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⭒ ☆ ☆ ⭒ Tropical Storm Warning ⭒ ☆ ☆ ⭒ (Entries closed, game running)


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Unedited Snapdragons by Andraia

Summer time is storm time in some regions, and that means potential danger time, too! We're not dealing with anything quite so serious here, today, though; instead, these two twins have thought up a fun game themed around raging maritime storms! These little cyclones need someone to play-test it though, and that's where you come in. You come and play with them and maybe, if you're lucky, you'll get to take one of them home!

The goal of the game is simple: you've got a ship (your game piece) on the ocean (that's the board), and you've got to try and avoid the raging storm. Each turn, the storm will get bigger; you'll get to move your piece, but the storm will move around, too! The goal is to be the last ship still sailing by the time the storm takes over the whole sea, but watch out - all that debris and rough water means obstacles might pop up over time too... so plan carefully!

How To Play
  • Rules appearing in green are an explanation of what's going to happen, but you do not have to memorize/immediately understand them in order to play! These are the rules the game master will be following!
  • Pick a starting location on the board. You may not pick the same location as another player.
  • Each round, you may move your ship one square in any direction after the environmental effects, as long as your ship is still intact.
  • The storm will appear in a random location on the first round. If it appears on a player's location, that player will be moved in a random direction to allow them a chance to play.
  • The storm will grow either orthogonally (up/down, left/right) or diagonally each round after the first, not both. It will grow one square in all directions of the chosen type. After both a diagonal and orthagonal growth, any inner cells around the perimeter will be filled in on the next turn if the storm would form a square
  • The entire storm will move one square each round after the first in a random (1-8) direction. 1 = N, 2 = NE, 3 = E, 4 = SE, 5 = S, 6 = SW, 7 = W, 8 = NW.
  • Any ships caught in the storm after both the growth and movement will be destroyed and removed from play.
  • A random (1-6) number of debris will pop up each round. One wave will appear each round.
  • You may not move into debris that has popped up. If it pops up in your square, it will push you in a random direction.
  • Waves will move one square each round, and they will push any ships they move into away from them if they make contact. If a wave appears in your square, it will push you in the direction it's facing.
  • All actions will be written out / explained so you can understand what's happening!
  • Each round will last a minimum of 24 hours, and we'll ping on Discord when it updates.
  • The last player alive will get their choice of snapdragon.
  • The second-to-last player alive will get the remaining snapdragon.
  • All participants who played at least one round will get a chance at winning a piece for participating.

Opens: Immediately || Ends: When a winner is determined
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late to the party
Staff member
Picking E8
Picking C4
Picking G6
Picking H10 please!
Picking I12 please
A10 please
B13 please
E14 please~
B2 please!
The storm has formed in G12!

A wave formed on Nym facing SE. (Nym cannot be pushed SE, so she is pushed E instead.)

Debris appeared at D12 and E1.

Please pick a square to move to! You can pick any square around the one you are currently on. You CANNOT stay in place, you must move to a new square. You CANNOT move into debris or an active wave square.
