: 20 | 4: 30
Ring 3:
1: 40 | 2: 50 | 3: 40 | 4: 50
Ring 4:

If you roll 100, roll another 1d100. If you roll 100 again, you get a bullseye and you immediately win! Otherwise you actually missed the shot, and you get no points for this dart. Whoopsie!​
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Station Visitor
Mule Account
Post After Darts
[CENTER][SIZE=24px][B][U]My Score Is:[/U][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[B]Dart 1[/B]: link
[B]Dart 2[/B]: link
[B]Dart 3[/B]: link
[B]Dart 4[/B]: link
[B]Dart 5[/B]: link
[B]Dart 6[/B]: link

[B]Total[/B]: sum all
[B]Preferences[/B]: Tig Owlon, Tig Snap, Sami Snap
Magic Bullseye
[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=60px][COLOR=rgb(85, 209, 121)][I]B[/I][/COLOR][I][COLOR=rgb(12, 216, 173)]U[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(83, 180, 231)]L[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(128, 145, 249)]L[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(190, 157, 251)]S[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(139, 88, 183)]E[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(254, 139, 239)]Y[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(247, 110, 210)]E[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(253, 114, 144)]![/COLOR] [COLOR=rgb(255, 73, 86)]I[/COLOR] [COLOR=rgb(255, 158, 139)]W[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 235, 142)]I[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(253, 212, 24)]N[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(85, 209, 121)]![/COLOR][/I][COLOR=rgb(12, 216, 173)][I]![/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B]
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