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⭒ ☆ Hiring Thread ☆ ⭒


Station Visitor
Mule Account
This is the thread you'll post your samples for hiring! Just post the form below and we'll contact you if we're interested in seeing more.


Station Visitor
Mule Account
[b]What should we call you?:[/b] What name do you like to go by?
[b]What pronouns should we use?:[/b] We want to refer to you properly!

[b]Do you want to do edited or only unedited?:[/b] We'll want samples for both!
[b]Do you want to do daydreams (breedings)?:[/b] We'll want samples here too!
[b]Are you interested in RLC?:[/b] Doesn't affect hiring, but does affect onboarding information if hired!

[b]Are you familiar with FTP usage?:[/b] Doesn't affect hiring, but will be a necessary skill!
[b]Can you use PSD files?:[/b] We only have our files in PSD format! If you have a way to convert them to a usable format for yourself, then that is a "yes," just know the shop can't provide that.

[b]Samples:[/b] Please give us some examples from other shops you've worked in or other art you've done!


Stew Aficionado
What should we call you?: Sami <3
What pronouns should we use?: She/They

Do you want to do edited or only unedited?: Currently I'm only interested in unedited ;u; or using templates (I think some shops consider that unedited, others consider edited?) - basically I'm not overly comfortable making up my own edits right now
Do you want to do daydreams (breedings)?: It makes me super anxious to say yes, but I will definitely try
Are you interested in RLC?: Yes, though it won't be my main form of shop work ^^

Are you familiar with FTP usage?: Since I am... Uncertain what that means, I'm going with no - but I am a QUICK learner :3 -hack cough- YES, YES I DO
Can you use PSD files?: Yes!!!!

Samples: As of right now, I haven't been hired as a colorist in any shops formally, so all of these are NON CANON / NON OFFICIAL things from shops.

All of these were made using free to use bases. I can dig around for the link to them on DA if necessary ^^ a majority were also just gifted to friends :)



Stew Aficionado
What should we call you?: Zakiax/Zak
What pronouns should we use?: She/They

Do you want to do edited or only unedited?: Unedited
Do you want to do daydreams (breedings)?: Sure
Are you interested in RLC?: Doesn't matter to me

Are you familiar with FTP usage?: Yes
Can you use PSD files?: Yes

Here's some samples of some shops i currently work at

Dragon Realms (Owner)

These two are breeding kids: Parents(Which I also did) Parent 1 x Parent 2

Kitsu (Part time/guest colorist mostly do clerical/lore here)

Dungeons and Dice (Mostly familiar and mount colorist, occisonally do characters when needed for events and other trinkets/weapons)



Grizzled Veteran
What should we call you?: Tigeria
What pronouns should we use?: She/They

Do you want to do edited or only unedited?: Edited
Do you want to do daydreams (breedings)?: YESSS
Are you interested in RLC?: eh sure?, not a main focus that is for sure.

Are you familiar with FTP usage?: I should hope so, Yes
Can you use PSD files?: Yes,

-Everchange- (though you have seen all of them here are a few highlights.)


Parent 1 x Parent 2 x Parent 3

Parent 1 x Parent 2
-Tea Kettle- (I can provide more if needed)



Grizzled Veteran
What should we call you?: Jelly
What pronouns should we use?: She/They

Do you want to do edited or only unedited?: Edited mostly!
Do you want to do daydreams (breedings)?: Yep!
Are you interested in RLC?: Yes, but it’s not my priority by any means! owo/

Are you familiar with FTP usage?: If you mean the thing that EC and Starfall uses for image drops, then yes XD
Can you use PSD files?: Yep!

Starfall samples (Owner)

TLN (formerly a colorist) (also apologies for the PB watermark on some of them - had to pull from the shop’s PB. I own the ones w/o it)

MotG (colorist)


Grizzled Veteran
What should we call you?: Reoakee
What pronouns should we use?: She/They

Do you want to do edited or only unedited?: I can do small edits but i'm not confident in large edits
Do you want to do daydreams (breedings)?: I can attempt but i'd take light ones.
Are you interested in RLC?: no. that seems like a lot of pressure and i am not ready for that.

Are you familiar with FTP usage?: FTP. nope but I have confidence Poli can stupid proof it for me.
Can you use PSD files?: Yes I color on CPS

Samples: Please give us some examples from other shops you've worked in or other art you've done!

Kitsu I have colored here for the new site they have.

Starfall - I am a guest colorist

and they have color twins quite a few. but here is one

Pet conversion I colored the modifox also.



I also do some doodling

I am a guest colorist at Starfall, I do some kitsu from time to time for Kitusagi, I still do some coloring for modifoxes though the shop is mostly quite at this time.


Grizzled Veteran
What should we call you?: Hoe Chex, Cheza, Cheez-Its, anything with a 'Ch' sound I'll probably perk my ears to.
What pronouns should we use?: Any is fine, I'm not particular. 83

Do you want to do edited or only unedited?: Edited. >8U
Do you want to do daydreams (breedings)?: Definitely in the 'I can try' category but not a main focus. >>;
Are you interested in RLC?: Absolutely, it'd be fun. 8D

Are you familiar with FTP usage?: Yes. 8U
Can you use PSD files?: Yes! 8D

Samples: Please give us some examples from other shops you've worked in or other art you've done!

Last edited:


Grizzled Veteran
What should we call you?: Lux/Luxy/HEY YO
What pronouns should we use?: she/they/idc anymore XD

Do you want to do edited or only unedited?: Edit!
Do you want to do daydreams (breedings)?: Mmmmaybe? When I have the spoons!
Are you interested in RLC?: Possibly!!

Are you familiar with FTP usage?: apparently yes XD
Can you use PSD files?: man i'd hope so lmao yes

Samples: Please give us some examples from other shops you've worked in or other art you've done!

+ a bunch of ponies but y'all know that XD


What should we call you?: Andraia
What pronouns should we use?: They/Them or She/Her

Do you want to do edited or only unedited?: I'd like to try but I don't know that my ability matches the level of your templates!
Do you want to do daydreams (breedings)?: NGL this is mostly what I want to do, haha.
Are you interested in RLC?: I suppose I'm not not interested? (Mostly I'm just uncomfortable doing work for a shop where some people are allowed to do it and some people aren't. I've had some bad experiences with people profiting off work I've done as a volunteer. However, getting paid for art is sometimes anxiety causing, and running giveaway games is my first love so...)

Are you familiar with FTP usage?: Yes, but I will probably need a refresher.
Can you use PSD files?: Si!

Samples: Here, have some rats, cause that's really the only relevant samples I have...
Normal Examples

Edited Examples

Edit & Growing Examples

Breeding Example
(Using the Snapdragon examples as the "parents")

Bonus Non-Rats


Grizzled Veteran
What should we call you?: kovak
What pronouns should we use?: she/her

Do you want to do edited or only unedited?: i'm okay with either or!
Do you want to do daydreams (breedings)?: i'll be down!
Are you interested in RLC?: yes, but not a priority at the moment!

Are you familiar with FTP usage?: yes
Can you use PSD files?:yes


cats of the sun


Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
What should we call you?: Bo
What pronouns should we use?: She/They! (Either works; I tend to use they to refer to myself, though)

Do you want to do edited or only unedited?: Unedited!
Do you want to do daydreams (breedings)?: Sure, but only unedited!
Are you interested in RLC?: Sure, but it isn't a priority!

Are you familiar with FTP usage?: I don't know what that acronym stands for, but I can learn! 8'D
Can you use PSD files?: Yes!

Samples: Please give us some examples from other shops you've worked in or other art you've done!

Note: I have another hiring form in EC right now with companion hiring samples, but I'm not going to cross-post them here as samples because they aren't official. Feel free to go there and look if you're interested!


Station Visitor
What should we call you?: Kai
What pronouns should we use?: They/them

Do you want to do edited or only unedited?: Both but I might like to run edits by you to check style consistency.
Do you want to do daydreams (breedings)?: heck yeah
Are you interested in RLC?: Depends - I don't have PP only Kofi.

Are you familiar with FTP usage?: Moderately.
Can you use PSD files?: yes. :3c

Samples: Please give us some examples from other shops you've worked in or other art you've done!
I have worked for you before. ;)
More seriously most of my recent art is here!